Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 31 October 2015

    Not a lot

    Spent some time looking late this morning but could only find 3, down by G30. They looked fine.

    Thursday 29 October 2015

    8:30am Thursday

    8 cows happily grazing alongside the track at H 28. They didn't give me and the dog a second glance as we walked through them. All looked OK.

    Tuesday 27 October 2015

    Tuesday am

    No sightings, but I was told by another dog walker that they had been seen, earlier, at the eastern end of the area.

    Monday 26 October 2015

    All 12 together and resting in the woods near the road at M29. All looking ok

    Sunday 25 October 2015


    Zero points for me too today.  Spent a good hour cycling over the site, but couldn't see any of the cattle.  There seemed an especially large amount of evidence of recent cow activity around Q4, at the far western end of the site.

    No cows today

    Although we walked for over an hour and a half all around the area, we found no cows, although there was plenty of fresh evidence that they are around.

    Friday 23 October 2015

    Friday 8 am

    All the animals were near to the long bottom track around about N20. All were grazing and seem in good health.
    7 found around S18. All chilled and contented

    Wednesday 21 October 2015

    A damp eightsome

    Fund eight at about S20 early evening today, all a bit damp but seemed content.  I couldn't see the other four.

    Saturday 17 October 2015

    Saturday's partial sighting

    Nine were grazing quite happily at R18 this morning.  No sign of the missing three.

    Friday 16 October 2015

    Friday Afternoon
    Found 11 cows spread out around the horse pond today. 12th probably there but not seen. All looked well, grazing peacefully

    Wednesday 14 October 2015

    Wednesday morning

    No sightings in the eastern end of the area. The contaminated land notices have been ripped off the new fence where it borders the long straight track up to Caesar's Camp. Somebody has been working on the new fence where it turns the corner at H27. So far, only the top strand of the fence wire has been cut, so it is still secure, but needs watching.

    Tuesday 13 October 2015

    All well Tuesday Afternoon

    It took a lot of driving around but I found them all today. A small group of 5 (mixed colours) were up on Sandy Hill grazing hard. I eventually found the other 7 - all Welsh Black - not far from Royal Pavillion. They all seemed in good nick.

    Monday 12 October 2015

    Monday 4pm
    Lovely sunny late afternoon. Quickly found 5 cows grazing beside the Horse Pond. They seemed very relaxed as they wondered off along the track to the west. Couldn't find the remaining 7.
    Some people have kindly collect some bags of rubbish from the site and have hung them on the fences at points beside various gates. Does anyone know if they are going to be collected at any point?

    Sunday 11 October 2015

    All present and correct - Sunday morning

    Four were on the track near Bricksbury (Q23) and the other eight were in two groups on the track below Sandy Hills (R17 and Q19). All seemed content and well on a beautiful morning.

    Friday 9 October 2015

    No show Friday evening

    Plenty of deer, rabbits and bats, but not a cow in sight this evening.  Will try again over the weekend.

    Friday Morning

    Scattered throughout the gorse around R13. Eventaully managed to track down all 12. All fine but are dispursed and amoungst tall vegetation often.

    Thursday 8 October 2015

    Thursday late afternoon.

    As Hilary stated 4 were up by Sandy Hill and the many others were on the slope down from the from the gate dthat comes from the back of Bricksbury Hill. I could only find 7 though despite much effort making a total of 11. 
    3pm Thursday
    Came across 4 cows almost immediately as we entered the ranges from the eastern most entrance from the Sandy Hill Estate. (Q23) All looked relaxed and happy. Then shortly afterwards we found the remaining 8 lying amongst the ferns or feeding contentedly beside the path just west of the horse pond (O25). All seemed well.

    Thursday 1 October 2015

    All together now. N28. Thursday afternoon.

    All of the animals were grazing then edges of the main track that runs past the horse training pond, towards the large open sandy expanse. All replaced and looking healthy. 
    1 1/2 hrs later the 5 had been joined by at least another 4 and probably all 7 in roughly the same spot and moving east.

    9:00am Thursday

    5 cows, enjoying the morning sun, browsing at F29. All looking well.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...