Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Friday 30 July 2010

    10 am sighted group of cattle at the Horse Pond. About 6 were in the water watching the technicians erecting barbed wire etc for an exercise at the pond. A larger group with calves were moving east into cover - prob at least 15 altogether.

    Thursday 29 July 2010

    today 7/45 am I found the cattle at the long bottom track on the south side, spread from grids r 19 to p 21/22 most of them were here ,also some were at the track at the top of the slope near the sandy hill road ,I counted a total of 68 and suspect the rest were nearby, all of the ones I was close to looked ok

    Wednesday 28 July 2010

    site checks - a FULL COUNT!

    Was delighted to find the entire herd right at the peak of the camp next to the benches all shading under the trees (J19). They look quite a sight when all together and they were being admired by a cyclist who asked me lots of questions about them.

    After about 20 attempts I finally felt happy that i had definitely counted them all from all different angles! All looked well, the calves look content and the bull is trying his very best to ensure we have more calves next year, although the cows don't seem that keen!

    Found plenty of water in a few different places on site so that is good too.

    at about 09.45 i found what must have been all of them spread out at L-M 17, with a couple and the bull in the water taking a drink, those that i could see looked ok

    Tuesday 27 July 2010

    Spotted the bull with a large number of the cows and calves from N26 left along long bottom. They all seemed well.

    mike betts

    tuesday 09.45 hrs counted approx 4o cows 16 calfs location grid ref o 21 all looked well.

    Monday 26 July 2010

    mike betts

    found 33 cows and 5 calfs a pavilion hill and another 9 cows and three calfs at grid ref f 26.
    all looked ok .08.30 26th

    Friday 23 July 2010

    7/30 am today the cattle were spread both sides of the long bottom track from grids p/q 20/21q/r 18/19 to r/s 17, the ones I was able to get close to all looked ok, I counted all of them including the bull he was trying hard to do his job .
    Saw about 50 cattle plus bull (good to see him back and eager!) first thing this morning at about P20 - all seemed well. Plenty of bellowing from the cows and the calves seemed inquisitive and friendly.

    Thursday 22 July 2010

    At 10am this morning there was a large group of Cows and the Bull either side of the Long Bottom path, all seemed well, further up the track just before the top there was anouther group, they seemed fine.

    Bull added

    The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that the Luing bull has been added to the heard to do his business.
    He is a beautiful animal - very placid and got at his job. I saw him yesterday and he was already hard at work.
    He is the same one that was on last year, so we don't expect any problems. As Janet said, I saw 71 (I think) and they all looked fine.
    today 7/30am saw 6 cows on the track behind the bricksbury estate slowly going eastwards grazing as they went , saw no others there from a vantage point I use I saw some others near the small group of trees near the gate at the sandy hill playing field, I made my way up to them and counted 48, as I watched them one black one came fairly close to me I noticed she had a very weepy right eye unable to read the yellow tag but the red one was 77 her face was smothered with flies probably because of the weepy eye ,as I was leaving I saw the all white calf she appeared to be trying to eat a green plastic bottle I moved her on and went to see what she had it turned out to be a small green beer bottle this I picked up as I moved on I found another one I also picked this one up both have been removed from site all of this group were slowly making their way westwards

    Wednesday 21 July 2010

    saw the cows at 2pm just off the Long Bottom track at about R18 and some on the Sandy Hill track they all seemed quite content, also saw Alex who had counted 71 cows.

    Tuesday 20 July 2010

    Spotted the cows spread around the base of Ceasar's camp. Also had the excitement of calling the guards room who called out the fire brigade. Someone had started a fire and thought they had put it out. It seemed to be spreading under ground heading towards the gorse and heather. When they arrived they poured water over the area. They are happy for people to call them even if there is a small fire like that. This was the second fire they had attended on Ceasar's camp tonight.

    Monday 19 July 2010

    Sandy Hill to Jubilee Clump to Bricksbury Hill but no cattle seen.

    Sunday 18 July 2010

    I came across some of the cattle 7/30 this morning they were spread widely across the hillside to the south side of the horse pond ,eight others were gathered near the barrel mostly calves ,I counted 38 total some others were down towards the pavillion end ,those I was close to all looked ok

    Saturday 17 July 2010

    Calves in the Shade

    We counted ~66 cows and calves in two groups in Long Bottom this evening. 20 or so calves were grouped in the shade of some oaks. One cow was bellowing and led 3 of the calves, including the tiny black and white one, off towards the upper lake.

