Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 31 January 2009

    All still there

    All happily grazing at P19 mid afternoon - very placid and grazing staedily. Still more interested than me!

    full count

    Saturday 09.20, like Steve i started off in the whale tail but no luck, after a short jog over to the flooded area near caesars camp they were all grazing at N20ish, they all looked o/k and were slowly moving East.

    Not where I was looking...

    Short of time today so in the light of this weeks posts (and the fact that they emerged from the woods at R4 last Saturday) decided to concentrate on the woods in the Whale Tail. Plenty of signs of them, including some fresh tracks, but no actual cows. Hope Bob has better luck.

    Friday 30 January 2009

    Morning call

    Found lots of them very early this morning in the woods at about T6. Still rather dark so not sure how many but at least 30. All standing around very clsoe to each other and all seemed well.

    Wednesday 28 January 2009

    Wednesday 09.15, i eventually found them hiding in the woods at roughly U8,9. i could not make a positive count as they were in the thick wood/gorse but did manage a count of 20, although i think they are all in there somewhere, they all looked o/k if a little wet, i did hear one with a deep cough i don't know if it means anything.

    Tuesday 27 January 2009

    Full count

    Tuesday 09.00, i found them all at roughly T5, they were all standing and soaking up the sun after a frosty night, they all looked o/k.

    Monday 26 January 2009

    All seen Sunday 25th

    Mike and I were out on Sunday to make sure that the bike event did not cause any problems with the cattle. As it was, the event was restricted to the wooded area at the far west of the site, and so did not cause any problems.
    We saw all the cattle in the woods at T10. All looking very well.

    Saturday 24 January 2009

    All well

    All still well a few hours later and they hadn't moved much. They must be enjoying all this attention!!

    Full count

    Saturday 10.15, found them all at roughly T7, all were grazing and looked o/k. Also good to meet fellow looker Steve.

    Friday 23 January 2009

    Did a drive-by count this morning - got 25, all resting up at N14.
    You may notice that this is outside the boundary on the looker map. That is because this was the proposed fenceline and the actual fenceline got put on a slightly different route. I will get round to chaning the map some day.

    Wednesday 21 January 2009

    Another full count!

    Wednesday 16.10, another quick find today, they were all at R7. All were grazing and they looked o/k.

    Tuesday 20 January 2009

    Full house

    Tuesday 16.00, Today I found them all fairly quickly they were in the heather at roughly M17, all grazing and slowly walking East, they all looked o/k.

    Motorbike event this weekend

    This weekend there is going to be a motorbike event. The organisers will be setting the event up on Saturday and then it will run on the Sunday. The MoD have again given us warning about this which has given us enough time to arrange for Alex to ensure he is on site on Sunday (the day of the event). Alex will try to make sure the cattle are OK and that there are no cattle related incidents.

    Fingers crossed this goes smoothly.


    Saturday 17 January 2009

    All OK, if rather damp

    I too was fortunate enough to find them all - at about Q15 early afternoon. All were grazing and seemed well - interested in my bike for some reason. Also saw a quad bike plus trailer with large logs/timber .............??

    Full house

    Saturday 16.00, I found them all at roughly N16,17, near the mineral lick buckets. some were grazing and the rest were jostling for a lick at the bucket. they all seemed o/k

    Nil Return

    No luck this morning. Parked at the Royal Pavillion car park hoping to meet Mike and his guided walkers on my return and trekked up over the Camp, round the water and down into Long Bottom. None of the walkers I met had seen them this morning either. I hope Mike has better luck.

    Wednesday 14 January 2009

    17 Today

    Wednesday 14.00, with the thick patchy fog today I didn't think I would see any cattle, but I came across 17 near R5, they were all grazing and looked o/k.

    ceasars camp cattle

    from Norman wed 14 jan 09 time 7.45
    I saw cattle again this morning grid squares H 19 20 some were lying down chewing the cud others were standing watching me ,I was not very close to them ,it was a bit difficult to see them very well as it was quite foggy ,but from what I could see they all appeared to be alright ,I think this was the same group I saw yesterday

    Tuesday 13 January 2009

    ceasars camp cattle

    from norman 3.10 pm tuesday 13 jan
    I have finally seen some cattle after all this time ,a group of 19 seen at grid squares n 19 20 21 ,I sat on my shooting stick and watched for about 15 mins all appeared to be grazing well although they were slowly moving towards the old troop shelter I did not attempt to get very close as this was my first sighting I did not want to scare them away
    Tuesday 13.30, I had no problem finding them today, they were all on the top near Caesars camp area spread between M18 and O18,19 and P18,19 all were grazing and seemed in good condition.

    Saturday 10 January 2009

    Still there

    Thanks to Bob's helpful blog, I found all very close to Q16 this afternoon. They were still content despite some nearby army activity. All were grazing apart from 420 (one of the ones with growths on the face) who was lying down and rather reluctant to budge (though she did in the end). Perhaps it was warmer amongst the heather.
    Freezing Saturday 10.00, I thought that with the freezing fog I would not find any cattle today but my luck was in and I spotted all of them grazing at roughly Q16, they all looked o/k and do not seem as nervous as they were a couple of weeks ago.

    Wednesday 7 January 2009

    success at last!

    Wednesday 10.00, after a long search in the Eastern part of the area I made my way up onto Caesars camp and lo and behold there they were not far from the covered reservoir at H17, a few were lying down and most were chewing the cud, I also noticed some growth on a couple of the cattle.I don't know if it is the cold but the cows were quite mellow and didn't mind me be close to them.

    Tuesday 6 January 2009

    Had a very successful trip this afternoon with Elliott and Danny, managed to find all 36 happily grazing even though there seemed to be a lot of military activity all over the site. Found 17 in G30 completely unfazed by the fact they were surrounded by soldiers’ and trucks and the other 19 in J30 all very quiet. A few of the cows seem to have patches of ringworm about their eyes (notably 003, 412 and 420 from what we saw) but the grazier has been informed. Also couldn’t see any sign of the lame brown mentioned by Steve but will keep an eye out for her, otherwise all quiet and looking very content!

    Another blank search!

    Tuesday 09.30, following on from the last blogs i concentrated my search in the Eastern side of the area. With -6c showing on the car temp gauge i covered an area from C27 across to the track at long bottom at O24 and the Area East and back to the car park on bourley road. I saw plenty of tracks but again no sign of the cattle.

    Saturday 3 January 2009

    One lame cow

    Went out again this evening and found them at ~H28, grazing contentedly as the sun was setting. I counted 35 several times over, including one point where they crossed a path in small numbers. One of the brown cows appears to be lame on the left front hoof. I tried to get her ear tag number but although they were content enough to let me get among them she wouldn't stay still long enough for me to get a good look in the failing light.

    No luck first thing

    A late post re an early search. I had the same luck as Bob this morning but Jill's post explains why. Most of my search was from Caesar's Camp to the west, with a spell with binoculars from the viewpoint. I shall have to start parking at the Royal Pavilion end!

    All well

    After a rather long hunt, I found all (or perhaps not quite all if some had been at T3 last evening) at D29 at about 12.30. They were close together in a patch of sunlight and were either snoozing or gently chewing the cud. Some were in the undergrowth and a little harder to see. They let me get very near and seemed incredibly peaceful.

    No luck today

    Saturday 13.00. yet another search with no success. started from beacon hill and walked around the whale tail then over to Caesars camp then down to the lake and eventually back home via bourly road.

    Late sighting

    Some cattle seen near roundabout T3 at about 22.30 last night.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...