Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 29 November 2011

    Living Landscapes Appeal

    Hello. If you have time please have a look at our 50th Anniversary ‘Living Landscapes’ appeal to see if you, or anyone you know, is able to support it. 

    The Trusts vision is to create living landscapes and living seas rich in wildlife and valued by everyone.  

    Living landscapes is about creating bigger, better quality and more joined up nature for everyone. A high quality natural environment is essential for people’s quality of life and the Trust is working locally to join up wildlife-rich habitats and restore colour and vitality to our countryside and towns. Our targeted approach ensures that we focus on areas where the most benefits for nature can be achieved.  Your help as a looker puts you right at the heart of our living landscapes work in your area and we very much appreciate your support.

    Many thanks Laura

    Tuesday 18 October 2011

    Update on lead poisoning

    Dear all.
    I am writing to update you on the situation with the lead poisoning at Caesar’s Camp (B6).
    As you know, 4 cattle died of lead poisoning on July this year. We immediately removed all of the cattle.
    We undertook a number of searches of the land and a large ‘litter pick’ to find the source. We did find a number of suspect items, such as car batteries, but nothing conclusive.
    We then sent some samples that we found on site to a laboratory to compare them with a tiny fragment removed from the cow’s stomach.
    These tests proved inconclusive, although the stomach fragment was similar, but not identical, to the composition of lead bullets.
    We therefore plan to employ a search dog that will be trained to find lead contamination (if this is possible) in order to search the site.
    The training process will take approximately 12 weeks so, if it can work, I hope to undertake the search in February.
    If we find something, and are able to remove the danger it poses, then I hope to re-introduce the cattle in spring next year.
    If we are unable to locate the source of the poison, then we will have to reconsider how we manage the site.

    Thank you for your patience and support in this matter. I hope that it will be resolved soon.


    Tuesday 13 September 2011

    Any progress on information from the laboratory ?

    Sunday 4 September 2011

    New look, Old face

    Yes – your blog looks different!       Your blog has been updated to give it a facelift and a fresher feel. This should also ensure it still contains relevant and up-to-date information for you which can actually help you with your Lookering when you log on.  The functionality and the way you post your livestock checks remains the same so hopefully you shouldn’t have any problems. Please let me know by email if you encounter any problems with the new blog or have any comments. 

    And by the way, I am back from maternity leave this week! It’s nice to be back.


    Thursday 11 August 2011

    All Cattle Off

    Hi all,

    As the heading suggests, there are no longer any cattle on Caesar's camp. Many thanks for keeping us clued up on their where abouts. We will keep you informed on the lead issue.


    Thursday 4 August 2011

    Lead poisoning

    Hi all,

    Just to update you, as requested, we have had post mortem results confirming lead poisoning. We are as yet unsure of the exact material the cows have ingested that contains the lead but we have been conducting a number of searches on site for possible contaminants. Many thanks to those of you who have been able to give up more of your time to assist with these.

    We will be doing some intensive litter picking on Friday 2nd September and Sat 3rd September, to remove as much litter and refuse as possible from key areas of the site. Do get in touch if you would like to help out.

    We are waiting on the lab to identify the form in which the lead has been ingested and will keep you all informed as and when we know. it may take several weeks. Meanwhile attempts are still being made to get the last cow and calf off the site but she is not playing the game! We will keep trying.

    Many thanks


    Wednesday 3 August 2011

    Lead poisoning

    Just wondering if any progress has been made about this?

    Thursday 28 July 2011

    T9 at 8.30am

    At last I found the Cow and Calf, looking very relaxed in the woods in the whales tail.

    Friday 22 July 2011

    yesterday, at about noon, I found cow and calf in woods about 200 yards north of water tower. Both looked well and undisturbed by the firing taking place not far away.

    Wednesday 20 July 2011

    Cattle Walks

    Dear All,
    I hope that you will forgive me advertising these walks but I think that they may be interest you as you play such an important role in looking after the cattle.

    Beef for Bats Thursday 28th July 17.30 – 21.30
    Venue: Foxlease Meadows, Minley nr Fleet, GU17 9UF (nearest postcode) SU827 571
    Car park: at end of track off A327
    Price: £3 Adult, £2 Friends of Hampshire Fare, £2 Child
    Booking Essential: 01256 381190

    Join us for a walk to meet our cattle and learn about how they are benefiting wildlife. Then try some of the beef reared on a wildlife site and then join reserves officer Elliott Fairs as he listens out for bats on the reserve.

    Beef for Butterflies Saturday 30th July 1400 – 1600
    Venue: Noar Hill Nautre Reserve SU738 323.
    Car park: Entrance to bridleway opposite Charity Cottage, nr Selborne GU34 3LW (nearest postcode)
    Price: £3 Adult, £2 Friends of Hampshire Fare, £2 Child
    Booking Essential: 01256 381190

    Join us for a walk to meet our cattle and learn about how they are benefiting the butterflies. Then try some of the beef reared on a wildlife site. Please give us a bell if you would like to come along.

