Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 30 January 2016

    Still enjoying the sun

    11 (or perhaps 12?) had moved over towards Sunny Hill to sun bathe in the middle of the area being set up for the motor bikes this afternoon.  They looked well and content.  No sightings of the rest.

    2 and 12.

    Saturday morning. 2 near to water tower. Tan and white. 12 down towards hungry hill on the large open sandy area. 

    All seemed fine enjoying then sun.  

    Saturday am

    At least 7 spread out amongst the trees on the side of Hungary Hill. Perhaps they want to help layout tomorrow's motorcycle course. 🐂

    Thursday 28 January 2016

    John Hurst - Cattle - current positions at 0745

    Thursday 28th January - Cattle observed at positions - Q20, P20/21 - total 21 all grazing - no issues
    John Hurst
    0715. Thursday morning walk was brisk and bright with 21 cattle insight.

    Wednesday 27 January 2016

    walked this morning , no cattle seen

    Tuesday 26 January 2016


    Apologies for late post. I visited Caesar's yesterday morning between 10am and 1pm. I found 8 happy beasts in the vicinity of R10, but didn't find a trace of the others I'm afraid.

    Saturday 23 January 2016

    and the rest .....

    15 minutes after Marian and another 5 were slightly further west but just off the track and on the slope and the other two were on the opposite slope.  They all seemed fine too.

    Saturday afternoon walk

    Today at around 2.30pm I saw a group of 15 cattle grazing on the land that had been cut back last year parallel to Sandy Hill. Lots of dog walkers around but, nevertheless, all of the cattle seemed relaxed and happy and all had clean faces and rear ends.

    Tuesday 19 January 2016

    Woolly gloves and hats!

    Woolly gloves and hats required this afternoon, but lovely walking in the winter sun. A few contractors still working with a bonfire over to the far east but quiet elsewhere. We found 5 cows ambling along the  path beside Folly Hill, approx Q20, and a further 5 on the slope north of them at approx O20. All looked well.

    Monday 18 January 2016

    Another great looker session with another well behaved herd ;)

    Good to meet Natural England wardens Dave (plus K9 companion - forgot name) and Mike, and good to meet Marian. I found the herd in 2 groups, all well and nothing to report.

    Site update and motorcycle event

    Hello all,

    Just a quick heads up that there is going to be an organised motorcycle event taking place in the SE section of Caesars Camp, called Hungry Hill, on the weekend of 31st January.  The route the bikes will be taking goes up into the woods which head to the Farnborough Road so leaving the livestock plenty of space elsewhere on site to avoid the noise.

    I expect they will start to put tape up and organisers will arrive a few days prior.

    Lastly the contractors should be finishing up on site by the middle of this week so that should be the end of the cutting with machinery.  the fires will still likely be hot for a week afterwards but all in all I am really really happy with how the work has gone this winter and how it looks, ready for the woodlarks to start singing next month.


    Saturday 16 January 2016

    Calving 2016

    Hello all.

    Well all of the late winter and spring cows in calf are now back at the farm.  I would like to say a huge thank you to you all for your help with getting them to this stage.

    As you can see from the next series of photos the British whites are all in the newly designed barn and the Shetlands have the neighbouring fields.  We have straw and hay a plenty and water on tap!

    In total there are 29 due to calf in the next two to three months so fingers crossed, I will keep you updated.

    This year all calves will be named with names starting with C, so get your thinking caps on and email guy your suggestions.


    Saturday am

    No sightings of the cattle, but the contractors were hard at work providing a smoke screen.

    Friday 15 January 2016

    Lovely afternoon

    Cold and crisp on the ranges this afternoon. Lots of activity from the contractors clearing the gorse and shrub around the Horse Pond. A lot of clearance work up near Folly Hill. The paths are very messy from the vehicles being used. But no cows seen I am afraid. Perhaps they have moved away from the noisy works.

    Sunday 10 January 2016

    All 22 seen

    Hello all.

    After the work party today I drive round to see the contractors and cattle.  Could not find the contractors but all 22 cattle by the ClearedHeath by beacon hill road.

    All their eyes were clear and ear tags present.  They all looked on great condition and were very calm indeed.

    Friday 8 January 2016

    Morning visit

    First thing today there were three at M19 and another 14 heading purposefully westwards at about R14.  They all looked okay.

    Tuesday 5 January 2016

    Only 10 checked

    I visited Caesar's Camp today between 10:30 and 13:00. I found 8 at the path junction at P22 and two at the top of the hill at Q22. All were happy and healthy. I noticed that 500081 had a golf ball sized crusty lump at the top of its tail. ?00095 had a wart on its nose. Probably nothing, but just thought I'd mention it.

    When I was driving back from Brock's Hill I noticed a gaggle of at least 6 near the gate at P3, 'fraid I didn't stop to check them, but will make a note to wander up in this direction in future.

    P.S. Don't know if anyone else has reported this, but there is a most unpleasant sight on the main track from the view point area out towards the east of the site...the portaloo has fallen over and the 'contents' has escaped! I won't post a pic of that!

    Monday 4 January 2016

    All 22 found

    12 found at G17, 8 found at G20 and 2 found at N19.

    Saturday 2 January 2016

    Found a few

    On a morning when even the ducks were taking cover, found one lone brown cow at 23F and another nine at 16G.  The group included the white one with grey/black markings and they all seemed calm and content, if decidedly soggy,

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...