Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 31 December 2015

    All Found Finally

    All cattle found in two groups. The majority up next to the corral. All are looking well. Thanks, Jack

    Thursday am

    5 cows enjoying the morning sunshine around M 29.

    Information from a neighbour

    We found 9 cows grazing happily on the slope below Sandy Hill yesterday.
    However, my neighbour, who walks her dog regularly on the ranges, and who knows I do this blog reported a rather alarming experience to me yesterday. She told me that, I think on Wednesday of this week, whilst walking her well behaved dog, she was charged by a cow. Apparently she was 20 or so yards away, passing it on a path, when it bellowed at her and charged. She stood her ground and it stopped about 5 yards from her. She felt rather shacken by the experience but, just as she was walking off, she saw the same cow charge at a couple of runners passing by, who were very alarmed. She describes the cow as mostly black but with some white markings.
    I have given her details to contact Guy, though I understand he is away over the holiday and also the main office number given here on the blog, so that she can report it herself. I thought though that forewarned is forearmed to those of us who blog so that we can keep an eye out.
    Happy New Year!
    Hilary and Martin

    Wednesday 30 December 2015

    Monday 28 December 2015

    Monday am

     4 checking out the newly cleared area, just east of the Horse Pond. Following yesterday's motor cycle meeting, thers's a lot of litter ( crisp bags, plastic bottles, cans, broken glass) around the small sandy area where the tracks meet at L 29.

    Sunday 27 December 2015

    Half measures again

    Found just five in the murk on Christmas Day and 12 late this afternoon (six at J16 and six at R20).  Those we found seemed fine.  Lots of people, trail bikes and bats today.

    Monday 21 December 2015

    All 22 found

    All 22 found again. They were all very close together, although still in two distinct groups- one group of 16 at M20, and one group of 6 at M19, both groups in the woodland.

    Saturday 19 December 2015

    Belated post

    Found 21 early this afternoon - 15 in small groups near L20 - probably some of the ones Hilary found later - and 6 over by S6, in the area currently being cleared. 
    Some of the posts holding the fencing down by Bourley Road (about E22) looked a bit lop sided, but I didn't have time to check properly.

    Late afternoon walk

    We found 13 cows, all black, grazing beside the path below the lookout at approx J24. A small dog was yapping at them but they just moved calmly away.They seems quite content. We noticed that there has been a lot of clearing of small trees and shrubs across the ranges, especially around the Horse Pond, which opens up the land.

    Friday 18 December 2015

    Half measures (nearly)

    First thing on Friday - four at P16, six at K23 and a cut fence (only the top wire) at about I26 - leading into the leaded area.  All the cattle I saw seemed well and content.

    Thursday 17 December 2015

    All 22 found

    All 22 found today, but it wasn't easy! 11 were found near S6 in the far west of the site. Ian found 3 near Tweseldown on the East of the site. The other 8 took ages to find, and after a couple of hours, I gave up. On driving back to the gate, a glimmer of white caught my eye in the woodlands near the camp (M18) and a little face appeared above the bramble, and there they were!

    Tuesday 15 December 2015

    Apologies this is a very late post as I looked for the cattle on Saturday 12th but as I'm new to the blog and still familiarising myself to Caesars Camp I wanted to add a post anyway! I found 5 of them around the S15 area but no others in site. They looked calm and happy enough :-) Numbers 300072, 600082, 700083, 500095 and 400??? (wouldn't let me get too close!)....


    After a couple of hours of searching a very murky Caesar's Camp, I finally tracked down 11 of the Welsh Blacks at about 12:15 today. They were all together just below the trees at Windy Gap Hill (SU83917 50039). All looked well. Didn't see hide nor hair of the rest, but I have yet to explore the area near the 'space ship' and below the view point, so perhaps that's where they were hiding!

    Monday 14 December 2015

    4 young black heifers spotted in the woods near the main sandy area at lunchtime. All content and well

    Saturday 12 December 2015

    Saturday am

    6 checking out the perimeter fence at G 33. The path is too narrow to get close with the dog, but they seemed to be happily checking out the fodder as they moved.

