Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 30 June 2011

    R16 and Q17 at 9.10 am

    A few spread out over R16 and a large group mainly lying down at Q17. Then there was two Cows making a lot of noise close to the top pond. they had three Calfs with them. They didnt seem to know which way they wanted to go, they set of towards caesers camp, so i followed from a distance. Then suddenly they turned and were running towards me. myself and my Dog quickly took to the bushes and they carried on past. There was another lady on the path she also headed into the bushes. so i would call this very strange behaviour. I have heard of at least Four people being chased by this group of Cattle.

    Wednesday 29 June 2011

    Q19 at 9.00am

    Either side of the long Bottom Track.Mainly lying down chewing their cud. Difficult to count as some were under the trees close together. Counted 60 plus. all seemed very relaxed.
    today 7/45 I found cattle both sides of the long bottom track near the small group of trees near the sandy hill playing field gate I think I counted 76 although I may have counted some twice I was very close to a lot of them although most were lying down none looked to be in distressI stayed watching for around 15 mins

    Tuesday 28 June 2011

    cattle today 7/45 were in grids n/m/21 I managed to count 60, very difficult as most were lying down ,I sat on my shooting stick and watched for 30 mins saw no unusual behaviour ,the few cows that were standing looked fit and well ,a few started to wander off down the track opposite the old troop shelter that goes down towards the eastern end of the horse pond as I reached the gate to leave site a lot were still lying in the same spot

    Monday 27 June 2011

    Long Bottom a few hundred yards west of Horse Pond. No strange/unusual behaviour noted, in fact, all appeared to be in very good condition.
    7/45 this morning I met a large group of cattle both sides of the long bottom track calves mostly grid q 20/21 most lying down most cows lying down as well those that were standing were well away from the calves untill they heard a dog barking then they all rushed back to the calves they all then laid down together under two groups of trees I followed and sat watching them for some time I was unaware then that two of the cows had died, as they were mostly lying down I was unable to see anything unusual but the ones that were standing looked ok ,very sorry to read of the two deaths, I wonder if they had eaten ragwort I see if is now starting to show

    Sunday 26 June 2011

    Cow death.

    Dear All,
    I am sorry to report that we have found another dead cow on the site. The grazier had it removed this afternoon and is going to have a postmortem done because it is so soon after the last death. We will of course keep you posted as to the results.
    In the mean time can you please look out for any cows or calves acting strangely such as chasing their tails or moving erratically. We just want to keep our eyes open for signs of poisoning until we are sure of the cause of the death.
    Thank you for your help with this.
    All the best

    Friday 24 June 2011

    Dead cow

    One of the cows died on Wednesday. We don't know why, and we are unlikely to find out as it is not worth undertaking a post mortem, unless something is suspected.
    She has been taken away from the site, and her calf has gone too.
    Thanks for all your help.

    Thursday 23 June 2011

    I 30 and P21 at 9.00 am

    Saw the first group of about 20, mainly lying down. The second group of 15 either side of the Long Bottom Track.Just as i was leaving the area a Lady was telling me she saw a dead Cow Wednesday evening, she reported it, but it was still there at 6am this morning. She thought it had now been delt with but was worried about its calf, as it was with the Cow last night.

    Wednesday 22 June 2011

    N27 and Q19 at 9.15am

    The first group of Cattle I saw, there were about 30. further on up the Long Bottom track i saw another 10. Didn't see the rest.

    Monday 20 June 2011

    Passed 8 on open ground due north of water tower - mostly lying down; of the remainder I saw none.

    Sunday 19 June 2011

    today 7/45 some of the cattle were spread wide over grids o/p/23 24 ,difficult to count but managed to count 56, the ones I got close to looked ok.

    Saturday 18 June 2011

    good to find we have more cattle on site today 7/30am some of the group were coming out from behind the group of trees grid o/22 moving swiftly east ,I counted 53 I followed them and found they had joined more spread both sides of the long bottom track near the group of trees near the sandy hill playing field I managed to count 70 to far spread to count more

    Friday 17 June 2011

    ten more!

    Hi all,

    Five new cows arrived on Caesar's camp, each with a calf at foot, to join our current herd bringing us up to 89 animals.



    Thursday 16 June 2011

    I 30 at 9.00 am

    A large group sheltering under the trees, probable 30 or, so difficuilt to count because of the trees. Didn't see any more, came back that way as they were making a lot of noise at 10.30. They were now much more spread out some heading towards G30.

    Wednesday 15 June 2011

    this morning 7/30 I saw the cattle round about the same place as janet no time to get close

    N23 and M20 at 930am

    Two large groups of 30 something, all seemed quite relaxed today. they hadn't moved when i came back that way at 10.20am.

