Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Sunday 30 November 2008

    How do they know?

    Having had a fruitless search yesterday, decided to try again. Started at G33 (near the whale's mouth) and did a complete circuit of the Camp without any luck. Returning to the start found them all at about H30!! They were close together, lively and moving quite quickly with occasional stops to graze.

    Saturday 29 November 2008

    All present and correct

    I must have passed Bob in the fog in the whale tail and would have been equally unlucky had I not received a tip-off from a dog walker on the track to Caesar's Camp and gone south into Long Bottom where I bumped into them at O22. They were not grazing but moving quickly, first east along the track and then north up the bank before turning back west. I was able to skirt round and get ahead of them and stand so that they they moved closely past me. They all seemed well if a little skittish. I believe all 36 were there but I couldn't be certain.
    Saturday 9.45, no luck finding them today, with fog reducing visibility down to less than 100mtrs in places. I searched from the beacon hill gate, in the woods at the whale tail, along the track to Caesars camp and down to Bourly road with no success. with the fog so thick at the top you would have had to bump into one of the cows to find it. I did notice that the mineral buckets in the woods are nearly empty.

    Wednesday 26 November 2008

    All seen in S4

    They're not moving very much are they! Makes them easier to find (if you haven't got the luxury of a radio tracker...).
    I saw them at about 11am, following a visit to fix a fence. It appears that a car managed to get onto the old bike track at Sandy Hill and bust through the fence. Luckily the car just pushed off the wire, rather than knock posts out. It appears that the car went under the stockmesh as the barbed wire and the top of the stock mesh were intact! Ivan reported an abandoned car on site on Monday, so this may have been how it got on.

    Wednesday 9.15, a quick find this morning, they were all at T6ish, in the whale tail, all were quietly grazing with a few taking an inquisitive interest in me, they all seemed o/k

    Tuesday 25 November 2008

    3.15pm. Still on Caesar's Camp

    Saw all 36 cattle this PM in squares L19 & L20.

    Full count

    Tuesday 9.20, i managed a full count today, they were all grazing in the field at L18 , west of Caesars camp, they looked to be in good condition and calm.

    Monday 24 November 2008

    All seen this morning

    Ivan Whatley saw all 36 this morning near Beacon Hill Road Entrance.

    Sunday 23 November 2008

    All's calm

    Saw all 36 (hope that's the right number!!) at T6 at about 4pm. They were all together in quite a close group, many were grazing quite happily. They still seemed slightly skittish but the motorcycles had all gone.

    All amidst the motorcycles

    We saw all 33 at about 12.45 - 1.00pm in R6/7 moving in a NW direction. They were crossing the motorcycle route and were a bit frisky, understandably. They were moving quite swiftly and are unlikely to be there now but are probably in the whale tail.

    Helpfully they were walking in single file which made counting the easiest so far!

    Saturday 22 November 2008

    I must have walked past them

    After reading Richard's Friday post I walked out to Caesar's Camp for a scan with the binoculars and back along Long Bottom. Visibility from the Camp was great with the Wheel, PO Tower Gherkin and Wembley Arch all clear, but no cows. I spoke with the bikers laying out the course for the Motorcycle Trials who said they had seen them around 0730 but couldn't remember where. Walked through the north part of the woods on my way back to the car (getting plenty of dung on my boots) then got home to read Bob's post!

    All in the woods

    Saturday 9.45, i managed to find them all this morning. they were in the woods at roughly s4 in the whale tail. most were lying down amongst the trees not doing much and quite calm, and some were up licking from the buckets. a much better sight than Thursdays.

    Friday 21 November 2008

    No sign today

    Had a good search of the Whale Tail today and no sign of any cattle. Also checked Long Bottom, the path beside Sandy Hills and Caesar's Camp to the Horse Pond. I think they are hiding in the trees again.

    Motorcycle trials at caesars Camp this weekend


    This is to give you a heads up that Claire from the MoD called to say there is motorcycle trial event taking place on B6 (Caesars Camp) this weekend. I have asked her to tell the organisers that they are a new herd and to be gentle with them!