    Monday 7 December 2015

    Found 18 of the cows on Caesar's Camp today from 10am to 1:30pm with fellow SAMM Wardens Sarah and Mike. All looked healthy apart from a black cow with ear tag number 100084 who had a scar on her bum to the right of her tail. It didn't look weepy or infected but just a bit sore. Was lovely weather to be out in!
    6 together up by the top pond at lunchtime, all looked content and well

    Sunday 6 December 2015

    9:00am Sunday

    At least six, spread out, browsing their way through the woodland in the NE corner. All looked well.

    Friday 4 December 2015

    14 and counting ....

    Just been up to CC and though it was getting dark found 14 (possibly more) moving westwards away from the horse pond on the track at the bottom of the slope behind Sandy Hills.  They all seemed fine.

    Wednesday 2 December 2015

    Wednesday morning

    5 cows happily browsing and drinking around M28. Another cow was heading purposefully down the track towards the Rowhill gate! All looked well.

    Tuesday 1 December 2015

    New lookers

    Hi Caesar's Camp Bloggers,
    I met Guy last Friday for a training day and look forward to joining the looking team next week, along with my colleagues Nicky and Karina. We're all wardens for the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership so it's great to be doing a useful job out on the SPA.
    Best wishes, Sarah

    Monday 30 November 2015

    Our Sarah's blog today. All seen and accounted for in 3 herds

    10 were found around D30 with another 3 not too far away, roughly around the H31 area. The final group of 9 seemed to be in the complete opposite direction of the other 2 herds (R4) and were seen resting up against some new Harris fencing near to where the contractors are currently working, moments after the fencing went up by al accounts ;)

    Sunday 29 November 2015

    Nearly all...

    About 20 were spread in a wide area around M26 mid afternoon today.  I think the newbies were in a group together, slightly separate from the old timers.  All I could see looked fine.  Military vehicles had been replaced by a very annoying couple of noisy trail bikes.....

    Saturday 28 November 2015

    8 in the Gorse

    We found 8 black cows in the tall gorse and shrub to the west of the Sandy Hill entrance. They seemed quite happy. The other 14 remained illusive. Much quieter on the ranges today, no vehicles or soldiers

    Friday 27 November 2015

    Some have learned hide and seek already .....

    I thought I was doing quite well until I just read about yesterday's additions!!  Found nine on the bottom track below Sandy Hills late this afternoon, though there was plenty of evidence of others in several other parts of the site.  Those I found were fine.

    All found in 3-4 groups today. One group of 10 which I presume were the new arrivals.

    I also had the pleasure of looking for some of them while leading a looker session with 3 Natural England Wardens Sarah, Karina and Nikki, we hope they will be able to help us out with a number of our sites, Caesar's being one of them : )

    Thursday 26 November 2015

    10 Extras Added

    Today I have put another 10 Welsh Black crosses out. There are 7 heifers and 3 steers. I found the original 12 near the look out and introduced them to the newbies.
    This takes the total up to 22.
    Cheers, Jack

    Wednesday 25 November 2015

    Wednesday morning

    Again, no sightings east of the Horse Pond. The constant sound of chain saws, near the pond, might be putting them off going in that direction

    Sunday 22 November 2015

    Busy, this late afternoon

    We walked around the central part of the ranges for about an hour just before dusk. Lots of military vehicles around and a large group of soldiers making their way along one of the paths towards the lookout. We were surprised by a small group of soldiers suddenly emerging from the undergrowth as we walked past! But no cows to be seen. There has been a lot of cutting back of shrub and even a couple of new paths cut and I wonder if all this extra activity has driven the cows into remoter parts of the ranges where they are less disturbed.

    Wednesday 18 November 2015

    Wednesday morning

    No sightings east of the Horse Pond this morning. Lots of heavy vehicle activity.

    Friday 13 November 2015

    All 12 - nearly together

    Ten were feeding greedily on acorns near G29 at about 4pm this afternoon.   The two brown ones were keeping their distance down by D28.  Good to see the two lots almost on speaking terms!   There were lots of vehicles around, as seems to be the norm these days.