    Many thanks

    Friday 15 July 2011

    R 20 11.00, 12.30 and 14.00

    The cow and calf were hanging around the perimeter track between the old bunker and back toward the woodland at the top of Long Valley. Both were relaxed and barely looked up as a couple walked past with a dog. The dog was well behaved.

    Thursday 14 July 2011

    search party

    Hi all,

    just trying to get anyone who is free and willing together at 2pm today (sorry for short notice) to go a-hunting for possible sources of lead. Meeting at the gates on Bourley Road where there is a car park on both sides, just down from the pavillion entrance. the army signs should say fire point 22 or 21. I'm in the office for some of this morning or on 07503 570493 if you are free to help out. Many thanks.


    Tuesday 12 July 2011

    15.20, Calf and mother were on the track at R14, walking briskly North, both looked OK

    Thursday 7 July 2011

    Cow out with calf

    Hi all,

    We have failed to get the calf to bring it off Caesar's, despite some success luring it out of the cover using its mum as bait. We just couldn't catch it! So mum has been released on site to look after it.


    Tuesday 5 July 2011

    5/7/11 15:30 S10

    The calf was all alone and walking around in S10 at 15:30 todsay. I found him after we had carried out the first of the lead searches which unfortunayely came up blank. We started with all the pits at the western end of the site. There were 8 of us and we walked set tranbsects to try and be methodical but did not find anything apart from some litter which we bagged up for the MoD to collect.

    We will ikely arrange another attempt so watch this space!


    Monday 4 July 2011

    Cattle removed from site

    Unfortunately we have had to remove all of the cattle from Caesars Camp due to a couple more deaths over the weekend. So until we find the contamination and clear it up there will be no cattle on site. We will keep you all posted

    7/30 am today cows and calves were grids p/q 20/21 most lying down unable to count ,they then started to get up and move slowly west ,I followed on getting very close to them I was able to get a good look at most of them ,they all seemed to be ok ,I followed them till they got to grids r 17/18 where they all stopped an started grazing or lying down again I left them 8/30

    Saturday 2 July 2011

    50 plus seen at 10.30 in steep bottom (G26). 35 +~bull? grazing on slopes with rest in close knit group under trees at bottom of slope.

    lone cow +calf seen at g26 at 12.00. cow very protective of calf which was laying down but alert.

    Friday 1 July 2011

    Lead poisoning

    I'm afraid that the tests on the second dead cow have come back positive for lead poisoning.
    This means that we may have to move the cattle off the site until we can locate and deal with the cause. The farmer will make a decision this weekend, and I will let you know what he has decided to do. They are likely to go to another site that we look after, Hawley Common near Yateley.

    I would like to organise a search for the source of the lead. It is likely to be the same stuff that we had a couple of years ago, and hopefully in a similiar location. I have had a fairly good search but found nothing yet.
    I would like to organise another search on Tuesday afternoon at 1pm. Volunteers would be very welcome, meeting in the layby opposite the Total garage on Odiham Road.

    In the mean time, we have checked the cattle and all seem well. Please keep an eye out for erratic behaviour.
    I'll keep you posted.
    Many thanks

    Thursday 30 June 2011

    R16 and Q17 at 9.10 am

    A few spread out over R16 and a large group mainly lying down at Q17. Then there was two Cows making a lot of noise close to the top pond. they had three Calfs with them. They didnt seem to know which way they wanted to go, they set of towards caesers camp, so i followed from a distance. Then suddenly they turned and were running towards me. myself and my Dog quickly took to the bushes and they carried on past. There was another lady on the path she also headed into the bushes. so i would call this very strange behaviour. I have heard of at least Four people being chased by this group of Cattle.

    Wednesday 29 June 2011

    Q19 at 9.00am

    Either side of the long Bottom Track.Mainly lying down chewing their cud. Difficult to count as some were under the trees close together. Counted 60 plus. all seemed very relaxed.
    today 7/45 I found cattle both sides of the long bottom track near the small group of trees near the sandy hill playing field gate I think I counted 76 although I may have counted some twice I was very close to a lot of them although most were lying down none looked to be in distressI stayed watching for around 15 mins

    Tuesday 28 June 2011

    cattle today 7/45 were in grids n/m/21 I managed to count 60, very difficult as most were lying down ,I sat on my shooting stick and watched for 30 mins saw no unusual behaviour ,the few cows that were standing looked fit and well ,a few started to wander off down the track opposite the old troop shelter that goes down towards the eastern end of the horse pond as I reached the gate to leave site a lot were still lying in the same spot

    Monday 27 June 2011

    Long Bottom a few hundred yards west of Horse Pond. No strange/unusual behaviour noted, in fact, all appeared to be in very good condition.
    7/45 this morning I met a large group of cattle both sides of the long bottom track calves mostly grid q 20/21 most lying down most cows lying down as well those that were standing were well away from the calves untill they heard a dog barking then they all rushed back to the calves they all then laid down together under two groups of trees I followed and sat watching them for some time I was unaware then that two of the cows had died, as they were mostly lying down I was unable to see anything unusual but the ones that were standing looked ok ,very sorry to read of the two deaths, I wonder if they had eaten ragwort I see if is now starting to show

    Sunday 26 June 2011

    Cow death.

