Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 31 May 2016

    Monday pm

    9 cattle seen on path by Sandy Hill. Several of them had dirty rear ends, including the two brown cows. I have noticed smelly runny cow pats for a few days but this is the first time I've seen any of the animals for quite some time. All seemed OK otherwise and were grazing quietly.

    Sunday 29 May 2016

    Sunday afternoon

    Thirteen enjoying the warm afternoon at around R16 late this afternoon - they all seemed well.

    Saturday 28 May 2016

    Saturday am

    At least 8 munching their way down the middle of Long Bottom at J28. There could have been more amongst  the undergrowth, some of them were well hidden.

    Friday 27 May 2016

    Friday am

    Spread out, this morning. 3 around L26 and another 3 disappearing into the trees on Sunny Hill.

    Thursday 26 May 2016

    Thursday am

    7 at K26. Disturbed by the army running past, but soon settled down again.

    Wednesday 25 May 2016

    and continuing home from Gelvert area passed through Long Bottom and saw 2 cattle at a distance down near 'The Pavilion'.

    Tuesday 24 May 2016

    5 Extras Added

    This afternoon we added 5 extra Welsh Black crosses to the bunch. This now brings the total to 26.
    Thanks, Jack

    Monday 23 May 2016

    Monday 6pm

    5 cattle seen grazing along path next to Sandy Hill

    Full house in 2 herds in G21 and O24.

    Plenty of troop activity today. And packed with visitors, which included my new lookering team of Natural England wardens! :) And very well they did too. No concerns with the herd.

    Saturday 21 May 2016

    Saturday am

    7 looking very settled on the fresh grass around L28 and another 3 grazing their way along the track at L31.

    Thursday 19 May 2016

    Two groups spotted this morning . The first, a group of 7 were in the area of P26 just off the main long bottom track with  the others in the area 0f R20 not far from the bunker. all looked well.

    Wednesday morning.

    Split into a group of 6 and a group of 15. The larger group were in the woods near to the shell garage entrance. The six were right down by the large open sandy area to the north of the site. 
    G28 and O11 respectively. 

    Wednesday 18 May 2016

    Wednesday am

    6 grazing around N25. All looked OK.

    Monday 16 May 2016

    Found seven (at least) in brush at northern end of Long Bottom at about 11.00: they were moving slowly towards the Pavilion.

    Sunday 15 May 2016

    Party Rubbish

    This was the sight that greeted us on the north side of the Horse Pond, this morning.


    The life belts are floating in the middle of the pond and the danger signs have been ripped off the post. The other dog walker I was with had a rubbish bag, so with the help of a passing jogger, we have bagged the rubbish. If anybody is over there in a vehicle, then ths bag is at the side of the track to the east of the pond.

    Sunday am

    10 enjoying the new growth of grass around L28

    Saturday 14 May 2016

    Walked for about an hour and a half this late afternoon in lovely warm sunshine. We were surprised, not far from the eastern side of the Horse Pond, when a large deer came crashing down the hill through the undergrowth and leaped across the path a few yards ahead of us.
    We found only 3 cows, all black, beside the path at about N27. One of them was no84, just mentioned in the previous blog. Another was 600082 which was lying  amongst the heather. She seemed to have some bare patches, perhaps sores, on her back, and her face was covered with flies, unlike the two other cows with her. She did seem very quiet.
    There were quiet a few people about, several cyclists, but we did not hear any scramble bikes today.
    10.30 came across tag ....84 not more than 100 yds from Cranmore Lane entrance.  There seemed to be no other cattle about nor did I see any more in the length of Long Bottom.  One hour later this cow in roughly same place.

    Thursday 12 May 2016

    Started my walk at 0700hrs round the top of flagstaff and Caesars camp with no siting of the cattle however I didsee 12 members of the water catchment group in the area of P3 trying to figure out a way to get over the cattle grid. All looked well.

    Tuesday 10 May 2016

    Late Tuesday

    Three were at Q20 and 17 well spread out around N26.  All were grazing and content.  The one I couldn't find was one of the brown ones, hopefully just hidden in the undergrowth.

    Tuesday pm

    12 seen on path by Sandy Hill Lane. Grazing quietly.

    Monday 9 May 2016

    10 AM - none seen in lower Long Bottom.

    Sunday 8 May 2016

    Motorbikes and arson

    I had two call outs today for a cut fence in the same place, round by the shell garage.

    My strong suspicion is motorbikes.

    The first call out also reported some details about the arson incident in the same area which I forwarded onto crumestoppers.  It was a group of 8-10 year olds running around setting things on fire!!!!

    The second call out also reported the bikes were still on site.  I attended and managed to get Surrey police to join me but by the time we arrived the bikes had gone.  We patrolled the area and talked to a few people.  I am
    Going to try to organise another joint patrol ASAP.

    All found

    82,68,70,95,92,62,75,84 all up along fence in shade by Sandy Hill estate.

    91,57,87,56,81,56,63 by dragonfly ponds near new bridle gate

    65,64,71,40,72,67 down by the horse pond.


    Saturday 7 May 2016

    Saturday am

    At least 7 enjoying the sunshine around G32. There could have been more hiding in the bushes. One lone cow grazing on the cleared area at O23. All looked OK.

    Thursday 5 May 2016

    Thursday am

    4 munching their way eastwards, in the newly cleared area around L25. All looked OK

    Wednesday 4 May 2016

    Late post of deceased cow

    Hello all,

    Sorry for the late blog post but unfortunately one of the cattle was found dead on Friday last week.

    A dog walker called it in and she was found on one of the areas we burnt back in January.

    I think she had likely been there for a couple of days.  There were no signs of a struggle or ill health or injury although she was identified in previous blog reports as appearing a big forlorn.  To be able to carry out a post morten you need to do so within 24 hours, obviously this was not possible so we will never know exactly the cause of death.

    Needless to say my immediate concern was lead, however given further consideration and discussions with the stockman we do not believe this to be the case.  Having said that, if snore one dies soon I will have to remove them all immediately to a neighbouring site until I can gain confidence that the site is safe.

    I will keep you all posted so please do let us know if any individual is showing any odd behaviour.  To assist with this we really need the last two numbers on their ear tags to help us build up a history of any symptoms.

    Best wishes


    Tuesday 3 May 2016

    21 up on Sandy Hill

    All together in one group up on Sandy Hill, still enjoying a mineral lick left there previously.

    Monday 2 May 2016

    Noon, Long Bottom a little way above Horse Pond 13 head closely grouped and static.

    Monday am

    One lone cow at H32, enjoying the new growth on the saplings.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...