    Tuesday 10 November 2015

    8:45am Tuesday

    Initially 8 cows moving through the cow high scrub, into the trees, at F29. As we were coming away, a ninth came, trotting and bellowing, from the open area to join her mates. No sightings of the two brown cows.

    Monday 9 November 2015

    passed 10 (9 black, 1 mottled) on main track Caesar's Camp to Skirmishing Hill/Royal Pavilion) at about 11 AM today.  They were heading slowly north east.

    Friday 6 November 2015

    Car rally on Sat. 7th November

    In case anyone isn't aware, a stage of the Tempest Rally will be taking place across the area tomorrow.


    Ten together

    Ten were grazing and wandering around J29 late this afternoon.  There were several vehicles around and many areas taped or marked off. The cattle seemed keener on moving to a more peaceful area.  No sighting of the brown and fawn cows.

    Thursday 5 November 2015

    9:00am Thursday

    One brown and one fawn cow happily grazing on the grass alongside the track at K27. No sign of the others. Well at least that's two more than I found yesterday.

    Wednesday 4 November 2015

    Long Walk

    We took a long walk this afternoon and the ranges were really busy. Lots of military activity, lots of vehicles, lots of soldiers and lots of gun fire! But sadly no cattle to be seen anywhere.

    Tuesday 3 November 2015

    All found near Bourley Rd lunchtime

    I turned up with Binz to replace strainer at the reservoir 4 gate when we spotted them driving along Bourley Rd. We walked back around F19 to check and all 12 were there looking good. About 6 at least were eating acorns - Blacks 067, 068, 070, 071, the red, and the straw coloured one, They didn't seem to be suffering from it.

    Saturday 31 October 2015

    Not a lot

    Spent some time looking late this morning but could only find 3, down by G30. They looked fine.

    Thursday 29 October 2015

    8:30am Thursday

    8 cows happily grazing alongside the track at H 28. They didn't give me and the dog a second glance as we walked through them. All looked OK.

    Tuesday 27 October 2015

    Tuesday am

    No sightings, but I was told by another dog walker that they had been seen, earlier, at the eastern end of the area.

    Monday 26 October 2015

    All 12 together and resting in the woods near the road at M29. All looking ok

    Sunday 25 October 2015


    Zero points for me too today.  Spent a good hour cycling over the site, but couldn't see any of the cattle.  There seemed an especially large amount of evidence of recent cow activity around Q4, at the far western end of the site.

    No cows today

    Although we walked for over an hour and a half all around the area, we found no cows, although there was plenty of fresh evidence that they are around.

    Friday 23 October 2015

    Friday 8 am

    All the animals were near to the long bottom track around about N20. All were grazing and seem in good health.
    7 found around S18. All chilled and contented

    Wednesday 21 October 2015

    A damp eightsome

    Fund eight at about S20 early evening today, all a bit damp but seemed content.  I couldn't see the other four.

    Saturday 17 October 2015

    Saturday's partial sighting

    Nine were grazing quite happily at R18 this morning.  No sign of the missing three.

    Friday 16 October 2015

    Friday Afternoon
    Found 11 cows spread out around the horse pond today. 12th probably there but not seen. All looked well, grazing peacefully

    Wednesday 14 October 2015

    Wednesday morning

    No sightings in the eastern end of the area. The contaminated land notices have been ripped off the new fence where it borders the long straight track up to Caesar's Camp. Somebody has been working on the new fence where it turns the corner at H27. So far, only the top strand of the fence wire has been cut, so it is still secure, but needs watching.

    Tuesday 13 October 2015

    All well Tuesday Afternoon

    It took a lot of driving around but I found them all today. A small group of 5 (mixed colours) were up on Sandy Hill grazing hard. I eventually found the other 7 - all Welsh Black - not far from Royal Pavillion. They all seemed in good nick.

