Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 30 September 2010

    Litter Pick

    Just noticed you have put 8th December for the litter pick. I hope you mean fri 8th October.
    At 10.30am saw 27 cattle spread out from the horse pond up to the top of Caesars camp. two seemed a little agitated a Black and white one, and a brown one with the ring in its nose, They were making a lot of noise. Then I saw about 30 on the bank next to the Long Bottom path, they seemed happier.
    The ring on her nose is to stop her mounting other cows. When the bull is removed hormones unfortunately don't just turn off and the cows sometimes get a little confused! The idea of the ring is that if she mounts another cow the spikes will cause the mounted animal to bolt. Sounds harsh but they can cause themselves some nasty injuries whilst trying to mount another cow. I hope that this answers your question.
    Many thanks

    Wednesday 29 September 2010

    saw about 20 of the cows and calves around long bottom. I saw one cow with a plastic ring through its nose with plastic spikes on. It looked like it should be there but I was wondering what it was for?

    Litter Pick

    We are holding a litter pick on Friday the 8th December from 10 - 12 am.
    It would be great if you could come along and help out.
    We are meeting by the recreation ground opposite Barrie Road on Sandy Hill.
    We will provide gloves and bin bags.
    I hope to see you there!
    Many thanks
    9/45 saw small group of cattle at grids r/19/20 3 cows 3 calves got close to these all looked ok saw no sign of the rest
    At 10.00 am Saw about 35 cows and calves either side of the long bottom track, all looked well, one was making a lot of noise. Then I saw 1 c0w and calf at grid m 19, didnt see the rest of them.

    Tuesday 28 September 2010

    Hi everyone,
    You will all have one less to count now as the bull has been moved off site.

    It seems the weather has decided to become all autumnal and we are in for a few showers this week. Although this means an extra layer it does bring alive a new atmosphere on all our sites. Spider webs are easier to see draping amongst the gorse and the heather adds a purple haze across the landscape. At certain times of the day the greens really pop! So don't be put off, there is still so much to go and enjoy whilst you count the cattle!
    All the best


    28th sept o9.40 tues grid ref f 28 found 17 cows 6 calfs found another 27 cows 12 calfs +BULL spread grid ref m 31kl 29 30 all looked ok. 10 30 am.

    Monday 27 September 2010


    monday 27th sept time 09.30-10.30 found one cow grid d 28 then found 31 cows 11 calfs spread over area north of brown loaf hill all looked ok.

    Sunday 26 September 2010

    today 8/15 I saw a large number of the cattle they were spread from near the bourley road corral to approx halfway to the bourley road car park following the tree line I was on the hilltop near the seats so to far away to count

    Saturday 25 September 2010

    met cattle 7/30 am they were spread over the hillside south of the horse pond they were coming out of the belt of trees mainly oaks ,south of the long bottom track moving slowly west grazing as they went ,some were moving beside the track others were on the track behind the bricksbury hill estate again moving west ,I counted 45 those I was close to all looked ok

    Thursday 23 September 2010

    Saw the Cattle at 10.00 am round both sides of the top pond. there was about 50, all seemed well, then saw 1 Cow and 2 calves walking, heading up the long bottom path. didnt spot the Bull today.
    today 7/15 I saw some of the cattle they were spread over the hillside both sides of the long bottom track from grids n/o 24/25 to grids o/p 21 22 the few I was able to get close to looked fit and well

    Wednesday 22 September 2010

    At 9am saw about 40 cows and calfs spread out between the large sandy area and the horse pond. all looked well, didnt see the rest.


    wednesday 22nd sept 09.45 am found 22 cows 20 calfs + the bull.
    location g 27

    Tuesday 21 September 2010

    only found 2 cattle 7/45 am ,the all white calf and its mother in grids o/23/24, moving slowly west the calf leading the way, no sight or sound of the rest ,these two looked ok the mother browsing on the oak tree leaves the calf on the grass.

    Monday 20 September 2010


    07. 50am monday 20th sept one white cow with calf on there own, grid d 26.
    the bull and 10 cows 5 calfs pavilion hill all looked well

    Saturday 18 September 2010

    8/am today I met some of the cattle they were both sides of the flooded pit slowly moving west , was only close to a few of them they looked well ,I counted 30 total one black one started moving east very fast calling out as she went presumably looking for her calf .

