Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 31 December 2016

    Saturday am

    At least 10, spread out and quietly grazing, around O22.

    Friday 30 December 2016

    Friday am

    At least 14 spread out amongst the trees and along the freshly cleared slopes of Hungry Hill.


    Thursday 29 December 2016

    Cloudless Blue skies

    Cold and crisp this afternoon as we walked west along the path beside Sandy Hill. We found a group of 9 cows close to the water filled sandy pond at about Q13. They were enjoying a 'lick' that had been put down for them. There was a great deal of bellowing going on and they all looked well.

    All seen today.

    Between Jack and myself we saw all the cattle today. They were well spread out in several small herds. A few licks were dropped off for them to help them get the most out of the forage that is available at the moment.

    Note: #44 who had come over from Gelvert a couple of months ago has now gone back - not helped by us but it obviously thought the grass is definitely greener on the other side! This means there are now 33 on Caesar's Camp.

    Wednesday 28 December 2016

    A few today

    At least six were on the top area near Beacon Hill road and the boundary with Gelvert.  They seemed fine.  A great number of dogs and their walkers were up there too - it's a beautiful day!

    Monday 26 December 2016

    Boxing Afternoon

    Short walk on Boxing afternoon walking off the Turkey.
    We walked from Sandy Hill down around the Horse Pond and west to the new pond and then back along the path along the top of Sandy hill. We only saw 3 cows, all solitary and in the distance in the evening gloom.

    Friday 23 December 2016

    All seen on 22nd and looking good.

    Between Jack and myself we managed to eventually find all of the cows who were clearly playing a game of hide a seek amongst themselves into which we seemingly had to join in.  they were all spread out everywhere is mixed groups, both small and large.

    Needless to say they were all well with clear eyes, good feet and coats.  One or two are starting to lose a bit of weight so we have begun to put out feed blocks for them to help keep them going on the rougher forage that they find on the heath.  these will be replaced on a weekly basis rather than when finished, and will be distributed wherever we find the bigger groups of cattle.

    With the xmas holidays now being upon us please call our office number on 01256 381190 should you find any problems.  A member of staff is on call every day of the festive season and the number on the answer machine will be changed accordingly.

    Merry Christmas once more


    Blustery walk today

    Refreshing to walk with the wind blowing us round. Someone has dumped a pair of mattresses over the gate on Sandy Hill, into Caesars Camp. Depressing. Does anyone have a number I can phone to get them removed to the dump?                                                                                                                 We found a group of 8 cows beside the entrance at Sandy Hill, just as we arrived. One of them, 200092, seemed a little quiet. Neither feeding nor chewing the cud like the others and seemed to be staring into the distance. He didn't seem to notice as we approached him.
    We found a further 12 grazing happily in the cleared area below the lookout.
    We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

    Tuesday 20 December 2016

    7 More Additions

    Today 7 more Welsh black crosses were added to the herd.
    They were dropped off with some of the existing cattle near the corral.
    I will update the ear tag list shortly.

    Tuesday morning

    Managed to find 17 in total (although I suspect more than one was hiding in the gorse!).
    One (100056) was found on its own along Sandy Hill track but 3 more were not far away, around Horse Pond.  The rest were all grazing the heather and gorse up on Caesar's Camp fort.

    All looked well, but I thought 301940 looked a little slimmer than the others.

    Tag nos:

    Merry Christmas cows!

    Friday 16 December 2016

    Friday Aftternoon

    Despite much searching this afternoon I could only find 18 individuals, some of these being the missing ones from Rich's Thursday visit. Some of this bunch were getting right inside of gorse bushes so the rest could be anywhere, I searched right round the site with no luck.

    Numbers to follow

    Thursday 15 December 2016

    Thursday 15th - Site Check.

    Despite doing a couple of laps I could only find 18 of the cattle today. These were split up into three small herds and spread far and wide across the site.

    They were all looking well though, no problems to report.

    Thursday am

    A lone cow making his way up the slope from the Horse Pond to Sandy Hill. 4 more around M28. This one was working on his camouflage skills:-

    Sunday 11 December 2016

    Sunday am

    9 enjoying the morning sun, on the corner near Sunny Hill.


    Saturday 10 December 2016

    Saturday am

    6 happily grazing, in the mist, around O23.

    Thursday 8 December 2016

    All found over 2 days. Spread out is an understatement 😉

    Found a larger group of 10 and one of 6, the rest were in 2's and 3's. Almost all were in the woods, among gorse or eating heather. I did find the group of 10 along sandy hill however. I'm hoping that's not because people are feeding them there. I led them away with some nuts in the hopes that they associate a place off the beats path with food.
    No issues to report anyway. And escapee num 067 was again among one of the larger herds and NOT on his own. May it continue.

    Wednesday 7 December 2016

    Wednesday 10:00 am

    8 browsing amongst the trees on Sunny Hill. All looked OK.

    Monday 5 December 2016

    All seen on friday

    sorry for late blog.

    I found all of the cattle on Friday and gave them a good check over.  Eyes were clear, feed were good.  Coats were clean and all were well natured and behaved.

    There were 5 in U11, 6 in K20 and the remaining were in Q4/R6.

    Thanks all


    Thursday 1 December 2016

    Thursday 1st 9.30am

    21 seen grazing by Sandy Hill all looked contented.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...