    Monday 12 October 2015

    Monday 4pm
    Lovely sunny late afternoon. Quickly found 5 cows grazing beside the Horse Pond. They seemed very relaxed as they wondered off along the track to the west. Couldn't find the remaining 7.
    Some people have kindly collect some bags of rubbish from the site and have hung them on the fences at points beside various gates. Does anyone know if they are going to be collected at any point?

    Sunday 11 October 2015

    All present and correct - Sunday morning

    Four were on the track near Bricksbury (Q23) and the other eight were in two groups on the track below Sandy Hills (R17 and Q19). All seemed content and well on a beautiful morning.

    Friday 9 October 2015

    No show Friday evening

    Plenty of deer, rabbits and bats, but not a cow in sight this evening.  Will try again over the weekend.

    Friday Morning

    Scattered throughout the gorse around R13. Eventaully managed to track down all 12. All fine but are dispursed and amoungst tall vegetation often.

    Thursday 8 October 2015

    Thursday late afternoon.

    As Hilary stated 4 were up by Sandy Hill and the many others were on the slope down from the from the gate dthat comes from the back of Bricksbury Hill. I could only find 7 though despite much effort making a total of 11. 
    3pm Thursday
    Came across 4 cows almost immediately as we entered the ranges from the eastern most entrance from the Sandy Hill Estate. (Q23) All looked relaxed and happy. Then shortly afterwards we found the remaining 8 lying amongst the ferns or feeding contentedly beside the path just west of the horse pond (O25). All seemed well.

    Thursday 1 October 2015

    All together now. N28. Thursday afternoon.

    All of the animals were grazing then edges of the main track that runs past the horse training pond, towards the large open sandy expanse. All replaced and looking healthy. 
    1 1/2 hrs later the 5 had been joined by at least another 4 and probably all 7 in roughly the same spot and moving east.

    9:00am Thursday

    5 cows, enjoying the morning sun, browsing at F29. All looking well.

    Tuesday 29 September 2015

    Tuesday 4pm
    No cows at all again today, though we walked for an hour and a half. There were two quite large groups of Gurkhas on exercise accompanied by several vehicles.

    Monday 28 September 2015

    3:20pm Monday

    Followed 7 walking up Sunny Hill Road, they went off into the woods at F29, in a westerly direction.
    4 lazing and enjoying the lunchtime sun in the middle of the main sandy area.
    All look well
    Passed 2 black, 1 brown, 1 white, 1 mottled at about 11 am some 500 yards north of Horse Pond.  All seemed fine.

    Sunday 27 September 2015

    9:15am Sunday

    6 browsing in the thick scrub around L26, looked content. A couple of groups (1 of 5 persons and one of 3) of mushroom pickers around.

    Friday 25 September 2015

    12 found

    Message to self - read blog before looking for 20 ..... The 12 were grazing in the woodland near S14 this morning - all seemed well.

    Thursday 24 September 2015

    8 Removed Today

    Today after a routine tb test was clear we removed 8 of the heifers. 7 British Whites and the red Hereford X. They have gone to butterfly conservation sites in Winchester. This leaves 12 on site with some others to follow in the coming weeks. Thanks, Jack

    Wednesday 23 September 2015

    Wednesday morning

    No sightings in the Horse Pond to Sunny Hill area. Signs that there was a lot of Trail Bike activity yesterday.

    Monday 21 September 2015

    Monday 10am
    Back from our holiday. Walked for over an hour, up to the lookout and around to the west and then over to the Horse Pond. Not a cow to be seen, though plenty of recent evidence that they are around. What we did find however is loads of rubbish. Empty drink cans and bottles ,crisp packets etc. Didn't have a bag with us but will take one in the future. One wonders why people make the effort to come to a lovely natural place and then think it appropriate to leave rubbish.

    Saturday 19 September 2015

    Half measures

    10 were grazing and dozing on the top of Caesar's mid afternoon today.  The area was incredibly busy, with many groups of soldiers and lots of dog walkers and families etc.  The cattle seemed fine and unbothered by the people.  Couldn't find the other 10. 

