Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 31 December 2015

    All Found Finally

    All cattle found in two groups. The majority up next to the corral. All are looking well. Thanks, Jack

    Thursday am

    5 cows enjoying the morning sunshine around M 29.

    Information from a neighbour

    We found 9 cows grazing happily on the slope below Sandy Hill yesterday.
    However, my neighbour, who walks her dog regularly on the ranges, and who knows I do this blog reported a rather alarming experience to me yesterday. She told me that, I think on Wednesday of this week, whilst walking her well behaved dog, she was charged by a cow. Apparently she was 20 or so yards away, passing it on a path, when it bellowed at her and charged. She stood her ground and it stopped about 5 yards from her. She felt rather shacken by the experience but, just as she was walking off, she saw the same cow charge at a couple of runners passing by, who were very alarmed. She describes the cow as mostly black but with some white markings.
    I have given her details to contact Guy, though I understand he is away over the holiday and also the main office number given here on the blog, so that she can report it herself. I thought though that forewarned is forearmed to those of us who blog so that we can keep an eye out.
    Happy New Year!
    Hilary and Martin

    Wednesday 30 December 2015

    Monday 28 December 2015

    Monday am

     4 checking out the newly cleared area, just east of the Horse Pond. Following yesterday's motor cycle meeting, thers's a lot of litter ( crisp bags, plastic bottles, cans, broken glass) around the small sandy area where the tracks meet at L 29.

    Sunday 27 December 2015

    Half measures again

    Found just five in the murk on Christmas Day and 12 late this afternoon (six at J16 and six at R20).  Those we found seemed fine.  Lots of people, trail bikes and bats today.

    Monday 21 December 2015

    All 22 found

    All 22 found again. They were all very close together, although still in two distinct groups- one group of 16 at M20, and one group of 6 at M19, both groups in the woodland.

    Saturday 19 December 2015

    Belated post

    Found 21 early this afternoon - 15 in small groups near L20 - probably some of the ones Hilary found later - and 6 over by S6, in the area currently being cleared. 
    Some of the posts holding the fencing down by Bourley Road (about E22) looked a bit lop sided, but I didn't have time to check properly.

    Late afternoon walk

    We found 13 cows, all black, grazing beside the path below the lookout at approx J24. A small dog was yapping at them but they just moved calmly away.They seems quite content. We noticed that there has been a lot of clearing of small trees and shrubs across the ranges, especially around the Horse Pond, which opens up the land.

    Friday 18 December 2015

    Half measures (nearly)

    First thing on Friday - four at P16, six at K23 and a cut fence (only the top wire) at about I26 - leading into the leaded area.  All the cattle I saw seemed well and content.

    Thursday 17 December 2015

    All 22 found

    All 22 found today, but it wasn't easy! 11 were found near S6 in the far west of the site. Ian found 3 near Tweseldown on the East of the site. The other 8 took ages to find, and after a couple of hours, I gave up. On driving back to the gate, a glimmer of white caught my eye in the woodlands near the camp (M18) and a little face appeared above the bramble, and there they were!

    Tuesday 15 December 2015

    Apologies this is a very late post as I looked for the cattle on Saturday 12th but as I'm new to the blog and still familiarising myself to Caesars Camp I wanted to add a post anyway! I found 5 of them around the S15 area but no others in site. They looked calm and happy enough :-) Numbers 300072, 600082, 700083, 500095 and 400??? (wouldn't let me get too close!)....


    After a couple of hours of searching a very murky Caesar's Camp, I finally tracked down 11 of the Welsh Blacks at about 12:15 today. They were all together just below the trees at Windy Gap Hill (SU83917 50039). All looked well. Didn't see hide nor hair of the rest, but I have yet to explore the area near the 'space ship' and below the view point, so perhaps that's where they were hiding!

    Monday 14 December 2015

    4 young black heifers spotted in the woods near the main sandy area at lunchtime. All content and well

    Saturday 12 December 2015

    Saturday am

    6 checking out the perimeter fence at G 33. The path is too narrow to get close with the dog, but they seemed to be happily checking out the fodder as they moved.

    Monday 7 December 2015

    Found 18 of the cows on Caesar's Camp today from 10am to 1:30pm with fellow SAMM Wardens Sarah and Mike. All looked healthy apart from a black cow with ear tag number 100084 who had a scar on her bum to the right of her tail. It didn't look weepy or infected but just a bit sore. Was lovely weather to be out in!
    6 together up by the top pond at lunchtime, all looked content and well

    Sunday 6 December 2015

    9:00am Sunday

    At least six, spread out, browsing their way through the woodland in the NE corner. All looked well.

    Friday 4 December 2015

    14 and counting ....

    Just been up to CC and though it was getting dark found 14 (possibly more) moving westwards away from the horse pond on the track at the bottom of the slope behind Sandy Hills.  They all seemed fine.

    Wednesday 2 December 2015

    Wednesday morning

    5 cows happily browsing and drinking around M28. Another cow was heading purposefully down the track towards the Rowhill gate! All looked well.

    Tuesday 1 December 2015

    New lookers

    Hi Caesar's Camp Bloggers,
    I met Guy last Friday for a training day and look forward to joining the looking team next week, along with my colleagues Nicky and Karina. We're all wardens for the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership so it's great to be doing a useful job out on the SPA.
    Best wishes, Sarah

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...