    Dear All,
    I am sorry to report that we have found another dead cow on the site. The grazier had it removed this afternoon and is going to have a postmortem done because it is so soon after the last death. We will of course keep you posted as to the results.
    In the mean time can you please look out for any cows or calves acting strangely such as chasing their tails or moving erratically. We just want to keep our eyes open for signs of poisoning until we are sure of the cause of the death.
    Thank you for your help with this.
    All the best

    Friday 24 June 2011

    Dead cow

    One of the cows died on Wednesday. We don't know why, and we are unlikely to find out as it is not worth undertaking a post mortem, unless something is suspected.
    She has been taken away from the site, and her calf has gone too.
    Thanks for all your help.

    Thursday 23 June 2011

    I 30 and P21 at 9.00 am

    Saw the first group of about 20, mainly lying down. The second group of 15 either side of the Long Bottom Track.Just as i was leaving the area a Lady was telling me she saw a dead Cow Wednesday evening, she reported it, but it was still there at 6am this morning. She thought it had now been delt with but was worried about its calf, as it was with the Cow last night.

    Wednesday 22 June 2011

    N27 and Q19 at 9.15am

    The first group of Cattle I saw, there were about 30. further on up the Long Bottom track i saw another 10. Didn't see the rest.

    Monday 20 June 2011

    Passed 8 on open ground due north of water tower - mostly lying down; of the remainder I saw none.

    Sunday 19 June 2011

    today 7/45 some of the cattle were spread wide over grids o/p/23 24 ,difficult to count but managed to count 56, the ones I got close to looked ok.

    Saturday 18 June 2011

    good to find we have more cattle on site today 7/30am some of the group were coming out from behind the group of trees grid o/22 moving swiftly east ,I counted 53 I followed them and found they had joined more spread both sides of the long bottom track near the group of trees near the sandy hill playing field I managed to count 70 to far spread to count more

    Friday 17 June 2011

    ten more!

    Hi all,

    Five new cows arrived on Caesar's camp, each with a calf at foot, to join our current herd bringing us up to 89 animals.



    Thursday 16 June 2011

    I 30 at 9.00 am

    A large group sheltering under the trees, probable 30 or, so difficuilt to count because of the trees. Didn't see any more, came back that way as they were making a lot of noise at 10.30. They were now much more spread out some heading towards G30.

    Wednesday 15 June 2011

    this morning 7/30 I saw the cattle round about the same place as janet no time to get close

    N23 and M20 at 930am

    Two large groups of 30 something, all seemed quite relaxed today. they hadn't moved when i came back that way at 10.20am.

    Tuesday 14 June 2011

    today at 7/30 I first saw cattle on the skyline near the seats at caesars camp ,by the time I had got there they had gone ,I next saw them making their way down towards the royal pavillion end moving very fast, not very close so unable to make a count but a very large group so suspect all were there

    Monday 13 June 2011

    today 7/45 I met cattle spread both sides of the long bottom track from the sandy hill track to just below the flooded gravel pit ,I managed to count 36 cows but only 20 calves ,most were lying down ,as I walked round I came across several attempts to start fires fortunately only small areas burnt, I managed to walk close to several cows and calves all looked ok

    Saturday 11 June 2011

    Wednesday 8 June

    Out running over Caesars Camp for an hour or so Wednesday evening and came across 16 + cattle and calfs grazing, laying and munching just west of the horse pond.

    N20 at 1600

    We counted 16 calves and 15 mums in the woods to the south of Caesar's camp. We might well have missed them if they had not been bellowing. One of the mums was anxious about the dog but generally they were content. The calves were curious and wanted to follow us. Did not spot the others.

    Friday 10 June 2011

    as I went through the gate to site I was confronted by 4 cows slowly moving east as I watched them they started grazing on the triangle of grass I got a good look at them as they went by all looked ok I went down the hill and saw the rest spread out before me grids p/20/21q21/22 q23 I counted all of them some let me and my dog walk really close to them and did not seem to worry ,as I reached the gate to leave site three were still on the triangle of grass so a full count today

    Thursday 9 June 2011

    N25 at 9.30 am

    there was 5 at the Horse pond the rest spread out down from the Pond.I counted 47.