    Friday 16 July 2010

    this morning 7 am some of the cattle were at grids r/18/19, I counted 16 they all looked ok ,I could hear others calling out but unable to find them

    Thursday 15 July 2010

    At 10am this morning the Cows were heading down the long bottom track towards the Horse Pond. I watched for a while, one group stopped on the track. A Army Landrover tried to get through them but they didnt want to move out of the way, so he went round them. The rest were further up the track, They were all making lots of noise. They seemed to be acting a little strange perhaps it was the wind and rain.

    Wednesday 14 July 2010

    I could see the cows when looking over the top of Ceasars Camp. So i went down and walked through them, they were in two groups, the first group seemed quite content eating. I could hear the second group, so i walked through them a couple seemed a little agitated. One Black and white one started to chase myself and my Dog.I shouted so it gave up.They were round about 23h at 10.30am.

    Tuesday 13 July 2010

    Unfortunately didn't spot them this time, hope for better luck next week.

    Monday 12 July 2010

    Herd in open ground in the 'Tail'. I can vouch for at least 60 head. All appeared in good condition.

    Sunday 11 July 2010

    yesterday 7/30 am the cattle were both sides of the long bottom track grids o/p 19/20 slowly making their way west following the track ,I made an attempt to count them ,I got up to 28 but unable to count more ,a few more were on the track at the sandy hill road grid r/19/20 also making their way west I would think all were there

    Thursday 8 July 2010

    At 9.20am the cows were sheltering from the drizzle just off the large sandy area in a Island of trees near Sunny Hill. Dont know if they were all there, but they seemed to be a large group. Most were lying down, all was quiet.

    Wednesday 7 July 2010

    This morning at 9.15am the cows were in two groups on the long bottom track, some were grazing some lying down. They all seemed happy. Have reported damage to fence on Farnborough road, same place as last time.

    Tuesday 6 July 2010

    Found at least 16 calves and a large percentage of the cattle spread over a large area around M22. One of the calves had a white eye but otherwise seemed healthy, I think its number was 7 0 1663.

    Monday 5 July 2010

    What a Sight!

    Out site checking today and for the first time came across (14.40) the full strength herd in the whale's tail (T8,9,10). Counted 36 cows and 26 calves as the herd walked past me but there was much bashing and crashing in the woods so the rest of the herd were also just passing by! Really good to see such a concentration of grazing beasts and they went on to the small pond the NERT cleared of Willow Scrub (in bitterly cold wind and rain last December) and just chomped off all the sprouting growth. Even the calves were nibbling away at the soft new shoots!
    I found a tightly knit group within a small standing of pine in the 'Tail'. There were at least 50 and possibly all of them there; no signs of disturbance or distress.

    Sunday 4 July 2010

    Hi I found 20 cattle this morning 7/30 am they were scattered widely grids j/k 26/27 /28 they were slowly making their way westwards grazing as they went ,15 cows 5 calves I suspect the rest were close by but unable to find them ,as I sat watching them they turned and started to make their way east towards the sunny hill area ,as I returned home going past the horse pond south side someone had had a party and left rubbish scattered all around paper cups party poppers tin cans ,I cleared this up in plastic bags and left it at the base of one of the oak trees by the long bottom track also someone had broken up a car battery the lead plates were scattered around these I also picked up and left them with the rubbish.

    Friday 2 July 2010

    Even more cows

    Elliott fixed the fence opposite Alexandra Road and checked the cattle yesterday. All present and correct.
    The farmer has added 4 more cows with their calves making a grand total of 44 cows and 30 calves - by far the biggest number of cattle we have had up here. They will really make a big difference to the vegetation and benefit the wildlife.
    Thanks for your help in looking after them.
    Found most of the cattle on the top of the camp at about 6.30. About eight were half hidden in the trees and scrub on the slopes above the covered reservior. They seemed well and peaceful - most of the calves were snoozing.

    Thursday 1 July 2010

    At about 9.30am the cows were on both sides of a track leading up to the Horse pond. there was a few more next to the horse pond. I have seen two grass snakes this week.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...