Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 30 September 2009

    15.45, i managed a count of 15 below Caesars camp at K22 slowly walking and grazing, a further 36 were grazing at about Q17-18, those i saw looked o/k.

    Clearing the pond


    We're doing some work to clear the small trees around the pond near to the entrance on the Odiham road next week. On Wednesday 5th we'll meet opposite the Total garage about 10am. If you'd like to join us please let me or Keith know and we'll give you a bit more details.

    This type of practical volunteering can be really satisfying - a bit of good old fashioned hard work, beauitful sites to work on,helping wildlife and getting fit! Why not come along and join us to see if you like it?

    Tools and gloves provided but bring lunch, hot and cold drinks for yourself and wear old clothes and strong boots! Also bring your waterproofs just in case!

    Email me or Keith on LauraF@hwt.org.uk or KeithB@hwt.org.uk or give us a ring 01256 381190 to find out more or let us know you can make it!

    I today 7.30 spread around the area below the seats at caesars camp ,I managed to count 48 here I only managed to get close to few these all looked ok ,as I sat watching some started to make their way slowly to the barrel ,I followed and waited to see how many came down eventually 15 arrived these I managed to get a good look at, they all looked ok I noticed two black and white ones were repeatedly trying to mount the others including the calves ,one calf was knocked to the ground with the cow on top I waited to see if the calf was ok ,it got up shook itself and moved away from the group ,as I walked away to go home more were coming down the track towards the barrel norman

    Tuesday 29 September 2009

    16.30, i managed a count of 20 on top of Caesars camp and around 36 in the bracken just east of Caesars camp at K21 and spread out to L22 before my bike chain snapped so had to cut short my looking.those i saw looked o/k and i noticed some have got their shaggy winter coats.

    Monday 28 September 2009

    Cow 145

    We've had a few reports that 145 has a swollen leg and limp again. Just to let you all know that the farmer is aware and is monitoring her closely, with a view to treat her if it is necessary

    Let us know if you notice any change


    Saturday 26 September 2009

    today 7.30 I found cattle spread over the hillside to the south of the gravel pit and right up to the track following the sandy hill road ,I counted 48 after walking all over the hillside myself ,145 is still limping badly she lets me get right up to her ,collar was on the track at sandy hill she now lets me get close to her ,she still looks ok ,the same black calf came up to me again as soon as it saw me licked my hand and nuzzled my leg ,all of the ones I got close to looked ok . norman

    Friday 25 September 2009

    Bull removed

    Just to let you know that the farmer has now removed the bull as he should have had enough time now to service all of the cows on site. In a few weeks time the farmer will re-visit the cows and check to see if they are succesfully pregnant. We will keep you all posted,


    Thursday 24 September 2009

    this morning 7.30 a group were in an area at sunny hill ,I counted 28 here the ones I got close to all looked ok ,one black calf made me jump I was standing with my back to the undergrowth counting when it crept out and licked my hand I turned round and it started to rub against me I rubbed its face and scratched its head ,talking to it all the time ,I know there were more nearby but the military were camped out among the trees so I left the area ,I do not interfere with their activities . norman

    Wednesday 23 September 2009

    today 7.15 a group of 20 were at the barrel these all looked ok ,others were spread over the hillside south of the horse pond .145 was among this group she is definatley limping again not as bad yet as she was the first time,she is reasonable when on soft ground but will not put her foot down when crossing gravel tracks.it looks to me as though there is some sort of infection in the left clove of her foot , I may be wrong over this but this is my opinion ,I counted another 20 here the ones I was close to looked ok apart from 145 ,they then all started off towards the pavillion end norman

    Tuesday 22 September 2009

    found a group of twelve at the barrel at 7.15 am ,I carried on with my walk and found more scattered over the hillside to the south of the gravel pit ,as I walked among them trying to count them 145 came right up to me about 2 mtrs away ,she appears to have started to limp slightly again ,the left side of her right foot did not seem to be as it should it looked very dark ,I was only able to count 26 there ,I think there were probably more .norman

