Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 31 January 2011

    Q12, at 13.50

    All 7 tightly grouped but relaxed, mostly cudding and enjoying the sunshine. A really lovely day to be out on the site.

    I replaced a cut top strand on the fence near Hungry Hill but a post there will need replacing soon.

    The North East Reserves Team (NERT) are out clearing scrub toward the Sandy Hill end of Long Bottom this Wednesday (2nd February) and on the 9th. If you can make it your help would be much appreciated!
    It is evident from the fresh tracks every Monday for the last few weeks that motorbikes are again using the area over the weekends.


    11.20 am - all 7 cattle seen grazing at Q12. Checked all close up - no apparent physical problems seen. Also checked fence line from P12 to C26 - fence intact.

    Sunday 30 January 2011


    16.00, found 5 at O16 grazing on gorse, I did not have time to look for the others, those I saw looked OK

    Friday 28 January 2011


    11.45 found all 7 grazing on the heather on Caesars camp at m17 all looked ok.


    Dear All,
    Below are the details for the next ERT conservation volunteer day.Bramshott Heathland Restoration 10am-2.30 / 3.00pm.Come along and learn more about Bramshott CommonWhilst helping us to restore the open heathland by felling birch and scots pine scrub. Hand tools and training will be provided. Wellies or stout footwear is recommended.

    Meet and park in the main car park (north of the A3), off Rectory Lane, GU26 6DN(Map ref.SU 855 335). PLEASE NOTE: The section of Rectory Lane leading from Bramshott will be temporarily closed on Saturday. Please use the direct exit on to Rectory Lane from the northbound A3.

    For further details, please contact KeithBlackmore on 01256 381190 or 07770 918372 (Mobile).This event may be cancelled due to military training, so please ring in the week before to check that it is to take place. Under 16’s are welcome but accompanied by adults please. Dogs on leads are welcome.
    We hope to see some of you there
    Many thanks

    Thursday 27 January 2011


    All the Cattle were at the top of the Long Bottom track at 10.00am. all looked well.


    Dear All,

    At the start of February we will be starting to analyse how the cattle move around the site. This data is helpful in a number of ways. We are currently undertaking a survey that looks at populations of nesting Woodlarks with in grazed areas. For some time there has been a debate as to whether cattle grazing on a site has a positive or detrimental effect on ground nesting birds. As parts of this research we are recording the movements of our cattle in relation to nesting sights.
    In addition this data will help us to get a better idea of how the cattle are grazing, their favourite spots and what areas they prefer at certain time during the year.

    To help us do this I have a favour to ask. When reporting a sighting of the cattle, please could you use the looker maps to record the grid number that you saw the cattle in. I know that some times the cattle are spread around the site, and in this instance please put all the locations that you saw the cattle. When you write the report, pop the grid number in the title box of the blog. This will make collecting the data much easier for us and ensure accurate results for our surveys.

    Your help with this is greatly appreciated and you will be assisting with a survey that will answer some really important questions. If you have any queries please feel free to let me know.

    Many thanks

    Wednesday 26 January 2011

    Full Count

    16.30, I found all 7 on the North slope of Sandy hill at roughly R19 just off longbottom track, all were grazing and slowly walking East. All looked OK.
    Couldn't find any Cattle today.

    Tuesday 25 January 2011

    Bit of a late post but I saw all 7 chomping at the gorse on Saturday at the Bricksbury hill end of the reserve.

    Monday 24 January 2011

    12:26 - 6 cattle seen at S15 - 5 black, 1 brown. All grazing on gorse in small wooded area on north slope below Sandy Hill Estate. Walked main track from Bourley Road cp (Aldershot end) and back via track south side of Horse pond. No obvious sign of calf.

    Note: Wooded area contains remains of an old camp inside a clump of gorse - tent hanging from branches and metal bike frame on ground outside camp entrance.

    Sunday 23 January 2011

    13.00, All 7 were just South of the pond at roughly Q16, they were all grazing on the gorse and all looked OK

    Thursday 20 January 2011

    They hadn't moved far since yesterday. They were near the benches on the top of Caesars Camp all grazing on the gauze.

    Wednesday 19 January 2011

    Saw the Cattle at 9.45am on top of Caesars Camp, all looked well.

    Tuesday 18 January 2011

    Full Count

    13.30, After cycling around the site for more than 2 hours I eventually caught up with all 7 on Caesars camp at roughly L18, they were all grazing and looked OK if a little damp.

    Saturday 15 January 2011

    found cattle way in the distance from where I was, they were around thebrown leaf hill area ,I could only see five one brown rest black this was 9 am

    Friday 14 January 2011

    Dear All,
    Had a drive around today, checked the fence and found the cattle. They where still all around the sandy area in the trees towards the Bourley Road. They all looked well, although slightly damp.
    Many thanks

    Thursday 13 January 2011

    Saw all the Cattle at 9.20am at 29g just off the large sandy area all appeared well.

    Wednesday 12 January 2011

    Saw all the Cattle at 9.15 this morning. Close to the entrance at 33G off Farnborough road. All were looking well.

    Monday 10 January 2011

    On Friday I saw them between Heath End & Hungry Hill and so returned there today but they had apparently departed for some other part of the area.

    Judging by the number of motorbike tracks there has been some considerable driving over the hillside over the weekend. Perhaps this was authorised but I doubt it.

    Saturday 8 January 2011

    No cows today

    11.00, Today I cycled most of the area with the exception of the far Eastern side with no siting of any cattle. I did meet a couple who had seen them a couple of days previous near to Caesars camp.

    Friday 7 January 2011

    Practical Conservation Day!!

    Dear All,

    Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust are hosting a practical conservation day at Bramshott Common on 18th January at 10.00. The meeting place is the MOD car park on the southbound A3, about 1KM after the turn off for Knock Hundred Lane. Bring sturdy boots, warm clothing and a packed lunch.

    We shall be clearing invasive scrub from around the base of young and mature trees giving them the room to develop fully. There will also be a fire to keep warm, a chance to meet other people who use the common and the opportunity to ask questions about the current consultation process being undertaken concerning the future management of Bramshott Common.
    This is all part of our new ERT conservation team that we are developing for the East of the region.
    If you would like to come along or would just like to know more please contact Keith either via email or phone.
    I hope that you are all well
    many thanks

    Thursday 6 January 2011

    Was walking for two hours but no sign of the Cattle.

    Wednesday 5 January 2011

    Couldn't find the Cows this morning.

    Tuesday 4 January 2011

    Full Count

    16.20, All 7 were grazing on the Southern slope of Caesars camp at L20, they were slowly walking East and looked OK

    Volunteers Clearing Scrub

    With apologies for the short notice, but the NERT are due to be out cutting scrub on Bricksbury Hill tomorrow (Wednesday 5th) from around 10.30 (time we get there). All extra volunteers more than welcome. We will be out again on the 12th in the same area. Hope you are able to come and help. Many thanks.

    Monday 3 January 2011

    All 7 at point between top of Long Bottom and large gravel pit on Bricksbury Hill - grazing and all appeared well.

    Saturday 1 January 2011

    I found the cattle again today 8/30 am ,they were in grids k 18/19 feeding in a clump of gorse again eating the top shoots ,I was close to the calf and three of the black ones the calf looks very strong ,he others were to deep in the gorse to be able to get a close look

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...