Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 28 February 2011

    About 10 AM all 7 were on north side of Hungry Hill and appeared to be in good shape.

    Saturday 26 February 2011

    No sign...

    Parked by the gate at the top of Beacon Hill and walked out to Caesar's Camp look out point. No sign of cows en route or from the top. Walked back via Long Bottom and the "putty" quarry but still no sign.

    Thursday 24 February 2011

    20 J at 10.40 am

    Saw all the Cattle, all seemed fine.

    No cows today

    09.45, in at Beacon hill across to Caesars camp via the whale tail,down past windy gap hill back up long bottom across sandy hill and out at Bourley road with no sign of the cattle

    Wednesday 23 February 2011

    Had a good look round this morning, but couldn't find the Cattle.

    Monday 21 February 2011

    S & R 17

    Saw all 7 10.36am grazing at S and R 17. One black steer with no ear identification plate ingested a black plastic bin liner as I arrived on site - was not able to stop this from happening. Calf with 3 steers near track bordering Sandy Hill estate. Cow and 2 steers on north side of Long Bottom track. Phoned HWT to report ingesting of bin liner.
    at 8/15 am I met up with the cattle all seven were there ,three of the black ones came up to me and licked my hand ,all of them looked ok ,I had previously seen two dogs worrying them a brown lab and a brown and white spaniel, I left a note on the owners car parked near the gate I use to get on site to let him know I would put this sighting on the blog.

    Thursday 17 February 2011

    R18 at 9.40am

    All were grazing just off the Long Bottom track.

    Wednesday 16 February 2011

    P 19

    16.30, All 7 were in amongst the trees and gorse at p19, most were grazing on the gorse and they were very slowly heading East, all looked OK
    Couldn't find the Cattle this morning.

    Monday 14 February 2011

    G23 Cheese Hill

    13:12 - all 7 seen at G23. Close group of 6 edge of high gorse area south side of Cheese Hill. 1 inside gorse area slightly lower down slope. All seemed content with cow licking face of one of the steers.

    Saturday 12 February 2011

    8 am all 7 were in grid n/7 in a clump of gorse feeding only able to get close to three they looked ok the rest were to deep in the gorse to see clearly

    Friday 11 February 2011


    All 7 were on Caesars camp at K19, all looked OK and they were grazing on the gorse.

    Thursday 10 February 2011

    Q21 at 9.40am

    All on the bank. took a while to find the Calf it was hiding in the gauze.

    Wednesday 9 February 2011

    Q18 at 10am

    All seven grazing and moveing through to Q17. All seemed well.

    Monday 7 February 2011


    10:15 - all 7 seen grazing on grass/heather at P16. Checked all close up - everyone quite happy.
    saw all seven 8/am they were in grid no/s .t 6/7 they all looked ok the calf is getting very strong looking

    Sunday 6 February 2011

    Saw all seven at M27 on Saturday afternoon.

    Saturday 5 February 2011


    09:01 saw 5 steers and 1 brown back of cow or calf - I could not tell which - amongst high gorse bushes at M17. Was out running with friends, so did not stop to investigate further. Will check properly on Monday.

    Thursday 3 February 2011


    10.00, all 7 still at q16 grazing on gorse all looked ok.

    Q16 at 9.15

    All grazing close to the top pond. noticed the Cow had some bold patches near her tail.

    Wednesday 2 February 2011

    9/00am this morning I saw the cattle they were close to the gate that I come onto site they were in grid t12 unable to get close as they were in a gorse clump all were there must have moved on to where janet saw them later

    R19 at 10.25

    All the Cattle were happily grazing on the Sandy Hill track.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...