Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 29 September 2015

    Tuesday 4pm
    No cows at all again today, though we walked for an hour and a half. There were two quite large groups of Gurkhas on exercise accompanied by several vehicles.

    Monday 28 September 2015

    3:20pm Monday

    Followed 7 walking up Sunny Hill Road, they went off into the woods at F29, in a westerly direction.
    4 lazing and enjoying the lunchtime sun in the middle of the main sandy area.
    All look well
    Passed 2 black, 1 brown, 1 white, 1 mottled at about 11 am some 500 yards north of Horse Pond.  All seemed fine.

    Sunday 27 September 2015

    9:15am Sunday

    6 browsing in the thick scrub around L26, looked content. A couple of groups (1 of 5 persons and one of 3) of mushroom pickers around.

    Friday 25 September 2015

    12 found

    Message to self - read blog before looking for 20 ..... The 12 were grazing in the woodland near S14 this morning - all seemed well.

    Thursday 24 September 2015

    8 Removed Today

    Today after a routine tb test was clear we removed 8 of the heifers. 7 British Whites and the red Hereford X. They have gone to butterfly conservation sites in Winchester. This leaves 12 on site with some others to follow in the coming weeks. Thanks, Jack

    Wednesday 23 September 2015

    Wednesday morning

    No sightings in the Horse Pond to Sunny Hill area. Signs that there was a lot of Trail Bike activity yesterday.

    Monday 21 September 2015

    Monday 10am
    Back from our holiday. Walked for over an hour, up to the lookout and around to the west and then over to the Horse Pond. Not a cow to be seen, though plenty of recent evidence that they are around. What we did find however is loads of rubbish. Empty drink cans and bottles ,crisp packets etc. Didn't have a bag with us but will take one in the future. One wonders why people make the effort to come to a lovely natural place and then think it appropriate to leave rubbish.

    Saturday 19 September 2015

    Half measures

    10 were grazing and dozing on the top of Caesar's mid afternoon today.  The area was incredibly busy, with many groups of soldiers and lots of dog walkers and families etc.  The cattle seemed fine and unbothered by the people.  Couldn't find the other 10. 

    Friday 18 September 2015

    Not even a glimpse......

    Having found all 20 together on the top of Caesar's Camp on Tuesday evening, who knows where they were all hiding this evening.  Despite going round most of the site, the only company I had was, annoyingly, a noisy trial bike.

    Thursday 17 September 2015

    1:20 Monday - 12 spotted

    12 spotted spread out around P20 area. Young brown/white 056 had a fair number of flies around her eyes. Didn't seem unduly bothered by them, but might be worth keeping an eye on. Otherwise all were grazing happily and relaxed

    Monday 14 September 2015

    All Found Monday afternoon.

    The first 10 were grazing the flat grassy area at Sunny Hill G30. The other half were on top of Sandy Hill R20. The only thing I =noted was ..068 had quite a few ticks. No other concerns. All well.

    Friday 11 September 2015

    Split up again?

    14 were grazing peacefully at about P18 first thing today.  I couldn't see the other six.  There were  a few folk with bags full of mushrooms around aswell......

    Thursday 10 September 2015

    All accounted for.

    Hi. New RO here for sites around Hook. Nice to blog you! If that's a term? 

    Rich and I found all the animals together near i28 I think. Being new I may be a little out on that though. They were a little scattered but a quick stroll located the outliers. All looking good and healthy. 

    12:30 Thursday

    At least 14, maybe 16 (they refused to stand still to let me count them!) around J30. All content and unbothered by my presence

    8:45 am Thursday

    At least 9 browsing in the thick scrub at H29. All seemed OK from my limited viewpoint.

    Wednesday 9 September 2015

    9:25 am Wednesday

    9 cows happily grazing by the side of the long straight track up to Caesar's Camp at H29. All looked healthy.

    Sunday 6 September 2015

    9:00 am Sunday

    12 cows helping with the parking for the Motor Cycle Trials taking place at Sunny Hill. They didn't seem too worried.

    10:00 am. They've given up helping with the parking and are now slowly grazing their way westward around I28.

    Friday 4 September 2015

    1 hour 45 mins and how many do I find? 8..

    The 8 I found were in the heather behind the lookout. I did find frech pats near and around the horse pond and searched everywhere! They had to have been in the woods or bracken/gorse clumps around this area, they certainly weren't in any of the hot spots this time. The 8 were looking fine and dandy anyway. Well done Jill!

    First thing on Friday

    And a group of at least 12 were in the thick undergrowth around F18/G19.  All seemed well.    There could have been others but after quite a good look round, they remained hidden!

    Thursday 3 September 2015

    2 separate groups seen at lunchtime, 8 and 5. All looking fine

    8:30am Thursday

    6 cows (5 English White and 1 Welsh Black) grazing, on the move, around I28. No obvious problems.

    Wednesday 2 September 2015

    8:15am Wednesday

    8 cows happily grazing in the early morning sun around M 28.

    Tuesday 1 September 2015

    Lovely afternoon! Found 8 cows, grazing happily just off the path to the east of the Horse Pond, approx K/L.26/27. Then when we were up on Caesars Camp we could see, certainly 6, and very possibly more, in the distance to the east of the white dome, G19. Difficult to see at that distance especially as the foliage is so dense at the moment.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...