Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 30 November 2015

    Our Sarah's blog today. All seen and accounted for in 3 herds

    10 were found around D30 with another 3 not too far away, roughly around the H31 area. The final group of 9 seemed to be in the complete opposite direction of the other 2 herds (R4) and were seen resting up against some new Harris fencing near to where the contractors are currently working, moments after the fencing went up by al accounts ;)

    Sunday 29 November 2015

    Nearly all...

    About 20 were spread in a wide area around M26 mid afternoon today.  I think the newbies were in a group together, slightly separate from the old timers.  All I could see looked fine.  Military vehicles had been replaced by a very annoying couple of noisy trail bikes.....

    Saturday 28 November 2015

    8 in the Gorse

    We found 8 black cows in the tall gorse and shrub to the west of the Sandy Hill entrance. They seemed quite happy. The other 14 remained illusive. Much quieter on the ranges today, no vehicles or soldiers

    Friday 27 November 2015

    Some have learned hide and seek already .....

    I thought I was doing quite well until I just read about yesterday's additions!!  Found nine on the bottom track below Sandy Hills late this afternoon, though there was plenty of evidence of others in several other parts of the site.  Those I found were fine.

    All found in 3-4 groups today. One group of 10 which I presume were the new arrivals.

    I also had the pleasure of looking for some of them while leading a looker session with 3 Natural England Wardens Sarah, Karina and Nikki, we hope they will be able to help us out with a number of our sites, Caesar's being one of them : )

    Thursday 26 November 2015

    10 Extras Added

    Today I have put another 10 Welsh Black crosses out. There are 7 heifers and 3 steers. I found the original 12 near the look out and introduced them to the newbies.
    This takes the total up to 22.
    Cheers, Jack

    Wednesday 25 November 2015

    Wednesday morning

    Again, no sightings east of the Horse Pond. The constant sound of chain saws, near the pond, might be putting them off going in that direction

    Sunday 22 November 2015

    Busy, this late afternoon

    We walked around the central part of the ranges for about an hour just before dusk. Lots of military vehicles around and a large group of soldiers making their way along one of the paths towards the lookout. We were surprised by a small group of soldiers suddenly emerging from the undergrowth as we walked past! But no cows to be seen. There has been a lot of cutting back of shrub and even a couple of new paths cut and I wonder if all this extra activity has driven the cows into remoter parts of the ranges where they are less disturbed.

    Wednesday 18 November 2015

    Wednesday morning

    No sightings east of the Horse Pond this morning. Lots of heavy vehicle activity.

    Friday 13 November 2015

    All 12 - nearly together

    Ten were feeding greedily on acorns near G29 at about 4pm this afternoon.   The two brown ones were keeping their distance down by D28.  Good to see the two lots almost on speaking terms!   There were lots of vehicles around, as seems to be the norm these days.

    Tuesday 10 November 2015

    8:45am Tuesday

    Initially 8 cows moving through the cow high scrub, into the trees, at F29. As we were coming away, a ninth came, trotting and bellowing, from the open area to join her mates. No sightings of the two brown cows.

    Monday 9 November 2015

    passed 10 (9 black, 1 mottled) on main track Caesar's Camp to Skirmishing Hill/Royal Pavilion) at about 11 AM today.  They were heading slowly north east.

    Friday 6 November 2015

    Car rally on Sat. 7th November

    In case anyone isn't aware, a stage of the Tempest Rally will be taking place across the area tomorrow.


    Ten together

    Ten were grazing and wandering around J29 late this afternoon.  There were several vehicles around and many areas taped or marked off. The cattle seemed keener on moving to a more peaceful area.  No sighting of the brown and fawn cows.

    Thursday 5 November 2015

    9:00am Thursday

    One brown and one fawn cow happily grazing on the grass alongside the track at K27. No sign of the others. Well at least that's two more than I found yesterday.

    Wednesday 4 November 2015

    Long Walk

    We took a long walk this afternoon and the ranges were really busy. Lots of military activity, lots of vehicles, lots of soldiers and lots of gun fire! But sadly no cattle to be seen anywhere.

    Tuesday 3 November 2015

    All found near Bourley Rd lunchtime

    I turned up with Binz to replace strainer at the reservoir 4 gate when we spotted them driving along Bourley Rd. We walked back around F19 to check and all 12 were there looking good. About 6 at least were eating acorns - Blacks 067, 068, 070, 071, the red, and the straw coloured one, They didn't seem to be suffering from it.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...