Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 30 June 2016

    All well by Upper Hale

    Well happy to find them all grazing and cuddling along the fire break that borders the Upper Hale housing.

    I checked their eyes, ear tags, feet, condition and coats and have to say they all look fantastic.

    In fact in the midst of chaos they were a welcoming calming influence.

    Wednesday 29 June 2016

    Wednesday am

    7 grazing and resting around L28. All looked OK.

    Sunday 26 June 2016

    Sunday afternoon

    A group of 15 dozing in the sandy area at the bottom of Long Valley late this afternoon.   They looked well.

    Saturday 25 June 2016

    Dodging the showers

    Well, we walked for nearly two hours this afternoon, between the showers, up to the Look Out and over to the west. Whilst we saw a handful of dog walkers and a group of army land rovers negotiating the steep paths, we saw not one single solitary cow! Disappointing.

    Wednesday 22 June 2016

    Wednesday am

    10 sheltering from the drizzle, amongst the trees at H30. On the way back, there were cows hidden amongst the trees and bushes around I31. Could have been the same group, spooked by a dog, I'd heard barking from roughly their previous location.

    Tuesday 21 June 2016

    Tuesday 21st June.

    Found all 26 cattle together this afternoon. They were all up on the high ground behind the houses. All looking very well and relaxed.

    Sunday 19 June 2016

    Quiet afternoon

    A short walk this afternoon found things quiet. We found 6 cows, including the brown and white No58, sauntering eastwards along the path beside Sandy Hill.We also saw a small deer quite close to the boundary fence. Is it my imagination or are there more deer around lately? We walked all around The Lookout and over to the west but made no further sightings of cows.

    Sunday afternoon.

    11 were grazing peacefully at Long Bottom (about O24) late this afternoon. One, 40087, seems to have a small piece of bare skin of the right flank - it didn't seem raw.

    Sunday am

    7 at Sunny Hill, keeping an eye on the cycling event. A further 9 in Long Bottom, east of the Horse Pond. Has anybody told them not to cross the red and white tapes!

    Friday 17 June 2016

    Friday 5pm

    10 cattle, lying, chewing and generally unconcerned by passers by. Number 105 ambled over for a closer look at us as we sat and enjoyed the view.
    Further 13 cattle encountered as we walked back along Sandy Hill path at S16

    Friday am

    No cattle sightings, but the heron was on pond watch

    Wednesday 15 June 2016

    Wednesday am

    13 moving along Long Bottom, around K27, heading towards the Horse Pond. 9 lying down on the grass at G32. There were plenty of places, in either of the locations, for the remaing 4 to hide. All looked content and enjoying the better weather.

    A fellow dog walker told me that he had seen a youth on one occasion chasing the cows with a large stick and on a second occasion throwing rocks at one of the cows. On both occasions it was the same youth and the incidents occurred around the Sunny Hill end of the area.

    Tuesday 14 June 2016

    All together in one herd

    An easy search today, as all 26 cows were together in one heard at P16. Checked them all, and they all looked fine. 57 was still looking thin, but not any worse than before- and seemed happy enough with all the others.

    Sunday 12 June 2016

    Late post for Saturday

    Saw a group up on the top track near Sandy Hills yesterday evening.  57 was amongst them and looked quite dry but seemed a bit lacking in interest.

    Sunday 8:00 am

    At least 5 in the undergrowth, on the slope at L26. Another 8 at G29. 57 was with them, but they were all lying down, so I was unable to get a good look.

    Saturday 11 June 2016

    Humid morning

    Humid morning, not many people about. We found 16 moving slowly along the valley east of the Horse Pond. They all looked relaxed and well, though one of them was bellowing. No 57 was not amongst this group.

    Saturday am

    10 on the move around K26. All looked OK, 57 wasn't with them.

    Thursday 9 June 2016

    Thursday am

    7 by the side of the track at N26.

    Here's no. 57. The back end is still quite dirty and the cow pats were fairly runny.

    Wednesday 8 June 2016

    Tuesday 7th- 57 needs keeping an eye on and I didn't find 80,98, 106 and 114.

    Hello, I found and sprayed 22 with fly repellent yesterday (tuesday 7th) , so hopefully it will help tackle the flys. The four I didn't find were 80, 98, 106 and 114; so it would be great if you could especially be on the look out for them. Also I noticed that 57 was looking poorer than the rest and its back end was a bit mucky. It is the light tan coloured cow with a white face. Could you keep an eye on it, to make sure that it doesn't loose more weight, however I think it is fine for now. Thankyou!!
    at 11.00 in Long Bottom on eastern side and some 500 yards short of the Pavilion noted 10 + in area of heather, bracken and brush.

    Wednesday am

    No sightings in Long Bottom, but this guy was checking us out. He didn't seem worried by our presence, at all.

    Sunday 5 June 2016

    Sunday am

    14 on the move and heading into the trees at the north east corner of the area.

    Saturday 4 June 2016

    Saturday pm

    all 26 seen. 10 on path by Sandy Hill and 16 lying down at the look out on Ceasars Camp.

    Saturday am

    No sightings, but the cuckoos were giving it some welly as we walked down Long Bottom.

    Friday 3 June 2016

    Friday pm

    9 cattle found at R15. All peaceful.

    Friday am

    2 lone cows grazing at M28

    Thursday 2 June 2016

    Thursday am

    At least 10 spread out along Long Bottom. Enjoying the british summer!!!

    Wednesday 1 June 2016

    0615 and a thick mist accompanied by heavy rain did not bode well for the fist day of summer or lookering. The cattle were obviously sheltering from the elements as  they were no  where to be seen. On the down side I did find 3 dead Jay chick's  on the ground below a group of tall pines, it  might been that the were victims of yesterday's bad weather.

    All 26 found

    Eventually found all 26 today, although they were doing a good job of hiding! 12 were up at Sandy Hill, 4 were on the fenceline by Gelvert near the Bourley road, and the remaining 10 were at Long Bottom. Gave the two larger groups a mineral lick each. All seemed well.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...