    For Wednesday 8th June

    Dear All,
    Myself and Vicky had a drive around Caesars Camp yesterday. We managed to find 47 cattle all down by horse pond. As you know, not the easiest place to count them! It's great to have so many cattle out on site now munching away and with the rain we have had the heath will hopefully have plenty of grub on it!
    I hope that you are enjoying your lookering even if finding all the cattle is a little challenging.
    Many thanks
    todat at 7/30 am I think I met the same group as yesterday spread over a wide area grids l/m 24 /25 most of the cows were grazing I could only count 9 calves all lying down but suspect others were lying in the heather and bracken

    Wednesday 8 June 2011

    N20 at 10am

    Saw agroup of about 35, mainly sitting down.Couldn't see the rest.
    I mer cattle 7/30 this morning they were in grids n/20 21 I counted 22 cows but could only see 18 calves 5 cows standing grazing rest and all calves lying down today I was quite close to them they did not seem bothered about me sitting watching them with my little dog

    Tuesday 7 June 2011

    7/30 this morning I met the cattle spread widely grids p20/21 q 20/21 , both sides of long bottom track managed to count all of the cows but two of the cows were on the triangle of grass behind bricksbury estate ,I was unable to count all of the calves ,the ones on the south side all cows , they suddenly rushed across to the north side to join the cows and calves ,I think they heard the two women with the five dogs I saw chasing them a few days ago, they were not close to the cattle ,I heard them calling thier dogs this was when the cattle rushed off ,I do not get to close to them yet they are to protective of the calves.

    Monday 6 June 2011

    A large number in Long Bottom some 500 yards SW of Horse Pond and spread over a fairly big area. There was some commotion when I first saw them possibly caused by dog(s) but I cannot be sure about this. After a while they settled down. I imagine, too, that recent arrivals are more likely to be nervous in their new surroundings.

    Sunday 5 June 2011

    8/15 this morning I met all of the cattle a small group under trees r 18, the rest under the trees where the blue barrel used to be at the western end of the horse pond, all lying down looked as if they had spent the night there, as I watched a few wandered off towards the horse pond

    Saturday 4 June 2011

    E26 at 1000

    Found 17 cows and 18 calves north of the path in from the Royal Pavillion car park. Shame I parked on Beacon Hill!
    7/45 today I came across a small group of cattle 5 cows 5 calves they were grid m 20/21 most were lying down all looked ok

    Thursday 2 June 2011

    Dear All,
    Another 7 cows and 7 calves have been put onto Caesars Camp so the total is.....39 cows and 40 cavles!

    Many thanks
    8/am today as I was walking my dog looking for the cattle I went the wrong way as usual ,I heard a commotion with dogs barking then the cattle calling out ,I made my way towards the noise and saw a group of dogs chasing them ,I know these dogs well and have always been told they do not bother the cattle from what I saw this morning this is not the case, at one stage they were coming towards me then they turned and went off towards the flooded gravel pit running very fast

    Tuesday 31 May 2011

    More cows and calves

    The farmer has put on 16 more cows and their calves, making a total of 32 cows and 33 calves on site.
    Thanks for all of your help.

    Monday 30 May 2011

    All in Long Bottom opposite Sandy Hill estate and appeared to be in good order.

    Some fool has cut down a couple of birch to build a fire near the oak copse in this part. Judging by the condition of the litter this would have been in the last few weeks i.e. during the very dry conditions we have experienced recently.

    Noted that the top, barbed, wire by the gate off Cranmore Lane has been cut.

    Sunday 29 May 2011

    8 am I saw all of the cattle they were lying down where the now dismantled troop shelter wasthey all looked contented so I kept my distance so I did not disturb them I watched for around 10 mins then left for home

    Saturday 28 May 2011

    R17 at 1030

    I found what appeared to be all of the cows and calves on the south side of the Long Bottom track at R17 this morning. It was very difficult to count as they were lying down in a tight group with the calves between them but I counted at least 15 adults. The very small calf was the only one standing. All seemed well.

    Friday 27 May 2011

    Saw another half dozen adults grazing NW of horse pond. Probably they are all there in a diffuse group. All looked fine.
    13 calves and 9? Adults in woods west of pond 6.08
    3 cows just south of horse pond on slope. All adults. More in view on slope up to Caesars camp proper 6 pm

    Thursday 26 May 2011

    P19 at 9.10am

    Counted 24 the rest could of been further back in the trees, all looked well.

    Wednesday 25 May 2011

    Spotted cows around horse pond at 7pm. First sighting in ages; forgotten how hard they are to count! 14 cows, 8 calves ... Probably!

    N16 at 9.50am

    Counted all 33 Cows and Calfs, on the move heading towards the top pond from Caesars Camp.

    Monday 23 May 2011

    About 11 AM 28 cows/calves at western end of 'Tail' - all quiet.

    Sunday 22 May 2011

    at R12

    Visited yesterday, counted 12 calves and 16 cows. All look healthy and not stressed.

    Saturday 21 May 2011

    R17 at 0915 all present

    Stumbled across two sleeping calves in long grass to the side of the path. Their mums then found me as they thought I was too close. They came running followed by the main group and were very vocal until another walker's dog started barking. I think I counted 33 but I'm not certain. All looked to be in good health.

