Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Sunday 28 November 2010

    Saw them all on Saturday only the bank near Bricksbury Hill. All looked well

    Friday 26 November 2010

    All seen yesterday

    I checked all of the cattle yesterday (Thursday) - they were on the plateau of Caesar's Camp itself.
    All look very well, and in good condition.

    Thursday 25 November 2010

    Saw the Cattle on the Sandy Hill track at 9.30am. all looked well.

    Wednesday 24 November 2010

    Didn't see any Cattle today.

    Tuesday 23 November 2010

    met the cattle 8/am they were in grids q/r/15/16 unable to get close today they appeared to be heading towards the flooded gravel pit

    Monday 22 November 2010

    today 8/am I found the cattle they were both sides of the long bottom track ,two were in grid r/19 the other five were in grid q/18, I got up close to all of them they all looked fit and well the calf looks very strong,

    Saturday 20 November 2010

    Couldn't find them this afternoon. They are all very quiet, in the summer you heard them before you saw them.

    Friday 19 November 2010

    I found the cattle 7/45 am they were on grids r/18 s/17 ,all seven were there the calf has grown a lot since I last saw it ,I got really close to all of them one at a time ,they all looked well no runny noses eyes all clear no injuries to legs or bodies, grazing on a variety of materials

    Thursday 18 November 2010

    Couldn't find the cattle this morning.

    Wednesday 17 November 2010

    At last i saw the cattle this morning at 10.10 am where the film set were, i didnt get too close as the digger was still in action. But all seemed well.

    Monday 15 November 2010

    East to west again but no sighting of cattle.

    The film company seems to have been diligent in efforts to clean up the site. It would appear that there remains a comparative small amount of work to be done. One week ago I counted some 250 wheeled vehicles on this part of the area.

    Thursday 11 November 2010

    Hi Everyone,
    What a miserable day it's been!
    I found all the cattle today just beyond the film crew in S3. They all looked well and the calf is filling out nicely!

    The other news that we wanted to make you aware of is that there was a diesel spill last night. The film crew where moving some lights mounted on a generator when they hit a tree stump and broke a fuel line. This has unfortunately seeped down to the pond around Q11. A clean up crew where called very quickly and have cleared up a large amount but there are still sand bags and floats in the water to prevent it spreading any further. We have spoken to the grazer and he is happy for us to leave the cattle on the area as he believes the smell and taste of the water is likely to put them off drinking it. There is plenty of clean water in the area. We will, of course be keeping a close eye on them and the clean up operation. Natural England and the Environment Agency have been informed of the spill and will also be monitoring the situation.

    many thanks for your continuing help, especially in this weather!
    Didnt see the Cattle again today.

    Wednesday 10 November 2010

    Covered a lot of ground but no sign of the Cattle this morning.

    Monday 8 November 2010

    Camera Shy Cattle?

    On site checks today but failed to get a sight of any cattle, so perhaps they're hiding from the film crew as there is a lot of vehicle activity.(14.00) The NERT volunteers are out on site again this Wednesday (in Long Bottom from 10.00 or so, clearing Birch and Willow scrub) so we'll be able to have a concerted effort to find the animals then.
    Transited area east to west thru' Jubilee Clump but without sighting any cattle.

    Sunday 7 November 2010


    Saw cattle today all looked well seems weird without all the other cattle
    after looking every day since the new cattle were put on site I finally found them at 8/am today ,they were at grid l18 all seven were there, I noticed one black one trying to eat a small plastic bottle I managed to get it to drop it and move away ,I then picked up the bottle and it has now been removed from site all looked ok but a bit bedraggled due to all the rain

    Saturday 6 November 2010

    Saw all seven lying down on the top of Ceasars camp chewing the cud.

    Friday 5 November 2010

    Full count

    13.30, today all 7 were on Caesars cam at K20, they were all grazing and looked o/k

    Thursday 4 November 2010

    Didnt see the cows today, thought i heard them but it turned out to be chainsaws.

    NERTs but no cows

    We had a fine day scrub clearing with regular North East Reserves Team (NERT) volunteers and we were pleased to welcome Ivan who set to with bow saw and loppers. We'll be out at the same site again next week and would welcome any and all who'd like to help. Despite being on site all day not a sight of a cow alas.

    Wednesday 3 November 2010

    No sign of the Cattle this morning.

    Tuesday 2 November 2010

    Hi Everyone,
    Following my recent email here is the information about working parties happening on Caesars Camp.
    If you would like to attend then please come along or contact Keith for more information

    November 3rd and 10th
    Site – Caesar’s Camp
    Task- Scrub Clearance
    Meeting place – Bourley Road entrance, near Pavilion Hill. This entrance was used for Willow Coppicing last February and we came here to pull ragwort (happy days!).
    Grid reference – SU 845 509 Nearest post code- GU11 1PZ
    We’ll cut the scrub with bow-saws and loppers and perhaps a brush cutter or two.

    Many thanks

    Elliotts Site check report

    Hello all,

    I am on site checks this week and after driving around for an hour I could not find any of the cattle.

    I did manage to find our contractors (greenleaves) starting to clear the scrub near to the covered reservoir n H17. They will be on site for a number of weeks and will be heading up to the Caesars camp section of the site to clear the iron age ramparts next. That should really help them to stand out and see what is what.

    We are clearing scrub down in H28 on Wednesday if anyone fancies coming and helping to cut some scrub or load a big bonfire.

    best wishes


    Monday 1 November 2010

    I thought I counted 8 head which all appeared to be steers at the top of Long Bottom an hour ago. Anyway all 7 (8) appeared to be in good order.

    The film is 'Frostbite' - one of Capt. Marvell episodes apparently.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...