Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Sunday 30 August 2015

    9:30 Sunday

    7 found grazing at H29. I was told there was another group around Sunny Hill Road, but they had moved on by the time I got there.

    Saturday 29 August 2015

    Almost half...

    Nine were sheltering from the rain under trees near the horse pond at about 7.00 this evening. Damp but alright.   No sighting of the others, but I didn't hang around too long as it was getting very wet.

    Friday 28 August 2015

    9:00am Friday

    16 grazing on the track to the east of the Horse Pond. All looked healthy. The other 4 could be in the bushes, difficult to see.

    Tuesday 25 August 2015

    Tuesday 25 August - Site Check

    Was quite fortunate with my search this morning as all 20 of the cattle had decided to stick together for a change. I found them all up around S19 - S20 working their way to the east.

    They were all looking really well in the early morning sunshine.

    Thursday 20 August 2015

    No cattle seen at lunchtime, but came across 3 lads on the track south of the pond who ran away looking guilty as soon as they spotted me. Found the remains of the small fire they had left west of the track and stamped out and spread out the remains. They watched every from the top of the nearby hills and then cleared off I think. Feeling like rain now, so that'll make sure the fire is well and truly out

    Wednesday 19 August 2015

    9:40am Wednesday

    14 found grazing at K25. All looked well. They were so chilled out that a number of them came over to have a look at my dog, who was sitting quietly at my feet.

    Cut fence

    The cut fence at 9:00am this morning. Not big enough for a cow to get through, but the cut ends are razor sharp. Carried out another temporary repair. 

    Tuesday 18 August 2015

    12 seen today

    I found 5 up on the flat top of the camp. They all looked good. Fat in fact. Another 7 were down below near the fenced off area, in a valley mire. They were very skittish and I couldn't get close, but judging by the way they moved they were in good health. They seemed fine last time I met them so maybe they have been stressed by something. The fence had been cut again near Alexandra Rd. which I bodged up to make it stock-proof. It needs a new straining post urgently as I had to tension the fence by tying the post to an oak tree with baler twine.
    None seen at lunchtime today

    Monday 17 August 2015

    Found 17 Monday morning

    Found 7 to east of no.4 H17 and 10 in the shelter at C27

    Sunday 16 August 2015

    Found 7 cows to the north of Caesers camp, (I 18), quite close to the domed reservoir.They were in tall ferns, so we weren't able to get too close, but they all looked fine. Then 3 further cows pottering along the track towards the west, approximately (R18).
    Two lads, riding trail bikes, no crash helmets, making a noisy nuisance of themselves, over to the east, in particular around the large sandy area.
    Hilary and Martin

    10:00am Sunday

    6 British Whites walking along the track, towards the Horse Pond, at N27. All looked OK.

    Friday 14 August 2015

    9:45am Friday

    At least 5 browsing in the thick bracken on the side of the hill around O28. You too can play spot the cow (there are three in this picture) :-

    Wednesday 12 August 2015

    Wednesday 12th August

    Our first blog, having had our information session with Guy on Friday.
    Found all 20 cows in the valley east of the horse pond approximately J26/27
    All grazing and relaxed, no problems evident
    Hilary and Martin

    Monday 10 August 2015

    Spread out

    8 seen q19, 7 at l18 and 5 at s16. All looking well apart from lots of flies. 200057 possibly a bit underweight?
    Group of 8 seen 2-300 yards SW of Horse Pond at 10.30 this morning.

    Sunday 9 August 2015

    Partial view - Sunday

    Found 8 near the shallow pond on the top of Caesar's - one of the black ones had a couple of cuts on a rear lower leg.  I couldn't get close enough for a good look or to take the number.   Others were still hiding.

    Saturday 8 August 2015

    Mixed picture

    Wednesday - 5 on the track adjoining Sandy Hills and 3 further west on the main track on the Gelvert side.  All playing hide and seek effectively on Friday....

    Thursday 6 August 2015

    MT Weekly Update

    Monday @ 1545 - All 20 mostly lying down in M17.  600068 & 600071 had excessive flies round their eyes.  Rest of herd looked fine.

    Tuesday @ 1845 - 13 mostly lying down at the waters edge in P16 all looking good.  600071 had no excessive flies on eyes.  600068 not there.

    Tuesday @ 1915 - 13 moving from waters edge over bank to Q16 being quite vocal.  5 more joined group and after some jostling, they continued towards Q15 waited 5 minutes and the missing 2 didn't join the herd.  All looked in good condition.

    12 found

    12 found slowly grazing their way westward along the track at I28. Tyre tracks would suggest that the motorcyclists are back.

    Tuesday 4 August 2015

    All Ok Monday

    After repairing a fence I quickly found all 20 grazing in a shallow pit around R20. They all looked well.

    Monday 3 August 2015

    Monday 12.00 - 10 mixed mostly lying on sand at western end of large gravel pit on Bricksbury Hill and another 7  lying down in extention to this pit some 300 yards tlo west.  Numbers not guaranteed.  All appeared well.

    Sunday 2 August 2015

    9:15 Sunday - Breakfast at the Horse Pond

    8 cows drinking at the Horse Pond, all look healthy.

    A few more grazing in the thick undergrowth at the SE corner of the pond. Couldn't get close enough, with the dog, to count them. These cows are getting very good at playing hide and seek.

    Saturday 1 August 2015

    8+ at the Horse Pond

    At least 8 at the edge of the Horse Pond, hiding in the undergrowth

    10 minutes later and you wouldn't know they were there.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...