    Thursday 19 May 2011

    7/30 am saw cattle grid p/20 most were lying down I managed to count 20 ,10 cows 10 calves I watched for some time ,the cows then started to get up and stand under the oak tree they all appeared to be contented

    Wednesday 18 May 2011

    R10 at 8.30

    Saw 11 Cows and 7 Calfs. A black and White Cow was Quite lively.

    Tuesday 17 May 2011

    More cattle added

    The farmer has brought the first load of cows and calves up to Caeser's Camp.
    There are now an additional 15 cows with their calves, making a total of 33 cattle.
    We will let you know when the next lot arrive.
    Many thanks for all of your help.

    Monday 16 May 2011

    All three in 'putty' pit at western end of Tail. Cow has very fine markings now particularly evident and calf is a very good looking specimen.

    Saturday 14 May 2011

    No sighting today, they may have moved on for the whale tail.

    Thursday 12 May 2011

    T8 at 10.05am

    All three were in a wooded area. Two were grazing on lush grass, the calf was lying down, all seemed happy.
    what a surprise to find we have a new arrival on site I hope to find them soon,as I was walking my dog at 8/30 this morning I was on the top of the bank above the windy gap area I saw a hare running across towards the pavillion end in all the years I have been walking the area this is the first time I have seen a hare

    Strange messages!

    Dear All,
    One of our bloggers reported a window opening as they entered the blog stating'what if I lost my google account'. It then asked them to fill in some information (which they didn't do) the blog then automatically came up as usual. If this message appears we would recommend that you do not fill in any personal details and just wait for the blog to kick in.
    I hope that you are all well and still enjoying the sun....although the weekend seems to be promising some much needed rain!
    Many thanks

    Wednesday 11 May 2011

    S5 at 9.45

    Saw all three in the pit area of the whales tail. All looked well, the calf was very cute.

    Monday 9 May 2011

    New arrival (rather unexpected!)

    Hi all,

    Keith and I were at the site today and managed to locate cow and calf in the whale tail (my first sighting of them finally!). Much to our surprise a new born calf trotted out of the vegetation behind mum! It appears that we now have a family of three! We suspect he was born either last night or the night before. We will inform the livestock owners of this new development and see where to go from here! Meanwhile the new calf looks very perky and is steady on his feet. He allowed me to get close enough to get a quick photo but was a little wary which is probably a good thing.



    Wednesday 4 May 2011

    No sign

    Havn't seen the Cow and Calf for a while.

    Thursday 28 April 2011

    No sign

    I couldn't find them either.

    no sign!

    Hi all,

    Just to introduce myself, my name is Vicky Russell and I am a trainee working with the Grazing Team for the coming year. You are bound to see me out and about so please do come over and say hello.

    Lucy was showing me around the site today. We checked the south fence line which I understand can be a hotspot for fence damage and we did find a little repair was required. We also had a good scout around for the cow and her calf, particularly in areas that you have had sightings recently, but with no success! Perhaps I will have more success when I have become more familiar with their habbits and patterns.

    Hopefully I will have the opportunity to meet you soon when we are out and about.

    Best wishes


    Wednesday 27 April 2011

    No sign

    Had a good look round, but didn't see the Cattle.

    Thursday 21 April 2011

    7/am today the two cattle were on the sandy hill track grid q /23 grazing both sides they both looked fit and well plenty of fresh grass along the track they were slowly moving west as I returned they had gone from sight

    Wednesday 20 April 2011

    No sign

    Couldn't find the Cow and Calf this morning.

    Monday 18 April 2011

    S7, Whale's Tale 15.00

    Eventually found the elusive pair in the Whale's Tail but they quickly moved back into the cover of the Scots Pines once I started to show an interest in them! Both ok but the cow is a bit 'scruffy'.

    Sunday 17 April 2011

    Visited site yesterday, couldn't find the cows

    Thursday 14 April 2011

    13 April

    No sign of them

    14 April

    Still cannot find the cows, must be new stealth cattle.

    Thursday 7 April 2011

    Wednesday 6 April 2011

    O23 at 9.40 am

    The Cow and Calf were grazing on the North Side,just off the Long Bottom track.
    today 8/45 the cow and calf were on the south side of the long bottom track grazing ,they allowed me to get up close ,both looked fit and well I watched them for about 10 mins then went on my way ,when I got to the top of the hill near the broken concrete building at sandy hill ,I looked back they had crossed over to the north side

    Tuesday 5 April 2011


    12.15, I found both the cow and calf lying down chewing the cud at the far Eastern end of longbottom track at roughly J28, both looked o/k

    Monday 4 April 2011

    Both in Long Bottom at Pavilion end and looking well.

