Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Friday 31 July 2015

    Empty Friday

    Saw more deer than cattle first thing today, though I went round most of the site - will try again tomorrow. 

    Thursday 30 July 2015

    All found in 2 groups today

    A big team of us were out today assessing vegetation so a few of us found the cows today. 1 herd just west of the lookout point laying in the heather, and a smaller group on the track below the lookout point heading east along skirmishing hill. All looked good, no problems to report.

    Wednesday 29 July 2015

    6 go on a woodland adventure

    6 seen wandering through the woods at J30. Difficult to get a view, but all looked OK.

    Monday 27 July 2015

    All 20 found

    All 20 were found on the top track that runs adjacent to Sandy Hill road. R20
    All were looking well.

    Saturday 25 July 2015

    Saturday morning

    All 20 (glad to see them reunited again!) were at D29 first thing this morning.  They were all snoozing or grazing and drying out in the sun after Friday's downpours. 

    Wednesday 22 July 2015

    Jon reported in to echo Jill's report below. one to monitor.

    Jobs went out at around 07.30 this morning.said cow is the ginger and white British White. Very inquisitive and friendly, comes right up to you usually. I happen to have seen that one as among a small herd of 7 yesterday so he hasn't been on his own for too long if this is still the case. No injuries or problems reported by either Gill or John.

    Lone cow

    Just been up on Caesar's and no sight of most of the herd, but a lone brown cow was looking somewhat distressed at about R19, making quite a lot of noise and trotting around. Hopefully it will catch up with the rest of the herd soon.

    Tuesday 21 July 2015

    7 found

    7 found relaxing in the heather. All looking well. Q11. Also found a grass snake, plenty of stonechats and emperor dragonflies.

    Sunday 19 July 2015

    Back together

    All resting in the sun to the SW of the Horse Pond

    Saturday 18 July 2015

    Apart again

    I think they must have had a bust up Friday night as only found 5 this morning P15

    Friday 17 July 2015

    Still together

    All 20  ambling and grazing on the top of Caesar's - around S9 this evening.  All well.  
    There's a bit of cut wire on the fence between Caesar's and the newly fenced off area.  Just the top wires but it is clearly loosened.  It looks as if someone has made a path into the fenced off area.  Around E27.

    Full herd of 20 seen

    All 20 spotted in a sandy hollow just off the track that leads NE from the pond to the large sandy area. All looked healthy and contented.
    PS. Adding an entry to this blog via a phone and the web page is very hard work! ;-(
    Mobile version needs an 'add new post' button!

    Thursday 16 July 2015

    Full house (at long last) in the trees and long grasses around the main pond S,E of reserve!

    I was quite the explorer today while looking for the cows. I passed the pond 3 times ina  cross cross fasion after takihng in some amazing sights, theye emerged from the sedge and scrub as I was about to head home! Looking very healthy, no problems. They didn't appear in the least bit bothered that there were dogs in the pond. Green wood peckers, Emporer dragonflies, smal bodied chasers, and an adder. Great day!

    Wednesday 15 July 2015

    8 cows a'grazin

    8 cows happily grazing amongst the bracken on the low lying ground next to the Horse Pond.

    Tuesday 14 July 2015

    8 cows found

    Found 8 cows lying in grass next to track that runs alongside Sandy Hill estate. S18. All looking very well. No sign of other 12.

    Sunday 12 July 2015

    Fire Brigade called

    No sightings, but called the Fire Brigade, on Sunday morning, to damp down an area burning in the woods at G28.

    Sunday morning

    Came across eight of the black cattle near the shallow pond on the top of Caesar's this morning.  No others were in sight.  Had a word with the Landmarc chap who was there to sort out a burned car which had been driven onto the Camp via the barrier from Beacon Hill last night.  He thought the fences and cattle grids around there were intact.

    Saturday 11 July 2015

    Leaning fence at G/H 33

    The fence is leaning at boundary of G33 and H34, where a large post has rotted at it's base.

    Drinking at the Horse Pond

    18 counted having a drink at the Horse Pond. Couldn't see the other two, but there are plenty of bushes to hide behind

    Friday 10 July 2015

    None to be seen!

    Despite a comprehensive circuit of the north side of the area, and a view from Caesar's camp, I didn't see a single cow this lunchtime.
    I guess they had the sense to be sheltering from the sun in a wood somewhere (it was pretty warm)

    Partly found

    Found 13 grazing on the marshy scrapings on the north slope of Caesar's Camp first thing today.  They seemed well but I couldn't find the other seven.

    Tuesday 7 July 2015

    All found on the south eastern boundary sheltering in the woodland.

    New looker and local Andy and I were out lookering in a military convoy today thanks to Cpl Alyn Hocking and company (4x4 instructors at Caesar's)who joined up! And thanks to all we found them where they had been spotted previously (bottom of the hill and track south eastern boundary). After a good looker sesh and another quick check over with the help of some cattle nuts, all confirmed good and healthy!

    No sightings as of yet and now starting to get a complex! This was yesterday afternoon and also for last Tuesday. Sorry in the delay in posting this but haven't been well. Will hopefully get to see them next week.

    Found each other.

    All 20 back together in clearing near pavilion buildings!

    Monday 6 July 2015

    Sunday 5 July 2015

    Sunday morning snooze

    11 were snoozing on the top of Caesar's Camp first thing today.  They looked very content - great views and nice heather beds!  Couldn't see the other 9, again.

    Friday 3 July 2015

    Friday afternoon siting

    11 were near the horse pond late this afternoon - enjoying the now rather muddy water.  7 British Whites and 4 others.  Not sure where the rest of the herd was.......

    Wednesday 1 July 2015

    All 20 on the move

    All seen walking down the shady track at J31. All well

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...