    Saturday 19 September 2009

    Lone Bull

    Found a scattered group of 34 across P/Q 14/16 at around 1750 this evening and another 33 ranging across the back of Caesars Camp (~L18). On the way back to the car at Beacon Hill we found the bull by himself in a patch of scrub where we had seen the first group.
    I found cattle today 7.15 am ,41 were at and close to the barrel ,as I sat on my shooting stick counting once again I was joined by calves only 8 today ,there is one ear tag 301355 it once again came up and sniffed at my leg this is the only one that comes this close norman

    Friday 18 September 2009

    thankyou to the team for a very enjoyable and informative evening on thursday, I was unable to find any cattle again today went the wrong way again. norman

    Thursday 17 September 2009

    Site and Cattle check

    Hello everyone.

    Upon visiting the site today I had a couple of jobs to do as well as look at some future works.

    First I collected the bagged up rubbish left over from a party up near the BMX track and then went and collected the boxed up cans and bottles down near the Horse pond. If only we could raise money by re-cycling other peoples rubbish!!!! Thanks to everyone who collected and bagged up this stuff.

    We thenm went up to Sandy Hill where a broken post was reported. Upon inspecting the fenceline it became apparent that a fari few of these posts were either broken or very loose so we will be contacting the MoD to have them carry out some fencing repairs to this entire section.....watch this space.

    We then went looking for the cows and found them all (we think) in squares I and J 18. they all appeared very calm and happy and it was lovely to see them on this part of the site as we really feel it could do with some grazing in that neck of the woods. To help us further achieve this we will be moving the blue feed bin/bucket thingy to this area the next time it gets filled so this will help encourage the cattle to spend more time in this area.

    Great to see the site again and see the cows all happy,


    Wednesday 16 September 2009

    my first sighting today a group were spread around grids o/20/21/22 I sat on my shooting stick grid o 21 counting, they kept appearing all around me ,as I sat I was surrounded by 14 calves all looking at me ,I sat for 15 mins I got a good look at these and a few cows that were close enough , some calves walked away 8 stayed until I walked away ,I carried on westwards to count another group I had seen I counted these, and carried on and came across another group including the bull , I counted this group and started back home all of the animals I was close to looked ok including collar ,I don,t think there is any more problem with her, or 145 I had seen walking swiftly to join the others I counted a total of 62 today .norman.

    Tuesday 15 September 2009

    only a short walk today have an appointment , 7.30 am 16 including the bull were in the trees where the barrel was ,unable to get close they kept walking away they looked ok from a distance ,a further 26 were at the barrel these allowed me to get real close ,collar was there she still looks ok, I stood for approx 15 mins watching they all appeared ok ,I ended up with a row of 9 calves standing about 1 mtr away just looking at me ,1 kept trying to sniff my dog but she was not having anything to do with it, a further 16 were spread over the hillside to the south of the horse pond 10 calves 4 cows these let me get close all looked ok ,the loose fence I reported some time ago near the field gate grid p 24 now has a broken intermediate post . norman

    Monday 14 September 2009

    Noon - all at a point due north of Jubilee Clump and half way between the clump and the boundary road (Wellesley) peacefully grazing or chewing the cud.

    Sunday 13 September 2009

    this morning 7.15 the bull and 1 cow were at the barrel ,2 cows and 2 calves were in the dip beside the track at the eastern end of the horse pond they joined the other 2 at the barrel ,shortly joined by three other cows ,as I went out yesterday morning there was a group of six ,three girls and three boys late teens early twentys standing around at grid p/23 when I went by this morning, where they were yesterday it looked as though they were there all night having a drinks party there were empty cans scattered all over along with empty bottles I cleared up all of the cans and put them in the empty boxes they had left ,unfortunatley they had partly broken the bottles, I picked up all of the glass I could find and put it in the boxes ,there was to much for me to remove from site ,I have left it on top of a bank hopefully out of the way of the cattle .norman

    Saturday 12 September 2009

    10.15, i searched most of the area and eventually found 40 lying down near the sandy area towards the pavilion at roughly J29, those i saw looked o/k, as for the others i searched the whale tail and Caesars camp area with no luck.

