Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 30 July 2016

    Staurday evening

    At least 16 grazing around P19-20-21 this evening.  Some well into the undergrowth, so I couldn't get to them all.  Those I saw seemed fine, though I couldn't see 160.

    Saturday pm

    8 seen resting under the trees at Ceasars Camp lookout and a further 6 found on the path by Sandy Hill.

    Thursday 28 July 2016

    Thurs 28th- 160 has injured its eye

    Hello, One of the Welsh Black crosses with a white face (number 160) was reported to have allot of blood coming from around its left eye last night. Me and Elliote had a closer look today and it has a cut on the edge of the upper eyelid (maybe after rubbing on a branch or barbed wire). It looked ok and has scabbed over, however it is a bit swollen. If you could look out for 160 and check that the flies arn't bothering it too much, then that would be great.

    Thanks Rosie    

    Thursday am

    16, in two groups spread out along Long Bottom. All looked well.

    Wednesday 27 July 2016

    All found in two groups

    I managed to get a full head count today.

    12 were roaming around in K17 and the other 11 were cudding in L28.

    All were looking well with big bellies, clean coats, clear eyes and ear tags all present.


    Tuesday 26 July 2016

    Tuesday am

    11 moving through thick bracken around K28, towards the Sunny Hill end.

    Monday 25 July 2016

    Only 13 found today

    Only managed to find 13 today. 8 were grazing along the trackside at N26, whilst another 5 had a much better idea, and headed to the beach for a dip in the lake at P16! All looked well, the others were nowhere to be seen!

    Cow ear tags that I saw were- 56, 57, 75, 81, 114, 71, 62, 68, 72, 87, 82, 95, and 84.
    About 11.00 o'clock five head up by the large gravel pit grazing on bramble, willow etc.

    Sunday 24 July 2016

    late post for Saturday

    Came across about 14 enjoying the cooling boggy area around F/G 16/17 late in the afternoon.  I was actually hunting the Gelvert 11 but they were  playing hide and seek too expertly.  Couldn't get very close to the cattle given the bog, but they seemed very content.

    Saturday 23 July 2016

    Saturday am

    4 grazing under whatever shade they could find towards the Horse Pond end of Long Bottom. No. 72 on the track by the pond, making a lot of noise.

    Wednesday 20 July 2016

    Wednesday 7:45am

    10 around K27 and another 6 spread out along Long Bottom. All happily grazing beforevit gets too hot.

    Tuesday 19 July 2016

    All found in and around the small barn near the old pavillion, closest to the MOD entrance.

    They're not daft, good shade there. All appeared happy and healthy with few ticks and zero wounds I could see. Plenty of flies as expected but no symptoms of New Forest on any of them. All good.

    They crammed a lot in there 15 mins later ;)

    Monday 18 July 2016

    Just ten

    Were grazing peacefully alongside the track near the favoured shelter early this evening.  They looked fine.

    Tuesday 12 July 2016

    All found and well

    Found all but two at H30-G30, all looking well, and enjoying holding up the army in their tanks. The other two were much harder to find, and having driven around the whole site, I returned to Sandy Hill to get a view, then spotted them hiding in the shelter!

    Tuesday am

    6 lying down in the boggy area around L26. Difficult to see, as they are almost hidden in thr bracken.

    Friday 8 July 2016

    all well

    Found 19 heading purposefully towards the comms kit for the Air Show, clearly wanting to take up the best spots for an afternoon viewing aircraft.  The other 7 were on the track near the housing area.  One was actually inside the old air shelter??  They looked well today -  clean coats and eyes, even the two brown ones.

    Friday am

    Half a dozen resting by the Horse Pond. Others being vocal somewhere NE of the Horse Pond, the braken is getting tall and they're difficult to spot. 

    Wednesday 6 July 2016

    Wed 6th- all found

    I found them all along the high road, at the back of the housing estate today (sorry i don't know the official names yet). They all looked good and enjoyed there nuts, however 200057 (very light brown) is still looking poorer than the others, one to keep an eye on. 300072 came over for a good scratch off me aswell.

    Monday 4 July 2016

    About 10.00 this morning came across 17 or 18 in shade of a clump of trees at southern end of large open area in Long Bottom down near the 'Pavilion'.

    Sunday 3 July 2016

    Sunday afternoon

    10 were grazing amongst the gorse near the comms equipment and 14 were on the fire break near the Upper Hale housing, heading purposefully eastwards.  Perhaps the missing two were in the undergrowth near the others?  Those I saw seemed well.

    Friday 1 July 2016

    Friday 4pm

    At least 21 cattle grazing quietly around K18/19. Seemed rather interested by the activities going on which I presumed to have something to do with communications for Farnborough Air Show.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...