Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 24 February 2010

    Attack by dog

    Last night (about 5.30pm) we recieved a call from a walker on Caesar's Camp. She had witnessed a dog attacking one of the cattle, which had been injured around the muzzle. The farmer and I went up there to find her.
    Thankfully she is not badly injured, and we were happy to leave her on site. She has cuts to the nose and mouth, and blood on her muzzle.
    The police have been called and have visited the offending dog owner.
    The other 11 were with her at the 'feed station'.. All looked fine.
    As ever, please do get in touch with us if you have any concerns or with the police if it is a similar emergency.
    Many thanks

    Monday 22 February 2010

    About 10 AM - I counted 8 (but may well have been more) down on old rifle ranges to north of Jubilee Clump. They were too far away to note any details but were moving to NW.

    Friday 19 February 2010

    on my back home today I 8/30 I met the cattle ,they were spread over the hillside below the track at sandy hill road, all twelve were there I managed to get close to seven of them they all looked ok ,the other five were in the gorse browsing from what I could see they were ok ,the muddy one is still getting clean and looks ok .

    Thursday 18 February 2010

    All 12 OK on Sandy Hill

    I found all 12 this afternoon in S15. Four were at the top of Sandy hill muching grass and the rest spread down the hill in the woods eating mostly very old gorse. They looked wet and a bit fed up. One or two were very thin around the tail but all were walking OK, eating and responsive.

    I Checked the fence where it often gets cut. The top wire had come adrift in a few places, which was repaired, but nothing deliberate.
    I only found five cattle yesterday 7/15 am they were in a small group of trees grid p/ 23 unable to find the rest , today I found them all 7/45 they were among the trees and undergrowth grid m 20/21 six were lying down the rest standing it looked as though they had spent the night there they all looked ok

    Tuesday 16 February 2010

    at about 14.00 i found 6 at the end of longbottom track M28ish and the other 6 near the blue barrel on the track North of the pond, all looked ok but wet in the rain and were standing chewing the cud.

    Monday 15 February 2010

    I see they are not moving very far - midday all about half way between Horse Pond and upper (southern) end Long Bottom - condition unchanged.

    Sunday 14 February 2010

    I first saw the cattle as I came on to site they were on the hillside above the barrel ,before I got to where I had seen them they were at the barrel, all twelve were there I noticed their coats are beginning to look better two brown and white ones in particular are looking very good, the one that was stuck in the mud seems to be cleaning herself up ,I watched them for 10 mins then they started to move off eastwards along the track at the north side of the horse pond I then left for home norman.

    Friday 12 February 2010

    I only saw three cattle today 8/30 am ,I was on my way home after not finding them, as I got to the gate where I leave site three came towards me along the track at the back of bricksbury hill estate ,I waited until they came past me 201 was one of them she is still grubby but looked ok they then went down the hill near the broken concrete building could see no sign of the rest. norman

    Tuesday 9 February 2010

    All together at the Pond

    Doing site checks today and found all twelve together at Horse Pond/Blue Barrel (12.15). 201 still a bit grubby but none the worse for wear! I first saw them from Sandy Hill/Hungry Hill track and a small brown terrier was yapping at them. One of the brown herefords moved off but the owner/child finally got the dog (Ellie?) on a lead.
    the cattle this morning 7/50 am were among a small group of trees grid p 23 it looked as though they had spent the night there as I came back along the track behind bricksbury estate they had made their way up the hill to grid q 22 and were browsing on a large patch of gorse norman

    Monday 8 February 2010

    8/00am today the cattle were at the barrel all 12 were there I watched for a few mins they then started to move off towards the long bottom track going eastwards they then started browsing the gorse at the western end of the horse pond I watched until 8/30 they all seemed ok norman

    Sunday 7 February 2010

    I came across the cattle this morning 7/30 am they were on top of the slope to the north side of the horse pond, I made my way across the heather to be able to count them ,good to find all twelve were there ,6 were lying down chewing the cud the others were spread around grazing on the heather ,I kept my distance so as not to disturb those lying down so did not get a good look at them norman

    Saturday 6 February 2010

    7.15 am today the cattle were lying among the trees and undergroth near where the feed blocks had been put out a few days ago, I could only count eleven I hope the missing one was not the onethan had been trapped in the mud and was still feeling the effects of her ordeal ,I will have a better look tomorrow, at the time I was unaware that one had had this problem or I would have had a better look around . norman

    Friday 5 February 2010

    201 Stuck in the mud

    We had a report of a cow stuck in the mud on the track above Horse pond (K 25?). Steve the Warden found her and together we tried to get her out with a bit of digging and the lure of a bucket of nuts but to no avail. We then called the Fire Service who were on the scene within minutes and used their skills and equipment to start to get 201 out of the VERY STICKY SANDY GULLEY. We ended manually hauling the beast up onto the track and safety. (12.30)
    The superb crew then hosed down and left it to us to supervise the cows recovery.

    Mike had bought more nuts and hay so we fed the cold cow and gave her water. She tried, roughly every 15 minutes, to get on her feet and when Mike lured the rest of the Herd over with more nuts 201 tried very hard and managed to get up but could not stand. The other cows licked her and there was a lot of calling and it seemed like the herd were encouraging her to get back on her feet. (15.30)

    Rob came and decided that a Calcium Drink would help her overcome the stress of being stuck and recovered and should get her up and bouncing again. 201 was alert thoughout this adventure and showed good spirit so we hope she'll be up and about soon.

    Lot's of passers by and dog walkers expressed concern and all were thoughtful enough to make sure that their dogs were on a close lead before they passed the grounded cow. This responsible approach was very pleasing to witness.

    The other 11 were fine , and enjoyed a hay supplement, so hopefully tomorrow the twelve will be up and about. Fingers crossed!
    Today 8am the cattle were fairly well spread four were roughly grids q 20 21 the rest were spread o 21 22 unable to get close . norman
    at 12.30 i found 6 at roughly P23 just off long bottom heading towards the blue barrel, grazing on the way,those i saw looked o/k.

    Wednesday 3 February 2010

    today 8am all 12 were at the broken troop shelter having a good go at the feed blocks that had been put out ,I noticed four of the black and white ones were at one block quite strongly pushing one another away to get a lick of the block, the others were at the other block quietly moving into place to get a lick, I watched for 10 mins they then all settled down ,although they are a bit thin I thought they looked ok ,I did notice the one with the small white spot in her eye it seems she is being attended to norman

    Tuesday 2 February 2010

    All 12 seen (again)

    All 12 were lying down, cudding at the edge of the woodland at about M21. I gave them a couple of feed blocks, so they may stay round there for a day or so.
    One of the black ones has New Forest Eye (a small white spot in the centre of the eye) which the farmer is treating.
    Good to see that Norman is up and about.
    the cattle this morning 8.15 am were at the blue barrel all twelve were there the black ones have bare patches on their bodies I stood watching them and talking to them for 20 mins I was about 3 mtrs from them their mouths and noses were all clear their eyes were clear and bright then they started to move off eastwards up the hillside to the north side of the horse pond I am pleased to be walking my dog again and to be able to find the cattle again norman

    Monday 1 February 2010

    Jill's Blog

    Dear Laura and Elliott,

    I only had a little time to look on Saturday and couldn’t see the cattle so I went back on Sunday morning and found 11 at about Q22 at about 9am where they were grazing peacefully on the slopes. Several of the black ones still seemed to have bald patches. I am glad they were out of the way of the Army mountain bike circuit!!

    Many thanks,

    All 12 together grazing round Horse Pond at about 11 AM

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...