Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Sunday 30 October 2016

    3-4 PM at least 14 in area of dense gorse some 500 yards west of the Water Tower and another group of at least 3 about 200 yards due north of same tower. All grazing.  Quiet but dull afternoon.

    Friday 28 October 2016

    Friday am

    At least 8 in the undergrowth, next to the Horse Pond. All the ones I could see looked OK.

    This one looks like he fancies duck for breakfast

    Thursday 27 October 2016

    All 26 seen.

    We saw all 26 this afternoon, spread in several groups. 10 of them up at Caesars Camp, the others spread out along the central path and a few along the path beside Sandy Hill. Quiet on the ranges today, though there are a few small bonfires burning around the diggers removing gorse.

    Thursday am

    12+ scattered amongst the vegetation in the boggy bit of Long Bottom, some of them well hidden. Grazing quietly in the sunshine break through the fog.

    Monday 24 October 2016

    Lucky Monday

    Driving in from Beacon Hill I found a group of 7, some laid up and some grazing amongst the nice area of calluna dominated heath. 

    Carrying on through the site a group of 11 were at the top of the ridge past sandy hill near to the 5 bar gate grazing the mown fire break verges.

    Dropping off the ridge down to the pond and hanging a right to head towards the open sandy area near to the queens pavilion I found the rest all laid up in the wet Molina dominated wet grassland.

     Then headed to the Gelvert catchment area where my luck continued.



    Thursday 20 October 2016

    Found the other 10...

    I managed to the find the ten that had eluded me on Tuesday. A few of them were up on Sandy Hill behind the houses and the remainder, along with quite a few more, were to the east of the horse pond. All of them were really spread out today but happily grazing away.

    All looking good with no problems to report.

    Tuesday 18 October 2016

    Tuesday am

    6 happily grazing on the cleared area, just to the east of the Horse Pond. They do seem scattered at the moment, over the weekend I came across a couple of single cows, in both cases they were making a lot of noise.

    Monday 18/10/16

    Spent a couple of hours searching for the cattle yesterday afternoon and ended up with a total of 17 for my efforts.

    I found 2 initially down in 29G and despite searching in the nearby woods/scrub I couldn't find any others. I then stumbled across seven lounging around in 29D. Further searching revealed 8 right over the other side near the tumuli in 3R.

    I ran out of time after that, however, I will be back on Thursday to do another search. All cattle that I did find were looking well.

    Thursday 13 October 2016

    Thursday am

    Spotted a few around Sunny Hill. Before I could get near them, my path was blocked and the cows scattered by a helicopter coming in to land.

    Tuesday 11 October 2016

    Tuesday am

    Only 2 seen at the side of the Horse Pond. 70 was having fun with an army truck, held it up for about 5 minutes, before moving off the track.

    Monday 10 October 2016

    Missing 5 on Caesars

    The 5 I couldn't find are ear tags 100056, 63, 64, 92, and 91. There is an extra one on Caesars at the moment- No. 44 which is an escapee from Gelvert. So there are currently 27 cattle on Caesars. All cows I did see are looking well.

    Sunday 9 October 2016

    Sunday am

    No cattle sightings, just a mushroom picker with a large bag of spoils. I refrained from saying anything, as he was carrying a knife that was too large to be legal in a public place.

    Friday 7 October 2016

    Cattle are Back on

    Hello all,

    The cattle passed their TB test with flying colours so were all released back onto site yesterday afternoon.  26 Have been returned to site and this number will likely increase as we enter the winter months to ensure the gorse and heather gets a good graze this winter.

    As a result please may I ask that you start once more with your lookering duties and blogging as before?

    You will also likely have noticed the works taking place on site clearing scrub over the past few weeks.  A third set of contractors is due to arrive in a fortnight with big plant machinery so please respect taped off areas and no need to check cattle that have decided they want to stand next to an excavator as it works!

    Many thanks


    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...