Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 31 March 2009

    no sighting today

    Tuesday,09.15, no luck finding them today, i only had time to cover the whale tail and Caesars camp area, although there were lots of signs they had been in the area they were remaining elusive.

    Saturday 28 March 2009

    Half a sighting

    20 were grazing eagerly at about M25 late this afternoon, steadily heading west. The rest of the herd must have been playing hide and seek very effectively.

    no show

    Saturday 15.00, i did not find any cattle today, i searched the whale tail across to Caesars down to the lake and over to bourley road with no luck.

    Down by the pond

    Found all 35 down by the pond (the one with the lifebelt) at ~N24 at 0930 this morning. They were concentrating on their grazing but on the move eastwards and all looked very healthy.

    Wednesday 25 March 2009

    Wednesday 16.30, today i only found 24, a group of 19 were at the blue barrel at R9, and a further 5 at roughly O20, most were chewing the cud and all looked o/k.
    Saw a small group of 5 around R15 this morning. All looked OK.
    Dave J

    Tuesday 24 March 2009

    Tuesday 16.00, i found all of them at the blue barrel at R9, most were chewing the cud with a few licking at the barrel, all seemed o/k

    Two groups today.

    Saw all the cattle this morning. 13 on the northern slope of Long Bottom in square P18. Lying in a sunny,sheltered spot chewing the cud. The remainder were close to Jubilee Clump at the northeast corner of the hill fort, square K19. This group were moving west whilst grazing. No sign of any problems.

    Sunday 22 March 2009

    Full house.

    Saw the full group at about 12.00 in squares Q14 & Q15. Moving westwards. All appeared to be well.

    Saturday 21 March 2009

    New spot?

    Late afternoon and no luck all round the whale tail but leaving towards Alma Lane, came across at least 22 in the gorse at R26.
    came across the cattle this morning 7.30 am ,they were in squares N 20 21 well spread out they were all there, all grazing all appeared to be ok ,making their way fairly swiftly towards the timber troop shelter Norman

    No show today

    Saturday 09.00, did not find any this morning, i came in from the beacon hill entrance and went along to Caesars camp along the main track, then around the back of the flooded gravel pit, back through the woods to the whale tail without any sign of them,

    Thursday 19 March 2009

    I saw the cattle this morning 8 am they were in grid o 17-18 I was unable to count them as they were to close together, I would think they were all there ,they all appeared to be ok grazing and slowly moving around Norman

    Monday 16th, All seen

    Sorry for the late blog entry.

    I got a full count on Monday, all of the cattle grazing the new grass growth in P4. A few were also supervising the installation of a new kissing gate.

    Sunday 15 March 2009

    Fantastic spring weather

    A beautiful day. Saw the full group at about 13.00 in R9 and R10, slowly heading west. All looked well.

    Saturday 14 March 2009

    All well

    Early afternoon and all had moved to around Q13 - happily grazing and seemingly content

    full count

    Saturday 10.00, i found all of them at roughly S9 gathered around the blue container on the pallet, jostling for position, all looked o/k.

    Wednesday 11 March 2009

    Wednesday Evening

    Have just spotted the cattle as I drove home. Roughly square T7, so worth starting at the western end if your looking on Thursday.

    Full count

    Wednesday 08.15, i found them all this morning at roughly M18, they were all grazing and looked o/k.

    Tuesday 10 March 2009

    Full count

    Tuesday 09.00, found all of them strung out along N20 - M22, they were all grazing and looked o/k.

    Saturday 7 March 2009

    Lots of army activity.

    Lots of army activity today including an overturned lorry on Sandy Hill! Bob's group of 22 have moved to Long Bottom Q18. No sign of the other group.

    One missing

    Early afternoon and Bob's 13 had moved on to T9 and the other group had split up - 19 at Q18 and 2 at R19. I hope the missing one was somewhere between the two groups. Plenty of army activity everywhere but the cattle didn't seem bothered.

    Full count

    Saturday 10.45, i found one group of13 on top of Caesars camp at roughly L18 and a group of 22 at L21, all were grazing and looked o/k.

    Wednesday 4 March 2009

    Full house

    Wednesday 16.00, after a bit of a bike ride i eventually found all of them grazing at p20, they all looked o/k.

    Tuesday 3 March 2009

    no show today

    Tuesday 16.00, today i started at the beacon hill gate and went as far as Caesars camp then down to the long bottom track and up to the whale tail and around the woods with no sign of them, hopefully they are sheltering from the rain and wind.

    Sunday 1 March 2009

    caesars camp cattle

    I saw the cattle this morning at 8.45 am some were laying amongst the trees the rest were feeding slowly moving around they all seemed happy and allowed me to get close one black one came to within two metres of me I think it was more interested in my little dog than me although it did not attempt to chase her off I just stood there talking to it for a short time then I walked off they were in grid 17 18 q r but could have been wider spread , Norman.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...