Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 31 January 2017

    Possible hole in fence

    If anyone is around H27, could they check for any holes in the fence around H27, where it goes  down the slope, next to the tree line. I saw a woman walking her dog in the contaminated area and they reappeared on the other side of the fence to quickly to have walked to the gate and climbed over.

    Tuesday am

    About 1/2 the herd were spread out amongst the bushes, around I32. These included 2 imposters who were quietly grazing, with some of our herd, at the side of the track. They didn't seem to be disturbed at all by our presence.

    Sunday 29 January 2017

    Seven and an imposter

    Seven were grazing near the salt lick on the boundary fence with Gelvert - some especially interested in the little escapee (23) over the fence.  I contacted the number Guy gave us.  Lots of trial bikes around - many part of the organised event but others definitely not.

    Friday 27 January 2017

    Full house! Found in 3 herds.

    First herd of 11 spread over Sandy Hill, gave them lick.
    2nd herd along main track past 1st large pond in the direction of the look out. Gave them a lick in the scrub off to the left.
    And largest herd near main track that splits off GCA from CC heading to Bourley Rd. It was here I found the same lil shaggy blonde intruder (100020). And then a call out fro. Across the fence on Gelvert side appeared a very similar beast (400023). So that's 2 of 4 escapees belonging to Cranston Brothers over the road. God knows where the other 2 are..

    Please note, if you see 1 or 2 small, shaggy blonde cows Wandering Beacon Hill Rd or worse and are concerned, ring them on: 07801 914920.

    Thursday 26 January 2017

    Found 30 and 1 imposter

    I found 30 today in a big group down at the large open Sandy area (don't know the technical names).  It took me a very long time to get a consistent number when counting and I also got a little confused over tag numbers.  So the 3 I havn't seen are some of these tag numbers 63, 70,  68, 62.  One is the larger steel Grey (no patches)  cow with big horns.  Also there is an imposter,  a pale Sandy coloured youngster,  with the auction stickers still on its rump (tag 700020).  This may be the same one that was in camp 45

    Thursday am

    8 well hidden amongst the bushes and trees around L30. If it hadn't been for the sound of them breaking branches off, I wouldn't have noticed them.

    Tuesday 24 January 2017

    Shocking effort! Out for 2 hours and only saw 4 cows!
    102593 was on his own and wandering down Long Bottom mooing loudly.
    200057, 700090 and 400101 were together eating gorse not too far from the gravel pits.

    Sunday 22 January 2017

    All seen

    Though I didn't have time to catch ear tags, found 20 in one group on the top of Caesar's and another 11 in a nearby patch and then two were coming up the track at O19 a little later.

    They all looked well, enjoying some lovely sunny patches. 

    Wednesday 18 January 2017

    Wednesday am

    7 grazing on the side of Sandt Hill, above a frozen Horse Pond

    Tuesday 17 January 2017

    Tuesday am

    A number of small groups spread out around the length of Long Bottom and the trees in the NE corner. All happily grazing in the early morning sunshine.

    Monday 16 January 2017

    Monday 16th - All Seen.

    Found all the cattle in two main herds with a few outliers this afternoon. They were all in the vicinity of the horse pond and the surrounding area and all looking good.

    I put a few licks out for them as well which were seemingly gratefully received!

    Saturday 14 January 2017

    Saturday afternoon

    A group of at least 8 was spread out in the area of holly and shrubs near the entrance to The Crescent.  They seemed fine.

    Friday 13 January 2017

    Friday am

    No cattle sightings. If you are over there, take care, most of the tracks are lethal with ice.

    Thursday 12 January 2017

    11 spotted on Look out hill from Sandy Hill. Got to look out and found the lot of them! full house!

    Obviously including 940 thankfully. Dropped off 3 licks around 20m off sides of path, 2 in the newly cut areas. That should keep them going for a bit. No problems or obvious concerns with any of them.
    I suspect we had an easy run of it today as the MOD wardens were parked up there, the cows probably followed them.

    Wednesday 11 January 2017

    Wednesday am

    large group of 28 on grass by Sandy Hill. Also 2 further along towards the wooded area. Seemed to have congregated around the areas where the heavy trucks were practicing going up and down the steep hills. All looked alert and interested in the goings on.
    More worryingly, I found a lot of wire around the area between the two gates opposite Broughton Place and Elton Place. I gathered up what I could but too much for me to carry home. I have left it by the gate where I hoped you would find it and the cattle would not.

    Sunday 8 January 2017

    Sunday 9:30 am

    A large group, of at least 20, gathering around O23, where the lick was yesterday. Lots of bellowing and cows appearing from all sides of the Horse Pond. They weren't going to make it easy to read their ear tags.
    Lots of signs of high speed trail bike activity from the previous day.


    Meant to add that there was one or more trail bikes on Caesar's on Saturday afternoon - covering a lot of the area.  A Landmarc truck came up - not sure if it was connected - but was probably too late.  The bike(s?) left or arrived, as in the past, via the expanded entrance/exit next to the barrier onto Beacon Hill.

    Saturday 7 January 2017

    One large group

    A large groups was well spread out around LM 23/34 this afternoon.  All seemed well.
    The group included 75,63,72,81,70,87,105,57, 56 (with healed eye), 84,64,91,67,70,106,56, 65, 68, and five others - I only got partial numbers for those - they were hard to read given the thick coats on some of the cattle.  I don't think the missing one was in the group. 

    Friday 6 January 2017

    Found all remaining numbers except for 940. Will prioritise CC for next weeks site check.

    I saw a group of 10, a group of 15, and the rest were scattered in 2's and 3's. There is a good chance one of the larger groups had the missing one in it as I only called 1 group in with the bucket.

    Wednesday 4 January 2017

    6 missing

    Between Ian, Matthew and myself we managed to find all bar 6 spread out in various groups right across the site.  Those seen all looked well but we were missing the following numbers


    We will head out again throughout the week to ensure we see these individuals but if any of you happen to see this please do let us know via the blogs.

    A cattle lick was positioned up on Sandy Hill ridge as well as down in Long Bottom and both were instantly tucked into by the happy herd.


    Tuesday 3 January 2017

    Late morning 8 or 9 perhaps immediately under Caesar's Camp Jubilee clump and grazing on heather I think.

    Monday 2 January 2017

    Monday sighting and a sore eye

    Came across a group of about 11 at M23 late this afternoon. One of the brown ones, with the tag ending 66, had a sore left eye.  It was only half open, looked very red and seemed to have been weeping badly down that side of her face. She was very docile and let me get very close.   The others seemed fine, from what I could see.

    Sunday 1 January 2017

    New year's day

    Seven were enjoying the lick at about H18 and five were deep in the undergrowth at Q25.  They all seemed well.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...