    Wednesday 19 November 2008

    Still looking happy

    Saw all 36 cattle in the area of R6 at 3pm today. Either grazing or chewing the cud. Alert but didn't run away.

    never a dull moment

    Wednesday 16.00, I found the cattle running North down the track at S6 on the map, when they got to the track they turned right toward Caesars camp area still running which i thought a bit odd, so i kept my distance and watched as they ran down the track, there was no way of counting them or checking them over but it did seem like they were all together. As they ran along the track a dog came from nowhere chasing the cattle but not attacking them. It was a large dog and quite intimidating, but as quick as it appeared it turned and ran off with the cattle dispersed in the woods at L21. I did look for an owner but there was nobody about but the army. I phoned Hampshire police and got an incident number from them.

    Tuesday 18 November 2008

    Herd looking Happy

    Mike Morton and I were out checking all the Grazing Project fences today. Found all 36 cattle together, on the Whale Tail at 10.30 am. They seemed to have settled in well and look more confident now they are a larger herd. A kissing gate on Sandy Hill ( the one with the RADAR key, at S20) had been pulled outside the cage and the new sign smashed but that was the only damage over the whole perimeter. We put the damaged side rail back on the cattle grid at B30 and tied it on with wire. Without the side rails they might be able to get around the side of the grid.

    Nervous cattle

    Tuesday 15.30, I managed to find most of the herd at roughly r5 near the woods, but counting them was impossible as every time I got to within 50ft of them they just ran off. I tried twice to get close enough to count them but they seemed very nervous so I thought it would be best to let them be and not stress them.

    Monday 17 November 2008

    All 36 found on Sunday

    I went on a cow hunt at Caesar's Camp yesterday after a hard days work of cutting down small birch and pine trees on Velmead Common with the Fleet Reserves team. The rain started coming down so we made a executive decision to have a slightly early finish, and I went off to caesars to see the new herd. They were in S8 (i think), I climbed one of the hillocks and had 3 goes at counting them. I counted 34, then 35, then 36! I think that means that they were all together, but I may have counted one twice? collar and horns both present.

    what a lovely sight to see them all grazing and moving as a herd together.

    What lovely pictures and blogs

    Hello all,

    It is soooo nice to see the fact that you are all getting out again and lookering the animals which such enthusiasm and interest. I love the pictures and the fact that two of the cows now have names ( Horns and Collar) Good luck naming the rest!

    On late Saturday I had a message from the grazier to inform me that after trying to take 33 cows onto the site he only actually managed to load 31 cows which he did still put on on Friday afternoon.

    This therefore means that there are only 36 cattle on site not 38 as previously blogged so in fact you have been finding them all more or less every day and it appears as they they are happy to all herd together at present so long may that last.

    Keep up the great work and stay enthusiastic!


    Sunday 16 November 2008

    Probably all of them

    TOC and TH walked to the tip of the Whale Tail (S6) this morning and at about 10am counted at least 34 cattle in the trees - including 'Horns' and 'Collar'. Assume they are all back together.

    TH has discovered the joy of rolling in fresh cow pat.

    Saturday 15 November 2008

    28...we think!

    We have just been out with the Truffle Hound and a friend and seen 28 cattle (perhaps) at O17ish. They were calm and interested in us but not unsettled. Another Looker was there with her springer and we were all able to get close without any apparent distress caused. The one with the collar and the one with horns were in the group. This was at about 4.15 - 4.30; we did not see the others but did not go up into the whale tail because of the failing light.

    Lovely to see them!
    like steve, i thought it would be easy to find them today. i started at the beacon hill gate and found 7 in the whale tail at t6 they seemed content if a little nervous, i rode my bike over to caesars camp with no luck, but did report some motor cross riders to the mod police. on my way back over to beacon hill i did a little detour near to sandy hills and found 28 walking out of the woods, they all seemed fine and were slowly walking east, towards caesars camp.