    Thursday 31 March 2011

    11.30 2R

    Dear all, Keith was out and about fixing the fence today and found the calf and cow happily grazing near the woodland. Both seemed well Many thanks Lucy

    No sign

    Couldn't find the Cow and Calf again today.

    Wednesday 30 March 2011

    No sign

    Couldn't find the Cow and Calf this morning.

    Monday 28 March 2011


    16,15 cow and calf were grazing on the N side of long bottom track at roughly Q18, both looked ok
    Long Bottom about 300 yards SW Horse Pond, cow & calf grazing & gamboling.

    Thursday 24 March 2011

    Q17 at 9.40 am

    They hadn't moved far since yesterday. Both seemed fine.

    Wednesday 23 March 2011

    R17 at 9.40

    The Cow and Calf were happily grazing in the sunshine just off the Long Bottom track.
    8/am I found the cow and calf on the north side of the long bottom track grid number q 18 I was able to get up close to both of them both looked well eyes clear and bright no runny noses

    Saturday 19 March 2011

    11.00 I found the cow and calf lying down enjoying the sunshine in the whale tail at T7 both looked ok

    Friday 18 March 2011

    Only 2 left

    The farmer has taken them all off except the cow and calf.
    They need to be tested for TB, and he should have taken them all off yesterday but the calf escaped over a fence and could not be rounded up. We reunited the calf with its mother this morning.
    So, only cow and calf left. We will try again next week.

    Thursday 17 March 2011

    R18 and P18 9.40am

    The Cattle were spread either side of the Long bottom path. Two of the black ones were higher up in the Wooded area. As i got past them the Farmer turned up and called them all to him, they followed him in his Landrover up the track and round the corner. He left them at Q12.

    Wednesday 16 March 2011

    S15 at 9.30

    All the Cattle were together at the top of the Long Bottom track. They were grazing, all seemed well.

    Monday 14 March 2011

    F19 11.30 Saturday 12th

    All 7 seen by Keith W around F19 moving East, looking well.

    Thursday 10 March 2011

    R21 at 9.30am

    All up on the Sandy Hill track. All looked well.

    Wednesday 9 March 2011

    R18 at 9.45am

    The Cattle were all grazing either side of the long Bottom track, all looked well.

    Tuesday 8 March 2011

    8/15 am the cattle were both sides of the long bottom track grids q/r 19 ,three on one side rest on the north side I got close to the four on the north side they all looked fit and ,well two of the others had wandered off to the sandy hill track I managed to get close to all of these ,all looked well, I was told about the fire yesterday and that three youths had been seen running away I dont know witch direction, I was told the fire brigade arrived promptly.

    Monday 7 March 2011


    After a big sweep, all 7 cattle found 11.25 am at R16 grazing on grass. Checked all close up - all appeared well.

    H18 @ 16:00

    After quite a time of failing to find the cattle, all seven were happily grazing near the covered reservoir this afternoon. As usual they let me get quite close and all seemed fine.


    Saturday 5 March 2011

    No sign

    Hello all,

    I visited the site yesterday and drove around for an hour with no site or sound of any cattle. I did however hear a woodlark singing up in square K18 which was a lovely sound to hear this early in spring, may we all hear this more in the next few weeks to come


    Thursday 3 March 2011

    No sign

    Covered a lot of ground, but couldn't find any Cattle.

    Wednesday 2 March 2011

    22 I at 10. 15am

    Saw them all. all was well.
    This time I encountered them in Steep Bottom (old rifle range) below Jubilee Clump - all seemed well.

    Tuesday 1 March 2011

    today 8/15 I found the cattle all seven were there in grids g/25/26 ? ,slowly making their way east towards the sandy area at sunny hill ,I only got close to one of the black ones it looked ok ,the others looked ok but unable to get really close.

    Monday 28 February 2011

    About 10 AM all 7 were on north side of Hungry Hill and appeared to be in good shape.

    Saturday 26 February 2011

    No sign...

    Parked by the gate at the top of Beacon Hill and walked out to Caesar's Camp look out point. No sign of cows en route or from the top. Walked back via Long Bottom and the "putty" quarry but still no sign.

    Thursday 24 February 2011

    20 J at 10.40 am

    Saw all the Cattle, all seemed fine.

    No cows today

    09.45, in at Beacon hill across to Caesars camp via the whale tail,down past windy gap hill back up long bottom across sandy hill and out at Bourley road with no sign of the cattle

    Wednesday 23 February 2011

    Had a good look round this morning, but couldn't find the Cattle.

    Monday 21 February 2011

    S & R 17

    Saw all 7 10.36am grazing at S and R 17. One black steer with no ear identification plate ingested a black plastic bin liner as I arrived on site - was not able to stop this from happening. Calf with 3 steers near track bordering Sandy Hill estate. Cow and 2 steers on north side of Long Bottom track. Phoned HWT to report ingesting of bin liner.
    at 8/15 am I met up with the cattle all seven were there ,three of the black ones came up to me and licked my hand ,all of them looked ok ,I had previously seen two dogs worrying them a brown lab and a brown and white spaniel, I left a note on the owners car parked near the gate I use to get on site to let him know I would put this sighting on the blog.