    Friday 18 September 2015

    Not even a glimpse......

    Having found all 20 together on the top of Caesar's Camp on Tuesday evening, who knows where they were all hiding this evening.  Despite going round most of the site, the only company I had was, annoyingly, a noisy trial bike.

    Thursday 17 September 2015

    1:20 Monday - 12 spotted

    12 spotted spread out around P20 area. Young brown/white 056 had a fair number of flies around her eyes. Didn't seem unduly bothered by them, but might be worth keeping an eye on. Otherwise all were grazing happily and relaxed

    Monday 14 September 2015

    All Found Monday afternoon.

    The first 10 were grazing the flat grassy area at Sunny Hill G30. The other half were on top of Sandy Hill R20. The only thing I =noted was ..068 had quite a few ticks. No other concerns. All well.

    Friday 11 September 2015

    Split up again?

    14 were grazing peacefully at about P18 first thing today.  I couldn't see the other six.  There were  a few folk with bags full of mushrooms around aswell......

    Thursday 10 September 2015

    All accounted for.

    Hi. New RO here for sites around Hook. Nice to blog you! If that's a term? 

    Rich and I found all the animals together near i28 I think. Being new I may be a little out on that though. They were a little scattered but a quick stroll located the outliers. All looking good and healthy. 

    12:30 Thursday

    At least 14, maybe 16 (they refused to stand still to let me count them!) around J30. All content and unbothered by my presence

    8:45 am Thursday

    At least 9 browsing in the thick scrub at H29. All seemed OK from my limited viewpoint.

    Wednesday 9 September 2015

    9:25 am Wednesday

    9 cows happily grazing by the side of the long straight track up to Caesar's Camp at H29. All looked healthy.

    Sunday 6 September 2015

    9:00 am Sunday

    12 cows helping with the parking for the Motor Cycle Trials taking place at Sunny Hill. They didn't seem too worried.

    10:00 am. They've given up helping with the parking and are now slowly grazing their way westward around I28.

    Friday 4 September 2015

    1 hour 45 mins and how many do I find? 8..

    The 8 I found were in the heather behind the lookout. I did find frech pats near and around the horse pond and searched everywhere! They had to have been in the woods or bracken/gorse clumps around this area, they certainly weren't in any of the hot spots this time. The 8 were looking fine and dandy anyway. Well done Jill!

    First thing on Friday

    And a group of at least 12 were in the thick undergrowth around F18/G19.  All seemed well.    There could have been others but after quite a good look round, they remained hidden!

    Thursday 3 September 2015

    2 separate groups seen at lunchtime, 8 and 5. All looking fine

    8:30am Thursday

    6 cows (5 English White and 1 Welsh Black) grazing, on the move, around I28. No obvious problems.

    Wednesday 2 September 2015

    8:15am Wednesday

    8 cows happily grazing in the early morning sun around M 28.

    Tuesday 1 September 2015

    Lovely afternoon! Found 8 cows, grazing happily just off the path to the east of the Horse Pond, approx K/L.26/27. Then when we were up on Caesars Camp we could see, certainly 6, and very possibly more, in the distance to the east of the white dome, G19. Difficult to see at that distance especially as the foliage is so dense at the moment.

    Sunday 30 August 2015

    9:30 Sunday

    7 found grazing at H29. I was told there was another group around Sunny Hill Road, but they had moved on by the time I got there.

    Saturday 29 August 2015

    Almost half...

    Nine were sheltering from the rain under trees near the horse pond at about 7.00 this evening. Damp but alright.   No sighting of the others, but I didn't hang around too long as it was getting very wet.

    Friday 28 August 2015

    9:00am Friday

    16 grazing on the track to the east of the Horse Pond. All looked healthy. The other 4 could be in the bushes, difficult to see.

    Tuesday 25 August 2015

    Tuesday 25 August - Site Check

    Was quite fortunate with my search this morning as all 20 of the cattle had decided to stick together for a change. I found them all up around S19 - S20 working their way to the east.

    They were all looking really well in the early morning sunshine.