    All together now...

    OK, so where do you hide 38 cows? Answer, under your nose. I parked at the Beacon Hill Gate this morning on the assumption that they would have not wandered far but found myself searching out to Caesar's Camp and back along Long Bottom before spotting them coming out of the pine woods at S5 just yards from my car. They were grazing happily but constantly on the move and curious enough to head in my direction when they spotted me.

    I counted 38 on one count but only managed a maximum of 36 on other attempts. I did spot the cow with the collar and the one with the horns so the 5 and the 33 have formed up into a single herd.

    Friday 14 November 2008

    5 seen in Long Bottom

    After a thorough search of the Whale Tail I finally found the 5 cattle grazing in Long Bottom (O 24). They still seem nervous and started to move off when I was at least 100m away. Hopefully the bigger group will calm them down a bit!

    More Cattle onto Caesars Camp

    Hello everyone.

    Having closely monitored the cattle that managed to stay on site, I am pleased to announce that we and the grazier are now happy to go ahead and increase the numbers to roughly their original number.

    Therefore this afternoon the grazier is going to be re-introducing another 33 cows onto the site via the Beacon Hill Road entrance. This means there will be 38 cattle in total. They will all be Hereford and Aberdeen Angus Cross and hopefully will stay on the site all through the winter.

    Our assumption is that they will wander all over the site as a herd to begin with but will generally stay in the 'tail of the whale' for the first few weeks as it is much quieter at this end of the site. This is the end of the site nearest to Beacon Hill Road.

    Hopefully this will make your lookering a lot more fruitful and rewarding and will finally bring closure to the problems experienced on site this summer.

    As always if you have any problems or questions please call us on 01256 381190 where you can get all of our mobile numbers in the case of emergencies. Please remember to leave a message and the member of staff on call will get back to you ASAP.


    Thursday 13 November 2008

    Well, our first blog and nothing to report! Truffle Hound and I parked up at the Total garage to do a new walk route, hoping to catch sight of the 'elusive 5'. Walked the whale tail thoroughly and saw nothing, even in the woods in the area of S6. Clearly we can't remember what cattle look like. We were there 2.30 to 3pm and did see a green woodpecker.

    Will continue with our regular daily walk in the pelvic fin area (except whales, as mammals, don't have pelvic fins) which remains resolutely a bovine free zone.


    In the woods

    Elliott has just checked all 5, in the woods at S6. They look fine.

    Wednesday 12 November 2008

    cows are hiding again

    Wednesday 12.00, I thought I would start my search again at the beacon hill end, I looked all the way over to the main road to Farnham and over to Caesars camp via sandy hill but had no luck today. any chance of those cow bells?

    Tuesday 11 November 2008

    Site check

    Hello everyone,

    Today I was down to visit all of the sites with our new Conservation Trainee, Lisa Ferguson. Lisa has taken over from Oliver Hine and will be working with us closely for the next year. I am sure you will see if not hear from lisa in the coming months.

    Having read Richards blog and seeing that they were in T7 area we started our lookering efforts there and found the cattle within 10 minutes. (Thanks Richard) They all came over to our truck probably because they thought we have food but were soon very dissapointed. They all looked healthy and happy, albeit a little bit jumpy. Nice to see all five of them together and sorry for all those of you who are yet to see them. It may be that just like last time they spend the majority of their time in the 'tail of the whale' or in columns 1 -14. My suggestion would be to start lookering their.

    Good luck and happy lookering


    Full house!

    Tuesday 11.45 after reading Richard's blog I thought I would start my search at the beacon hill gate side. and after a short bike ride i found all 5 happily eating grass near the area Richard had seen them at block 7T. At first they were a little nervous of me and after a minute they continued with grazing.They looked to be in good condition.

    Monday 10 November 2008

    At Western End of Site

    Have just spotted the five cattle grazing together as I drove along the A287. They were in square T7 (approximately).

    Sunday 9 November 2008

    Where are they?