    Tuesday 14 June 2011

    today at 7/30 I first saw cattle on the skyline near the seats at caesars camp ,by the time I had got there they had gone ,I next saw them making their way down towards the royal pavillion end moving very fast, not very close so unable to make a count but a very large group so suspect all were there

    Monday 13 June 2011

    today 7/45 I met cattle spread both sides of the long bottom track from the sandy hill track to just below the flooded gravel pit ,I managed to count 36 cows but only 20 calves ,most were lying down ,as I walked round I came across several attempts to start fires fortunately only small areas burnt, I managed to walk close to several cows and calves all looked ok

    Saturday 11 June 2011

    Wednesday 8 June

    Out running over Caesars Camp for an hour or so Wednesday evening and came across 16 + cattle and calfs grazing, laying and munching just west of the horse pond.

    N20 at 1600

    We counted 16 calves and 15 mums in the woods to the south of Caesar's camp. We might well have missed them if they had not been bellowing. One of the mums was anxious about the dog but generally they were content. The calves were curious and wanted to follow us. Did not spot the others.

    Friday 10 June 2011

    as I went through the gate to site I was confronted by 4 cows slowly moving east as I watched them they started grazing on the triangle of grass I got a good look at them as they went by all looked ok I went down the hill and saw the rest spread out before me grids p/20/21q21/22 q23 I counted all of them some let me and my dog walk really close to them and did not seem to worry ,as I reached the gate to leave site three were still on the triangle of grass so a full count today

    Thursday 9 June 2011

    N25 at 9.30 am

    there was 5 at the Horse pond the rest spread out down from the Pond.I counted 47.

    For Wednesday 8th June

    Dear All,
    Myself and Vicky had a drive around Caesars Camp yesterday. We managed to find 47 cattle all down by horse pond. As you know, not the easiest place to count them! It's great to have so many cattle out on site now munching away and with the rain we have had the heath will hopefully have plenty of grub on it!
    I hope that you are enjoying your lookering even if finding all the cattle is a little challenging.
    Many thanks
    todat at 7/30 am I think I met the same group as yesterday spread over a wide area grids l/m 24 /25 most of the cows were grazing I could only count 9 calves all lying down but suspect others were lying in the heather and bracken

    Wednesday 8 June 2011

    N20 at 10am

    Saw agroup of about 35, mainly sitting down.Couldn't see the rest.
    I mer cattle 7/30 this morning they were in grids n/20 21 I counted 22 cows but could only see 18 calves 5 cows standing grazing rest and all calves lying down today I was quite close to them they did not seem bothered about me sitting watching them with my little dog

    Tuesday 7 June 2011

    7/30 this morning I met the cattle spread widely grids p20/21 q 20/21 , both sides of long bottom track managed to count all of the cows but two of the cows were on the triangle of grass behind bricksbury estate ,I was unable to count all of the calves ,the ones on the south side all cows , they suddenly rushed across to the north side to join the cows and calves ,I think they heard the two women with the five dogs I saw chasing them a few days ago, they were not close to the cattle ,I heard them calling thier dogs this was when the cattle rushed off ,I do not get to close to them yet they are to protective of the calves.

    Monday 6 June 2011

    A large number in Long Bottom some 500 yards SW of Horse Pond and spread over a fairly big area. There was some commotion when I first saw them possibly caused by dog(s) but I cannot be sure about this. After a while they settled down. I imagine, too, that recent arrivals are more likely to be nervous in their new surroundings.

    Sunday 5 June 2011

    8/15 this morning I met all of the cattle a small group under trees r 18, the rest under the trees where the blue barrel used to be at the western end of the horse pond, all lying down looked as if they had spent the night there, as I watched a few wandered off towards the horse pond

    Saturday 4 June 2011

    E26 at 1000

    Found 17 cows and 18 calves north of the path in from the Royal Pavillion car park. Shame I parked on Beacon Hill!
    7/45 today I came across a small group of cattle 5 cows 5 calves they were grid m 20/21 most were lying down all looked ok

    Thursday 2 June 2011

    Dear All,
    Another 7 cows and 7 calves have been put onto Caesars Camp so the total is.....39 cows and 40 cavles!

    Many thanks
    8/am today as I was walking my dog looking for the cattle I went the wrong way as usual ,I heard a commotion with dogs barking then the cattle calling out ,I made my way towards the noise and saw a group of dogs chasing them ,I know these dogs well and have always been told they do not bother the cattle from what I saw this morning this is not the case, at one stage they were coming towards me then they turned and went off towards the flooded gravel pit running very fast

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...