    Thursday 20 August 2015

    No cattle seen at lunchtime, but came across 3 lads on the track south of the pond who ran away looking guilty as soon as they spotted me. Found the remains of the small fire they had left west of the track and stamped out and spread out the remains. They watched every from the top of the nearby hills and then cleared off I think. Feeling like rain now, so that'll make sure the fire is well and truly out

    Wednesday 19 August 2015

    9:40am Wednesday

    14 found grazing at K25. All looked well. They were so chilled out that a number of them came over to have a look at my dog, who was sitting quietly at my feet.

    Cut fence

    The cut fence at 9:00am this morning. Not big enough for a cow to get through, but the cut ends are razor sharp. Carried out another temporary repair. 

    Tuesday 18 August 2015

    12 seen today

    I found 5 up on the flat top of the camp. They all looked good. Fat in fact. Another 7 were down below near the fenced off area, in a valley mire. They were very skittish and I couldn't get close, but judging by the way they moved they were in good health. They seemed fine last time I met them so maybe they have been stressed by something. The fence had been cut again near Alexandra Rd. which I bodged up to make it stock-proof. It needs a new straining post urgently as I had to tension the fence by tying the post to an oak tree with baler twine.
    None seen at lunchtime today

    Monday 17 August 2015

    Found 17 Monday morning

    Found 7 to east of no.4 H17 and 10 in the shelter at C27

    Sunday 16 August 2015

    Found 7 cows to the north of Caesers camp, (I 18), quite close to the domed reservoir.They were in tall ferns, so we weren't able to get too close, but they all looked fine. Then 3 further cows pottering along the track towards the west, approximately (R18).
    Two lads, riding trail bikes, no crash helmets, making a noisy nuisance of themselves, over to the east, in particular around the large sandy area.
    Hilary and Martin

    10:00am Sunday

    6 British Whites walking along the track, towards the Horse Pond, at N27. All looked OK.

    Friday 14 August 2015

    9:45am Friday

    At least 5 browsing in the thick bracken on the side of the hill around O28. You too can play spot the cow (there are three in this picture) :-

    Wednesday 12 August 2015

    Wednesday 12th August

    Our first blog, having had our information session with Guy on Friday.
    Found all 20 cows in the valley east of the horse pond approximately J26/27
    All grazing and relaxed, no problems evident
    Hilary and Martin

    Monday 10 August 2015

    Spread out

    8 seen q19, 7 at l18 and 5 at s16. All looking well apart from lots of flies. 200057 possibly a bit underweight?
    Group of 8 seen 2-300 yards SW of Horse Pond at 10.30 this morning.

    Sunday 9 August 2015

    Partial view - Sunday

    Found 8 near the shallow pond on the top of Caesar's - one of the black ones had a couple of cuts on a rear lower leg.  I couldn't get close enough for a good look or to take the number.   Others were still hiding.

    Saturday 8 August 2015

    Mixed picture

    Wednesday - 5 on the track adjoining Sandy Hills and 3 further west on the main track on the Gelvert side.  All playing hide and seek effectively on Friday....

    Thursday 6 August 2015

    MT Weekly Update

    Monday @ 1545 - All 20 mostly lying down in M17.  600068 & 600071 had excessive flies round their eyes.  Rest of herd looked fine.

    Tuesday @ 1845 - 13 mostly lying down at the waters edge in P16 all looking good.  600071 had no excessive flies on eyes.  600068 not there.

    Tuesday @ 1915 - 13 moving from waters edge over bank to Q16 being quite vocal.  5 more joined group and after some jostling, they continued towards Q15 waited 5 minutes and the missing 2 didn't join the herd.  All looked in good condition.

    12 found

    12 found slowly grazing their way westward along the track at I28. Tyre tracks would suggest that the motorcyclists are back.

    Tuesday 4 August 2015

    All Ok Monday

    After repairing a fence I quickly found all 20 grazing in a shallow pit around R20. They all looked well.