    Friday 11 September 2009

    7.15 today a group of 40 were at and close to the barrel ,the bull was in the regrowth south of the barrel grazing on the leaves on the regrowth ,collar was there looking straight at me her eye is all clear now, no wet face eyes nice and bright ,145 was there all of the others I was close to looked ok ,including the calf that came and sniffed my hand ,after around 15 mins they all started to move off westwards to join the track at long bottom as I left to go home they were at grids n/o 22/23 norman

    Thursday 10 September 2009

    today 7.45 I met up with some of the cattle they were at grid,s f 30 31 I sat on a bank watching and counting ,there were 20 in the group, as I sat three calves and two cows came over and stood about 1 mtr away just looking at me, me talking to them it was like an audience with five animals ,as I carried on I met up with another group they were in grids g 29 30 at the sunny hills area the bull was with this group ,the five that stood watching me in the first group ,all looked ok the rest of the group I looked at through my bino,s all looked ok as far as I could see ,the ones I got close to in the other group mostly calves all looked ok ,I was not able to get near any of the cows in this group. norman

    Wednesday 9 September 2009

    12.30.i counted 23 grazing at G19-G20, and at least 40 spread over G23, to about F26, some were grazing and some chewing the cud, those i saw looked o/k
    today 7.45 the cattle were down by the bourley road about 150 mtrs east of the corral all grazing moving slowly towards the car park I was at the seats at caesars camp I could see the bull and 145 I was unable to see collar but I think they were all there norman

    Tuesday 8 September 2009

    11.45, in glorious sunshine, i counted at least 68 on top of Caesars camp, i think all of them were there, i was getting into the scenario of "did i count that one or not" they all looked o/k, the bull and the one with the collar was also there.
    I came across cattle this morning 8.00 ,34 were spread over the hillside to the north of the horse pond, another 20 including the bull were at the blue barrel ,I was only able to get close to ten of them all 0f those looked ok ,no sign of collar today a total of 54 ,I suspect the rest were somewhere close by. norman.

    Dead cow

    I managed to locate the dead cow yesterday, and have arranged for her to be removed by the farmer. I am hoping that we will be able to find out why she died.
    There are indeed hobby nesting, in the woodland around the reservoirs. You may still be able to see them hunting for dragonflies until the middle of this month, when they head back to Africa for the winter.

    Monday 7 September 2009

    later - around 11.00 all (really almost impossible to make an accurate count) at the head of Long Bottom;  most of them grazing.

    I was told, on Saturday, that there is a Hobby nesting somewhere in the area.
    hello bad news this morning i,m afraid ,on my way home I heard a fellow dog walker calling me she is not one of the lookers but lets me know if she sees anything amiss, she told me there is a dead cow on site and I immediatly rang alex and reported this ,he said he would do the necessary to find the dead cow, my friend told me when she first saw it it was still alive and foaming at the mouth, when she next saw it it had moved and was then dead she took her ear tag no, and I gave this to alex when I reported in ,she did not know who to contact and was lucky to see me today ,it must be near grid n 16 .now some better news I saw collar and was surprised she let me get real close ,first time ever her eye appears to have dried up no wet on the side of her face and her eye was open ,Icounted 31 this morning near the gate at sandy hill playing field. norman

    Sunday 6 September 2009

    7.30 this morning cattle were at grids l,21 22 including the bull and collar only able to get close to one .they were moving at a fast rate along the track at the north side of the flooded gravel pit I managed to count 40 ,I could hear others calling at the southern side of the gravel pit but did not see any. norman

    Saturday 5 September 2009

    10.00,this morning i counted about 33
    spread out along the long bottom track O22-O25, those i saw looked o/k.
    7.30 today 20 of the cattle were at the barrel including the bull and collar, she let me get quite close today if I had remembered my bino,s I could have got a good look at her, a further 18 were spread over the hillside to the south side of the horse pond all I got close to looked ok . norman

    Friday 4 September 2009

    Elliotts Looker Report

    Today was my day for visiting all of the sites and checking all of the animals and remedying any problems.