    Thursday 17 February 2011

    R18 at 9.40am

    All were grazing just off the Long Bottom track.

    Wednesday 16 February 2011

    P 19

    16.30, All 7 were in amongst the trees and gorse at p19, most were grazing on the gorse and they were very slowly heading East, all looked OK
    Couldn't find the Cattle this morning.

    Monday 14 February 2011

    G23 Cheese Hill

    13:12 - all 7 seen at G23. Close group of 6 edge of high gorse area south side of Cheese Hill. 1 inside gorse area slightly lower down slope. All seemed content with cow licking face of one of the steers.

    Saturday 12 February 2011

    8 am all 7 were in grid n/7 in a clump of gorse feeding only able to get close to three they looked ok the rest were to deep in the gorse to see clearly

    Friday 11 February 2011


    All 7 were on Caesars camp at K19, all looked OK and they were grazing on the gorse.

    Thursday 10 February 2011

    Q21 at 9.40am

    All on the bank. took a while to find the Calf it was hiding in the gauze.

    Wednesday 9 February 2011

    Q18 at 10am

    All seven grazing and moveing through to Q17. All seemed well.

    Monday 7 February 2011


    10:15 - all 7 seen grazing on grass/heather at P16. Checked all close up - everyone quite happy.
    saw all seven 8/am they were in grid no/s .t 6/7 they all looked ok the calf is getting very strong looking

    Sunday 6 February 2011

    Saw all seven at M27 on Saturday afternoon.

    Saturday 5 February 2011


    09:01 saw 5 steers and 1 brown back of cow or calf - I could not tell which - amongst high gorse bushes at M17. Was out running with friends, so did not stop to investigate further. Will check properly on Monday.

    Thursday 3 February 2011


    10.00, all 7 still at q16 grazing on gorse all looked ok.

    Q16 at 9.15

    All grazing close to the top pond. noticed the Cow had some bold patches near her tail.

    Wednesday 2 February 2011

    9/00am this morning I saw the cattle they were close to the gate that I come onto site they were in grid t12 unable to get close as they were in a gorse clump all were there must have moved on to where janet saw them later

    R19 at 10.25

    All the Cattle were happily grazing on the Sandy Hill track.

    Monday 31 January 2011

    Q12, at 13.50

    All 7 tightly grouped but relaxed, mostly cudding and enjoying the sunshine. A really lovely day to be out on the site.

    I replaced a cut top strand on the fence near Hungry Hill but a post there will need replacing soon.

    The North East Reserves Team (NERT) are out clearing scrub toward the Sandy Hill end of Long Bottom this Wednesday (2nd February) and on the 9th. If you can make it your help would be much appreciated!
    It is evident from the fresh tracks every Monday for the last few weeks that motorbikes are again using the area over the weekends.


    11.20 am - all 7 cattle seen grazing at Q12. Checked all close up - no apparent physical problems seen. Also checked fence line from P12 to C26 - fence intact.

    Sunday 30 January 2011


    16.00, found 5 at O16 grazing on gorse, I did not have time to look for the others, those I saw looked OK

    Friday 28 January 2011


    11.45 found all 7 grazing on the heather on Caesars camp at m17 all looked ok.


    Dear All,
    Below are the details for the next ERT conservation volunteer day.Bramshott Heathland Restoration 10am-2.30 / 3.00pm.Come along and learn more about Bramshott CommonWhilst helping us to restore the open heathland by felling birch and scots pine scrub. Hand tools and training will be provided. Wellies or stout footwear is recommended.

    Meet and park in the main car park (north of the A3), off Rectory Lane, GU26 6DN(Map ref.SU 855 335). PLEASE NOTE: The section of Rectory Lane leading from Bramshott will be temporarily closed on Saturday. Please use the direct exit on to Rectory Lane from the northbound A3.

    For further details, please contact KeithBlackmore on 01256 381190 or 07770 918372 (Mobile).This event may be cancelled due to military training, so please ring in the week before to check that it is to take place. Under 16’s are welcome but accompanied by adults please. Dogs on leads are welcome.
    We hope to see some of you there
    Many thanks

    Thursday 27 January 2011


    All the Cattle were at the top of the Long Bottom track at 10.00am. all looked well.


    Dear All,

    At the start of February we will be starting to analyse how the cattle move around the site. This data is helpful in a number of ways. We are currently undertaking a survey that looks at populations of nesting Woodlarks with in grazed areas. For some time there has been a debate as to whether cattle grazing on a site has a positive or detrimental effect on ground nesting birds. As parts of this research we are recording the movements of our cattle in relation to nesting sights.
    In addition this data will help us to get a better idea of how the cattle are grazing, their favourite spots and what areas they prefer at certain time during the year.