    Monday 3 August 2015

    Monday 12.00 - 10 mixed mostly lying on sand at western end of large gravel pit on Bricksbury Hill and another 7  lying down in extention to this pit some 300 yards tlo west.  Numbers not guaranteed.  All appeared well.

    Sunday 2 August 2015

    9:15 Sunday - Breakfast at the Horse Pond

    8 cows drinking at the Horse Pond, all look healthy.

    A few more grazing in the thick undergrowth at the SE corner of the pond. Couldn't get close enough, with the dog, to count them. These cows are getting very good at playing hide and seek.

    Saturday 1 August 2015

    8+ at the Horse Pond

    At least 8 at the edge of the Horse Pond, hiding in the undergrowth

    10 minutes later and you wouldn't know they were there.

    Friday 31 July 2015

    Empty Friday

    Saw more deer than cattle first thing today, though I went round most of the site - will try again tomorrow. 

    Thursday 30 July 2015

    All found in 2 groups today

    A big team of us were out today assessing vegetation so a few of us found the cows today. 1 herd just west of the lookout point laying in the heather, and a smaller group on the track below the lookout point heading east along skirmishing hill. All looked good, no problems to report.

    Wednesday 29 July 2015

    6 go on a woodland adventure

    6 seen wandering through the woods at J30. Difficult to get a view, but all looked OK.

    Monday 27 July 2015

    All 20 found

    All 20 were found on the top track that runs adjacent to Sandy Hill road. R20
    All were looking well.

    Saturday 25 July 2015

    Saturday morning

    All 20 (glad to see them reunited again!) were at D29 first thing this morning.  They were all snoozing or grazing and drying out in the sun after Friday's downpours. 

    Wednesday 22 July 2015

    Jon reported in to echo Jill's report below. one to monitor.

    Jobs went out at around 07.30 this morning.said cow is the ginger and white British White. Very inquisitive and friendly, comes right up to you usually. I happen to have seen that one as among a small herd of 7 yesterday so he hasn't been on his own for too long if this is still the case. No injuries or problems reported by either Gill or John.

    Lone cow

    Just been up on Caesar's and no sight of most of the herd, but a lone brown cow was looking somewhat distressed at about R19, making quite a lot of noise and trotting around. Hopefully it will catch up with the rest of the herd soon.

    Tuesday 21 July 2015

    7 found

    7 found relaxing in the heather. All looking well. Q11. Also found a grass snake, plenty of stonechats and emperor dragonflies.

    Sunday 19 July 2015

    Back together

    All resting in the sun to the SW of the Horse Pond

    Saturday 18 July 2015

    Apart again

    I think they must have had a bust up Friday night as only found 5 this morning P15

    Friday 17 July 2015

    Still together

    All 20  ambling and grazing on the top of Caesar's - around S9 this evening.  All well.  
    There's a bit of cut wire on the fence between Caesar's and the newly fenced off area.  Just the top wires but it is clearly loosened.  It looks as if someone has made a path into the fenced off area.  Around E27.

    Full herd of 20 seen

    All 20 spotted in a sandy hollow just off the track that leads NE from the pond to the large sandy area. All looked healthy and contented.
    PS. Adding an entry to this blog via a phone and the web page is very hard work! ;-(
    Mobile version needs an 'add new post' button!

    Thursday 16 July 2015

    Full house (at long last) in the trees and long grasses around the main pond S,E of reserve!

    I was quite the explorer today while looking for the cows. I passed the pond 3 times ina  cross cross fasion after takihng in some amazing sights, theye emerged from the sedge and scrub as I was about to head home! Looking very healthy, no problems. They didn't appear in the least bit bothered that there were dogs in the pond. Green wood peckers, Emporer dragonflies, smal bodied chasers, and an adder. Great day!

    Wednesday 15 July 2015

    8 cows a'grazin

    8 cows happily grazing amongst the bracken on the low lying ground next to the Horse Pond.

    Tuesday 14 July 2015

    8 cows found

    Found 8 cows lying in grass next to track that runs alongside Sandy Hill estate. S18. All looking very well. No sign of other 12.

