Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 31 May 2011

    More cows and calves

    The farmer has put on 16 more cows and their calves, making a total of 32 cows and 33 calves on site.
    Thanks for all of your help.

    Monday 30 May 2011

    All in Long Bottom opposite Sandy Hill estate and appeared to be in good order.

    Some fool has cut down a couple of birch to build a fire near the oak copse in this part. Judging by the condition of the litter this would have been in the last few weeks i.e. during the very dry conditions we have experienced recently.

    Noted that the top, barbed, wire by the gate off Cranmore Lane has been cut.

    Sunday 29 May 2011

    8 am I saw all of the cattle they were lying down where the now dismantled troop shelter wasthey all looked contented so I kept my distance so I did not disturb them I watched for around 10 mins then left for home

    Saturday 28 May 2011

    R17 at 1030

    I found what appeared to be all of the cows and calves on the south side of the Long Bottom track at R17 this morning. It was very difficult to count as they were lying down in a tight group with the calves between them but I counted at least 15 adults. The very small calf was the only one standing. All seemed well.

    Friday 27 May 2011

    Saw another half dozen adults grazing NW of horse pond. Probably they are all there in a diffuse group. All looked fine.
    13 calves and 9? Adults in woods west of pond 6.08
    3 cows just south of horse pond on slope. All adults. More in view on slope up to Caesars camp proper 6 pm

    Thursday 26 May 2011

    P19 at 9.10am

    Counted 24 the rest could of been further back in the trees, all looked well.

    Wednesday 25 May 2011

    Spotted cows around horse pond at 7pm. First sighting in ages; forgotten how hard they are to count! 14 cows, 8 calves ... Probably!

    N16 at 9.50am

    Counted all 33 Cows and Calfs, on the move heading towards the top pond from Caesars Camp.

    Monday 23 May 2011

    About 11 AM 28 cows/calves at western end of 'Tail' - all quiet.

    Sunday 22 May 2011

    at R12

    Visited yesterday, counted 12 calves and 16 cows. All look healthy and not stressed.

    Saturday 21 May 2011

    R17 at 0915 all present

    Stumbled across two sleeping calves in long grass to the side of the path. Their mums then found me as they thought I was too close. They came running followed by the main group and were very vocal until another walker's dog started barking. I think I counted 33 but I'm not certain. All looked to be in good health.

    Thursday 19 May 2011

    7/30 am saw cattle grid p/20 most were lying down I managed to count 20 ,10 cows 10 calves I watched for some time ,the cows then started to get up and stand under the oak tree they all appeared to be contented

    Wednesday 18 May 2011

    R10 at 8.30

    Saw 11 Cows and 7 Calfs. A black and White Cow was Quite lively.

    Tuesday 17 May 2011

    More cattle added

    The farmer has brought the first load of cows and calves up to Caeser's Camp.
    There are now an additional 15 cows with their calves, making a total of 33 cattle.
    We will let you know when the next lot arrive.
    Many thanks for all of your help.

    Monday 16 May 2011

    All three in 'putty' pit at western end of Tail. Cow has very fine markings now particularly evident and calf is a very good looking specimen.

    Saturday 14 May 2011

    No sighting today, they may have moved on for the whale tail.

    Thursday 12 May 2011

    T8 at 10.05am

    All three were in a wooded area. Two were grazing on lush grass, the calf was lying down, all seemed happy.
    what a surprise to find we have a new arrival on site I hope to find them soon,as I was walking my dog at 8/30 this morning I was on the top of the bank above the windy gap area I saw a hare running across towards the pavillion end in all the years I have been walking the area this is the first time I have seen a hare

    Strange messages!

    Dear All,
    One of our bloggers reported a window opening as they entered the blog stating'what if I lost my google account'. It then asked them to fill in some information (which they didn't do) the blog then automatically came up as usual. If this message appears we would recommend that you do not fill in any personal details and just wait for the blog to kick in.
    I hope that you are all well and still enjoying the sun....although the weekend seems to be promising some much needed rain!
    Many thanks

    Wednesday 11 May 2011

    S5 at 9.45

    Saw all three in the pit area of the whales tail. All looked well, the calf was very cute.

    Monday 9 May 2011

    New arrival (rather unexpected!)

    Hi all,

    Keith and I were at the site today and managed to locate cow and calf in the whale tail (my first sighting of them finally!). Much to our surprise a new born calf trotted out of the vegetation behind mum! It appears that we now have a family of three! We suspect he was born either last night or the night before. We will inform the livestock owners of this new development and see where to go from here! Meanwhile the new calf looks very perky and is steady on his feet. He allowed me to get close enough to get a quick photo but was a little wary which is probably a good thing.



    Wednesday 4 May 2011

    No sign

    Havn't seen the Cow and Calf for a while.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...