    Thursday 16 September 2010

    today 7/30 I saw the same group of cattle as janet saw ,they were slowly moving west grazing as they went I managed to count 38 ,as I sat on my shooting stick amongst a small group I was joined by three black calves all came and sniffed me up and down looked at my little dog and stayed looking for 10 mins ,I then moved on and they followed me for a short distance before stopping to graze again.
    At 10.15 am there was a large group of cows and the bull, spread out either side of the long bottom track. I couldnt count them properly, but there was over 40. All looked well.

    Wednesday 15 September 2010

    Saw the Cows this morning at 10.20. A group of about 18 cows and calfs were sat together at the large sandy area. I didnt get too close as the army were doing a shooting exercise in that area, the cows didnt seem to mind the noise. I then found a large group of about 40 including the bull furter round towards the royal pavilion. They were mainly sat relaxing. Myself and my Dog got very close and watched for a while. they all seemed fine.

    Tuesday 14 September 2010

    mike betts

    tuesday 14th sep 09.45am location ceaser camp 18 cows 8 calfs.
    next grid ref p 16 10 cows 12 calfs all looked well.

    Monday 13 September 2010

    I'm sorry that it has taken me so long but I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Lucy and I will be covering Laura's post at the Trust whilst she is away on maternity cover. If you have any questions or you want to inform us of a day that you are unable to do, please feel free to contact me.
    Thank you for your continuing help and support
    I must have seen the same cattle as mike saw except I was earlier 7/30 ,and they were spread over the hillside to the south of the horse pond slowly moving west ,as I was sitting on my shooting stick watching them one black calf came right up to me sniffed all up my back ,I just sat still talking to it ,it then came in front of me and sniffed all up my legs then licked my hand all this time my little dog sat beside me the calf did not seem bothered by her being there ,at this time three were just to the east of the pond, some others were on the track at the sandy hill road near the broken concrete building all moving west I got close to some of these all looked ok .

    mike betts

    monday 13th sept 08.30 Found 22 cows 10 calfs managed to get close up all looked
    well, location just west of horse pond heading west.

    Thursday 9 September 2010

    Saw 44 Cows at 9.30am including the bull, and a very young cute wobbbly calf. spread out on the long bottom track and further on towards the whale tail. could hear more in the distance but didnt see them. All seemed well.

    Wednesday 8 September 2010

    At 9.40 this morning saw a small group of 6 cows and 3 calfs at the top of the long bottom track, there was 4 more cows further round the track, all looked fine, didnt come accross the rest of the cattle.

    Tuesday 7 September 2010

    7/30 am this morning some of the cattle were spread over the hillside at the western end of the horse pond both sides of the long bottom track ,I counted 29 total the bull was among this group ,they began to move of eastwards those I was close to looked ok but a bit bedraggled due to all the rain

    Monday 6 September 2010

    One group near car park on Bourley road, one at top of Long Bottom on western side, one including bull round Horse Pond. Numbers 1 doz, 3 doz and 3 doz approx. Nothing untoward noted.
    I met cattle today 8/am they were in grids o 20 21, I counted 26 mostly cows small number of calves,they were slowly moving west towards the long bottom track ,the last I saw of them they were in grids p /18 19 ,I was very close to most of them they all looked ok.

    Saturday 4 September 2010

    8/am today I met a small number of cattle 10, including the bull coming up the long bottom track from the pavillion end ,slowly moving west I followed them they all went to the horse pond to drink ,I noticed a very small brown and white calf with its mother this looked small enough to be recently born I do not know if this is possible the cow I think is ear tag no 270 the calf has no ear tag , I was very close to all of these all looked ok

    Thursday 2 September 2010

    A Few Repairs

    We added a bike inner tube and altered the latch to make the new wooden gate at H16 close securely. It needs a bit of wood behind the latch to finish the job. Lucy will come up and do this next week.

    We fixed a top wire break at L31. We drove over a lot of the site but saw nether hide nor hair of the cattle.
    today 7/45 am I found some of the cattle at grids k/l 25/26, I counted 15 ,only 3 calves only got close to four of them they looked well all grazing in the undergrowth.


    08.45 am thurs 2/9/2010 location f 28 29.

    1bull approx 24 cows 12 calfs spread over the two locations all looked well
    no problems.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...