    To help us do this I have a favour to ask. When reporting a sighting of the cattle, please could you use the looker maps to record the grid number that you saw the cattle in. I know that some times the cattle are spread around the site, and in this instance please put all the locations that you saw the cattle. When you write the report, pop the grid number in the title box of the blog. This will make collecting the data much easier for us and ensure accurate results for our surveys.

    Your help with this is greatly appreciated and you will be assisting with a survey that will answer some really important questions. If you have any queries please feel free to let me know.

    Many thanks

    Wednesday 26 January 2011

    Full Count

    16.30, I found all 7 on the North slope of Sandy hill at roughly R19 just off longbottom track, all were grazing and slowly walking East. All looked OK.
    Couldn't find any Cattle today.

    Tuesday 25 January 2011

    Bit of a late post but I saw all 7 chomping at the gorse on Saturday at the Bricksbury hill end of the reserve.

    Monday 24 January 2011

    12:26 - 6 cattle seen at S15 - 5 black, 1 brown. All grazing on gorse in small wooded area on north slope below Sandy Hill Estate. Walked main track from Bourley Road cp (Aldershot end) and back via track south side of Horse pond. No obvious sign of calf.

    Note: Wooded area contains remains of an old camp inside a clump of gorse - tent hanging from branches and metal bike frame on ground outside camp entrance.

    Sunday 23 January 2011

    13.00, All 7 were just South of the pond at roughly Q16, they were all grazing on the gorse and all looked OK

    Thursday 20 January 2011

    They hadn't moved far since yesterday. They were near the benches on the top of Caesars Camp all grazing on the gauze.

    Wednesday 19 January 2011

    Saw the Cattle at 9.45am on top of Caesars Camp, all looked well.

    Tuesday 18 January 2011

    Full Count

    13.30, After cycling around the site for more than 2 hours I eventually caught up with all 7 on Caesars camp at roughly L18, they were all grazing and looked OK if a little damp.

    Saturday 15 January 2011

    found cattle way in the distance from where I was, they were around thebrown leaf hill area ,I could only see five one brown rest black this was 9 am

    Friday 14 January 2011

    Dear All,
    Had a drive around today, checked the fence and found the cattle. They where still all around the sandy area in the trees towards the Bourley Road. They all looked well, although slightly damp.
    Many thanks

    Thursday 13 January 2011

    Saw all the Cattle at 9.20am at 29g just off the large sandy area all appeared well.

    Wednesday 12 January 2011

    Saw all the Cattle at 9.15 this morning. Close to the entrance at 33G off Farnborough road. All were looking well.

    Monday 10 January 2011

    On Friday I saw them between Heath End & Hungry Hill and so returned there today but they had apparently departed for some other part of the area.

    Judging by the number of motorbike tracks there has been some considerable driving over the hillside over the weekend. Perhaps this was authorised but I doubt it.

    Saturday 8 January 2011

    No cows today

    11.00, Today I cycled most of the area with the exception of the far Eastern side with no siting of any cattle. I did meet a couple who had seen them a couple of days previous near to Caesars camp.

    Friday 7 January 2011

    Practical Conservation Day!!

    Dear All,

    Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust are hosting a practical conservation day at Bramshott Common on 18th January at 10.00. The meeting place is the MOD car park on the southbound A3, about 1KM after the turn off for Knock Hundred Lane. Bring sturdy boots, warm clothing and a packed lunch.

    We shall be clearing invasive scrub from around the base of young and mature trees giving them the room to develop fully. There will also be a fire to keep warm, a chance to meet other people who use the common and the opportunity to ask questions about the current consultation process being undertaken concerning the future management of Bramshott Common.
    This is all part of our new ERT conservation team that we are developing for the East of the region.
    If you would like to come along or would just like to know more please contact Keith either via email or phone.
    I hope that you are all well
    many thanks

    Thursday 6 January 2011

    Was walking for two hours but no sign of the Cattle.

    Wednesday 5 January 2011

    Couldn't find the Cows this morning.

    Tuesday 4 January 2011

    Full Count

    16.20, All 7 were grazing on the Southern slope of Caesars camp at L20, they were slowly walking East and looked OK

    Volunteers Clearing Scrub

    With apologies for the short notice, but the NERT are due to be out cutting scrub on Bricksbury Hill tomorrow (Wednesday 5th) from around 10.30 (time we get there). All extra volunteers more than welcome. We will be out again on the 12th in the same area. Hope you are able to come and help. Many thanks.

    Monday 3 January 2011

    All 7 at point between top of Long Bottom and large gravel pit on Bricksbury Hill - grazing and all appeared well.

    Saturday 1 January 2011

    I found the cattle again today 8/30 am ,they were in grids k 18/19 feeding in a clump of gorse again eating the top shoots ,I was close to the calf and three of the black ones the calf looks very strong ,he others were to deep in the gorse to be able to get a close look

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...