    Sunday 12 July 2015

    Fire Brigade called

    No sightings, but called the Fire Brigade, on Sunday morning, to damp down an area burning in the woods at G28.

    Sunday morning

    Came across eight of the black cattle near the shallow pond on the top of Caesar's this morning.  No others were in sight.  Had a word with the Landmarc chap who was there to sort out a burned car which had been driven onto the Camp via the barrier from Beacon Hill last night.  He thought the fences and cattle grids around there were intact.

    Saturday 11 July 2015

    Leaning fence at G/H 33

    The fence is leaning at boundary of G33 and H34, where a large post has rotted at it's base.

    Drinking at the Horse Pond

    18 counted having a drink at the Horse Pond. Couldn't see the other two, but there are plenty of bushes to hide behind

    Friday 10 July 2015

    None to be seen!

    Despite a comprehensive circuit of the north side of the area, and a view from Caesar's camp, I didn't see a single cow this lunchtime.
    I guess they had the sense to be sheltering from the sun in a wood somewhere (it was pretty warm)

    Partly found

    Found 13 grazing on the marshy scrapings on the north slope of Caesar's Camp first thing today.  They seemed well but I couldn't find the other seven.

    Tuesday 7 July 2015

    All found on the south eastern boundary sheltering in the woodland.

    New looker and local Andy and I were out lookering in a military convoy today thanks to Cpl Alyn Hocking and company (4x4 instructors at Caesar's)who joined up! And thanks to all we found them where they had been spotted previously (bottom of the hill and track south eastern boundary). After a good looker sesh and another quick check over with the help of some cattle nuts, all confirmed good and healthy!

    No sightings as of yet and now starting to get a complex! This was yesterday afternoon and also for last Tuesday. Sorry in the delay in posting this but haven't been well. Will hopefully get to see them next week.

    Found each other.

    All 20 back together in clearing near pavilion buildings!

    Monday 6 July 2015

    Sunday 5 July 2015

    Sunday morning snooze

    11 were snoozing on the top of Caesar's Camp first thing today.  They looked very content - great views and nice heather beds!  Couldn't see the other 9, again.

    Friday 3 July 2015

    Friday afternoon siting

    11 were near the horse pond late this afternoon - enjoying the now rather muddy water.  7 British Whites and 4 others.  Not sure where the rest of the herd was.......

    Wednesday 1 July 2015

    All 20 on the move

    All seen walking down the shady track at J31. All well

    Tuesday 30 June 2015

    Found the herd to west of the gravel pit

    All 20 present and looking well. No issues to report.

    Monday 29 June 2015

    All present and correct

    Went out again today and found them SW of the Horse Pond. Happily eating the silver birch.

    All 20 found to south of Gravel Pit.

    All 20 found to south of Gravel Pit on Sunday 28th June in the morning. Herding and looking well.

    3 children (approx age 10 years) chased the herd. They were on their own with no parents to be seen. I had a quiet word with them and asked them not to do it again and explained why the cows were on the common. They promised that they would not chase them in future.

    No signs of damage to fences or of motorbikes.

    Friday 26 June 2015

    All cudding and calm near sandy hill.

    All 20 were happy and calm, cudding and snoozing up near the gate to the west of sandy hill.

    There have been no incidents of fences being cut, dogs hassling cattle, people opposing cattle or anything negative whatsoever so I am well happy!


    Wednesday 24 June 2015

    Now 20 on site

    Hello all.  It would seem as though the gelvert 8 want to be on Caesars with the new 12 so for now let's let them.

    Silly billies!


    All found near raised water tower

    Heard cattle snapping branches as I put some signs up which was a real result.  All 15 were then located and checked.  They were grazing low willow branches and sedges as they walked.  All were walking well and doing a good job,


    Monday 22 June 2015

    Cattle back! 22/6/15 15:45

    The first delivery of cattle returned to site today with 12 Welsh black X Hereford cattle arriving in the afternoon.

    Very very happy

    Cattle coming back today!

    just an early heads up,

    Cattle coming back today, around lunchtime.



    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...