    Arriving at CC by the entrance next to the Pavilion onto Sunny Hill Road I checked out the snapped straining post next to the gate. Whilst this is stock proof we will be asking the MoD to send a team out to completely re-build this section as it is not an easy quick fix so hopefully this will be repaired fully soon.

    I then drove around to all of the kissing gates and known problem areas and am happy to say there were no cuts and only one missing grazing sign. I had our new Assistant Keith Blackmore with me showing him around the sites so Keith will be checking next week so look forward to his blog entry. Keith is also now aware of where the interpretation panels are to be replaced so he will be getting on with this is due course.

    I am pleased to say that Keith and I managed a positive count of every cow as they walked, not so quietly, up Long Bottom towards the Horse Pond. We saw 'collar' with her weeping eye and I have since asked to grazier to have another look at it. It was lovely to see all of the cows just milling, eating, chewing the cudd, laying up, walking, scratching, grazing, snapping branches all together and generally just being an absolutely brilliant herd of animals. Having not been to the site myself for a couple of weeks you can really see the difference that the cows have made this year and the site is feeling more and more like parts of the New Forest each time i visit - its great!

    I took a couple of photos as it was such good weather. I hope you like them

    7.15 today some of the cattle were around the horse pond ,the bull was there grazing along the track to the south side along with one cow, others were at the barrel ,others were grazing along the north side of the pond 145 was there along with her calf this was the calf that used to play with my little dog ,it has now got a lot bigger and my dog will not have anything to do with it ,others were just to the eastern end of the pond in the dip to the side of the track the one with the collar was there, I tried to get a good look at her weepy eye unfortunatly she is one of the few that will not let me get close ,so I had to resort to my bino,s but she kept turning her head away ,in spite of staying for 30 mins trying I still did not get a good look at her, I counted 20 total today ,all of the ones I did get close to except the one with the collar looked ok norman.

    Thursday 3 September 2009

    7.30 this morning 11 cattle were at grid,s 22 23 ,a further 11 including the bull were at the blue barrel , a further 28 were spread over a large area from east of the horse pond to approx halfway to the sandy area at sunny hills, I did not see the one with the collar today, when I got to the gate to go home the 11 from the blue barrel were making their way up the hill towards the broken troop shelter ,the first 11 I saw were almost at the barrel norman

    Wednesday 2 September 2009

    I found cattle this morning 7.30 they were spread along the track behind bricksbury hill housing ,I only counted 20 they were eating the young shoots on the blackberry bushes 145 was there she is walking perfectly now ,the one with the collar was also there ,her eye is still weeping, her eye was partly closed ,remember I reported the loose fence at the field gate grid p 24 the same cow that was pushing against the fence was there she turns her head on one side and gets her head under the barbed wire and then pushes against the sheep netting to get at the better feed on the other side ,she did this several times at different places I thought she was going to break her way through so I moved her on ,I heard some more down by the horse pond so I made my way down the hill and found another 10 including the bull some were at the blue barrel others were drinking in the pond the ones from the top of the hill followed me down and joined the rest at the barrel and pond ,as I was walking along the track at the north side of the pond a cow came out of the regrowth at the eastern end of the pond closely followed by the bull ,I stopped walking so did he, he had a good look at me then followed the cow this makes a total of 30 today norman
    10.30, i managed to count 55 but there could have been more,they were spread out from about 021 to P23, those i saw looked o/k.

    Tuesday 1 September 2009

    09.30, today i managed to find all the cattle in the whale tail, most were grazing and looked o/k, although there were a few that looked a bit skinny on the back, i also met Laura and Mike and they were aware of the skinny cows.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...