    Have just spent 3 hours looking and no sign. Started near the Royal Pavilion. Walked the fence line west to Beacon Hill Rd and then back past Sandy Hills to P28. They must be deep in some woodland. No sign of any fence damage.

    Saturday 8 November 2008

    ...and none for me either.

    Have just returned from the same fruitless search as Bob. Began my search at C27 and trekked over Caesar's Camp to Beacon Hill , returning down the fence line along Bourley Road. Not a glimpse of a cow. No doubt they had more sense and were sheltering from the rain in woods somewhere!

    No luck today

    Saturday 9.00, wet and windy. following on from the previous log i decided to start my search at the bourley road side at f17 on the map. I followed the tracks down to the old ranges and then up the main track to Caesars camp then over to beacon hill, and i did not get a glimpse of a cow. Is there any chance of fitting a cow bell to some of them?

    Friday 7 November 2008

    Five reunited!

    I found all five togther (two red and white, two black and white and one black) in the woods alongside Bourley Road at lunchtime today. They immediately ran off into the woods as soon as I approached. I followed them with some grass nuts, put the bucket down and that pursuaded them to hang around long enough for me to get a good look at them. They all seemed well. They are exceedingly wary and swift on their feet. Very difficult to keep up with them without chasing them away!

    I'm on duty this weekend and have the radio tracker if there are any probs. My mobile is 07786 678 604

    Thursday 6 November 2008

    Still looking for lost trio

    The pair of cattle with the radio collar were in the same place again today (R3). They had hardly moved in 24 hours. They looked a bit lacklustre but I'm sure they are fine.

    Checking the fence on Sandy Hill (it was intact by the way), a dog walker mentioned that he had seen them on the north part of the site in woodland. After checking the Pavillion Hill (C29)part of the site for 4 hours on foot, I'd found lots of hoof-prints and dung but not the elusive missing cattle. It looks like a likely spot as there is some decent grass in the area but the trail and the dung was cold.

    If anyone has a sighting of cattle without a radio collar, please phone Mike Morton (07770918372), Rachel (07786678604) or the office (01256 381190) because we haven't checked them for several days now.

    Thanks, Dave

    Wednesday 5 November 2008

    Elliott is off on annual leave this week so if you have any queries call the office or my mobile direct on 07786 678604

    Dave is going to see if he can find the non collared group of three tomorrow and I'll be out on Friday before being on call duty over the weekend.

    Hope they join up into one herd to make checking easier!
    Managed to locate two cattle this morning using the radio tracking equipment. Found the one red and white (with collar) and a black, lying down in pine wood, south of the Beacon Hill entrance at R3. Both were chewing cud and looked healthy, and got up rather stiffly, probably due to a long lie down. I drove most of the site and asked passers by, but no trace found of the other three.

    Checked the fence from L30 to F34 and found it undamaged and stockproof.

    Needle in a haystack

    Wednesday 10.00, i managed to find 2 of the cattle,one with the radio transmitter, at the gate near beacon hill, they were looking a bit nervous, standing but not doing much, when i returned to the area after looking for the others (with no luck) the 2 had walked off into the woods and as i approached them the went deeper into the trees.

    Tuesday 4 November 2008

    Tuesday 10.30. did not find any this morning but met up with mike who had the radio receiver and managed to find 2. left him looking for the others.

    Monday 3 November 2008

    3 seen this morning

    Ivan Whatley saw 3 (2 red and 1 black) by the horse pond.

    Sunday 2 November 2008

    Five together in one group

    After a long search we finally tracked down all five cattle in a single group at about 15.40 this afternoon. The location was square O 20 on the lookers' map.

    Saturday 1 November 2008

    Just the One...

    Two hours of hunting failed to locate the group of four but following some fresh tracks I came across the black and white singleton at Q19 (SU837495) at 1015. She’s the one with the horns (ear tag 200955). She was happily grazing but seemed pleased to have company as, on spotting me, she trotted in my direction. She was moving east as I left.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...