Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Friday 31 December 2010

    today 8/30am I found the cattle just to the west of the now demolished troop shelter ,at first I could only see three these I got close to they looked in good condition ,I found the rest they were in a clump of gorse feeding on the top shoots, unable to get near these as the gorse was to thick

    Thursday 30 December 2010

    12.00, i did not find any cattle today, i came onto site from beacon hill and cycled around the whale tail over to Caesars camp down to skirmishing hill and up long bottom with no luck.

    Tuesday 28 December 2010

    11.15, I eventually found all 7 in the fog near the track at Q9, all were grazing on the gorse and all looked ok.

    Friday 24 December 2010

    Dear All,

    I hope that you are all well. The grazing project team braved the cold weather to fell some trees at the Tumuli yesterday afternoon. It was a really beautiful day with the snow on the trees and the Robbins following our every move, searching for food in the areas where we created any ground disturbance. The cows heard us coming and quickly gathered around the felling area nibbling at the brash that we were stacking. They all looked really well and developed a special interest when the mince pies and doughnuts came out!

    We are clearing the Tumuli to help preserve these historic mounds and prevent tree roots growing through the soil which damages their structure. The work will continue intermittently until all of these area are clear.

    Take care and have a lovely Christmas,
    Many thanks

    Thursday 23 December 2010

    13.10 I found all of the cattle in the whale tail woods near the fence at T4, all were grazing and looked ok
    saw all the Cattle at 9.45am at 4s in the dip spread out eating. looked fine.

    Wednesday 22 December 2010

    Saw all the Cattle at 9.30am at Q9 in the fog eating the silver berch shoots, all seemed well.

    Monday 20 December 2010

    At about 12.00 I noticed a few cattle in the whale tail near the Beacon hill road at Q4, I could not count them or did i notice their condition.

    Thursday 16 December 2010

    Saw all the Cattle at 9.30 this morning, including the calf. Happily chomping away at the top of the long bootom track. Couldn't fill in blog untill now, no connection.

    Wednesday 15 December 2010

    Only 6 Catte found

    Hello everyone.

    On my sites visit today I found the steers and the cow in J7. Having looked back through the blog and from speaking to the farmer it has now become apparent that it has been some time since the calf was last seen. The farmer visited only yesterday and found all of the cows and could not find the calf. We will speak to the farmer and see what he wishes to do. Watch this space.

    No sign of Cattle today. very foggy again, lots of their prints in the whales tail but dont know where they are hiding.

    Monday 13 December 2010

    Evidence of their being at the top of Long Bottom recently but got no sighting; fog restricted visibility to about 100 yds.

    Sunday 12 December 2010

    I did not find the cows again, not having much luck at the moment.

    Thursday 9 December 2010

    Didnt find the Cattle today, saw lots of their foot prints in the whales tail, but no sign of them.

    Wednesday 8 December 2010

    At 9.45am i saw 3 steers in the freezing fog in the whale tail at 7S. Had a good look around the area but no sign of the rest of them.

    Tuesday 7 December 2010


    Had a good hike around this morning 07.30--09.00 could not find any cattle

    Monday 6 December 2010

    Have not seen any for some weeks and today was no exception - reduced visibility in near freezing fog was no help.

    Saturday 4 December 2010

    Went to Caesars camp today but no sign of the cattle. Are they still there, do they cope well with this weather?

    Friday 3 December 2010

    NERT and ERT Working Parties

    Hi there,Some lookers have expressed an interest in doing some practical habitat management with HWT. The next months calender looks like this!

    8th NERT at Longmoor - scrub Clearance
    9th ERT at Longmoor - Scrub clearance
    15th NERT at Noar Hill - Hedge planting
    29th NERT - TBC - Scrub Clarence to work off the Christmas pudding!

    ERT will be a new working party to help out in the Eastern region of Hampshire and the 8th December is the first event so come and join in!If you would like any further details then please contact Keith or myself. Our contacts are on the right in the contacts list. We hope to see some of you there!
    Many thanks

    Wednesday 1 December 2010

    Saw the Cattle at 9.45am they were walking towards me Then they stopped in a gateway at Q7 only counted 4 steers, one Cow and one Calf. could of been mistaken. they didnt seem too friendly so didnt get to close.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...