Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Friday 30 September 2016


    Hello all,

    As planned we rounded up the cattle today and walked them into the neighbouring site Gelvert Catchment Area, where, once united with Gelverts herd, we led them to Camp 45 (the meadow adjacent to Bourley Road.

    There is plenty of grass in tehre and the gelvert stream flows through it.

    They will be visited by the vet on Monday and given a small amount of TB.  they will then be visited again on Thursday where their reaction will be monitored and will be used to determine if they have TB or not.  We try to operate a closed herd which limits any unwanted exposure between our cattle and other farmers cattle.  We also hope their varied diet and ability to freely roam ensures they are fit and well to fit things off, but one never knows so fingers crossed!

    Assuming they are given the all clear they will be returned the following week.

    Enjoy your week off

    Fri 9:15, 10 just to the east of the Horse Pond

    Sunday 25 September 2016

    Sunday am

    6 grazing on the open area next to Sunny Hill. All looked OK.

    Friday 23 September 2016

    Friday am

    Only one cow spotted this morning. Mind you, the whole herd could have been hidden in there without being seen.

    Tuesday 20 September 2016

    All found Tuesday

    The first 10 were north of the Horse Pond around G26.  The remainder were either on or near the lawn west of Royal Pavillion at about D29.  I did a fair bit of shouting and bucket rattling to round them up and gave the some cattle nuts.  This is to make it easier to gather them for their upcoming TB test. #56 had some blood around her rear so I guess she is in season.  They all seemed well.

    Tuesday am

    5 spread out around I32

    OK guys, we've got this gate covered

    Sunday 18 September 2016

    19 seen

    I popped into site today to check something quickly and came across 19 of the cattle.  They were grazing birch and drinking from the newly filled puddles.

    They all looked well.

    They were numbers: 64,56,56,84,92,44,70,78,95,14,105,67,75,82,91,87,40,106

    Friday 16 September 2016

    No sloes!

    Blustery afternoon, cooler than recently. We found 4 cows grazing beside the path running along the top beside Sandy Hill. We walked west, looking to pick Sloes, in order to make Sloe Gin. We were surprised and disappointing to find none to pick at all. So if anyone knows of any fruiting Blackthorn bushes locally, I would be pleased to hear from you!                                                                        There were a group of 4 lads, with 1 trail bike. They were roaring noisily around, digging up the paths and making a dreadful disturbance, to the west of  Sandy Hill.

    Tuesday 13 September 2016

    Tuesday am

    At least three around M28. 57 in the trees and the others just about visible in the very tall bracken on the downhill side of the track. There could have been many more hiding in that bracken.

    Saturday 10 September 2016

    Saturday am

    12 getting ready for the rain on the open area around Sunny Hill. All looked well.

    Wednesday 7 September 2016

    Only 21 found today

    After a couple of hours searching, I could only find 21 today. There were 4 at Q15 (44, 84, 92, 91), 15 at H30 (68 and 71) and 2 at N22 (105, 114, 65, 98, 72, 80, 70, 63, 81, 57, 82, 64, 87, 56, 95). All looked ok, although the flies are really bad at the moment.

    Wednesday am

    At least 11 amongst the trees around I30. This was the first time I had observed them breaking branches off the trees to get their favourite nibbles. I found them because of the sound of crashing branches.

    Saturday 3 September 2016

    Saturday am

    We were sitting at the Horse Pond when four friends dropped in for a drink. No sign of any more down the length of Long Bottom.

    Friday 2 September 2016

    All accounted for

    Hello all.

    After another hours driving around I am pleased to say that all of the cattle were found and accounted for.  

    I found four (105, 106, 98 ,80) all up on the main hill fort and then 9 (64,65,75,56,other 56,40,14,71,62) down by the Pegasus hut.

    Along with those seen by Sarah and Rosie earlier this week I think it makes it a full house.


    Late post for Tuesday

    13 found at Q14 by the lake, including the escapee from Gelvert, who was looking quite content! 106 had reopened the wound above her eye, and there was a fair bit of blood, but probably looked worse than it is. We're keeping an eye on it.

    Thursday 1 September 2016

    Thursday am

    Must be a morning for hide and seek. I spotted a couple amongst the trees on Hungary Hill and another three amonst the reeds on the far side of the Horse Pond next to the heron.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...