Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 28 February 2017

    Cow on the road.

    I've just had a message from a friend who has just seen a cow on the A325 opposite the Enterprise garage. I have given her various numbers to phone but she suspects that the police have already been called.
    I would be pleased to hear how this is resolved.

    Monday 27 February 2017

    Report from Ivan today

    Came across 5 cattle early this afternoon near Water Tower and making way towards the large gravel pit grazing on broom and looking healthy.

    Saturday 25 February 2017

    20 spotted this morning

    Spotted 20 in three locations this morning.
    Grid I 16 (Covered Reservoir) 014, 067 and 056
    Grid T 9/10 (Where 2 licks were out on Thursday) 11 cows including 090, 092, 940, 057, 144
    Grid ??  (Small lake with dead trees in it) 106, 098, 044, 08?, 056 and 5000081

    All in good nick!

    Thursday 23 February 2017

    All spotted in 2 and a bit herds on the eastern side of the site between shell garage and Beacon Hill rd.

    Was on a looker sesh with lookers Henk (Pondtail) and Tom (CC and GCA). The herds behaved very well. Couple thin but not concerning. 2x licks dropped off in managed section behind pond (come in from Shell garage entrance straight down and bare left of pond. 1 x lick in heather closer to Beacon Gill rd entrance.

    Wednesday 22 February 2017

    All found!!

    For the first (and probably last!) time ever! Including #44.  This confused me for quite a while! I counted 28 and then when I double-checked, one had hidden itself in a gorse bush and I couldn't find it for ages. But 28 found in total.  All looking happy by the coral :)

    Unfortunately, I had to ask two ladies to put their dogs on a lead as they were running up to the cows and barking; some of the cows were getting a little skittish. (Interestingly they were the same dogs that ran through the work site on Sunday under poor control....). They didn't put dogs on a lead but did call them over and kept them under close control until they were well away from the cows.

    Monday 20 February 2017

    7 seen

    Had a lovely walk out on Caesar's on Sunday morning. Spotted 7 cattle between Long Bottom and the main track from Caesar's Camp past the lead exclusion area. All looking very content. Numbers seen were:

    091 (I thought this one looked as though its eyes were rather bloodshot. Have reported to farm team)


    Sunday 19 February 2017

    #44 back on Caesars

    #44 is back with the herd and appears to have broken the fence near to the corral in the process.  I will get the fence repaired at some point this week.

    Little git!


    Two groups mid afternoon

    Nine at R13 and 11 at Q16 mid afternoon - all seemed well.

    Only 11 seen

    We found a little group of 4 lying comfortably in the short heather at about P16. Then, as we descended from The Lookout we found a further 7, lying amongst the brown ferns, chewing the cud.
    All the cows seemed calm and happy. There were a lot of people about, walking and cycling, we were not disturbed by trail bikes this morning but we did note loads of rubbish.

    Friday 17 February 2017

    further changes

    It would appear as though #44 has had enough of Caesars and jumped back onto Gelvert meaning there are now only 27 cattle on Caesars Camp.

    Confused?!?  that's what happens when you work with animals!


    Thursday 16 February 2017

    Escapees removed and now only 28 animals on site

    We rounded up all the cattle today, along with the two hideaways. So they have now been removed and taking back by there owner, woohoo!! We also took 6 of the larger cattle back to the farm, leaving 28 animals in total (including escapee from gelvert #44).

    Monday 13 February 2017

    Round up occurring this thursday

    hello all, just a heads up that we will be rounding up the herd to give them a good health check and remove a few from site, this Thursday.

    The hope is that the two infiltrators will get caught up in the moment and join in with the round up.  If they do the owners are on standby to join in and collect them.

    Wish us luck


    Sunday 12 February 2017

    A large group up on the top of Caesar's late afternoon

    At least 15 were on the top of Caesar's grazing peacefully.  No #44 from Gelvert and no imposters amongst them.  They seemed fine.

    Sunday 9 am

    No sightings of our cattle, but two imposters and four, very noisy, trail bikes on the side of Hungry Hill


    Saturday 11 February 2017

    Friday late afternoon

    At least 20 were in and around O19, looking a bit dishevelled in the sleet but nothing seemed amiss with those I saw.  Unfortunately it was too dark to catch the ear tags.

    Thursday 9 February 2017

    Thursday am

    I was perched on the concrete plinth at M28, giving the dog a treat, when no. 56 suddenly appeared next to me and proceeded to lick my hand. He looked healthy, if a little lonely.

    Wed pm - up by Bricksbury Hill

    Wednesday afternoon - saw a group of around 12 cattle grazing out the back of Bricksbury Hill houses and in Hungry Hill SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation). They were all browsing some rather leggy gorse, reaching as high as they could to strip the plants of all greenery. I had toddlers in tow and no binoculars, so only managed to get 5 ear tag numbers, which were:


    All looked well.


    Tuesday 7 February 2017

    Nearly a Full House...

    Spent a lot of today driving around the site trying to find all the cattle and got close! All-in-all I found 29 so only a handful unaccounted for. There was a lot of military training going on today and there were several areas that I couldn't access without being in the way. I suspect the remaining cattle were lurking in these areas.

    I didn't find either of the intruders but I did see #44 who has obviously decided another change of scenery is in order and has jumped over from the Gelvert side again!

    Most of the cattle were up behind the houses so I put two licks up there. The other lick was placed on one of the new large scrapes as I found ten cattle in that area early on.

    All looking good.

    The ear tags for the cattle I couldn't find are:


    Monday 6 February 2017

    Late post for Friday

    Late Friday afternoon I was out looking for Ceasars lot and the Gelvert Lot.

    I counted 33 of our animals in three groups and a single animal. I also cam across three imposters, who seem to be settling in but am wondering if the dynamic change is what has one animal on its own.

    Though I didn't manage to get all ear tags due to the bad weather and rain causing my note book to be un-writable the numbers all added up so am quite sure I saw them all.

    Sunday 5 February 2017

    Had a lovely walk in the sunshine this morning and came across a loose group of around a dozen cattle grazing the slope down from Bricksbury Hill and Sandy Hill. Managed to get most of the tag numbers but couldn't get all of them as had a couple of mini-lookers in tow and no binoculars. All the animals we saw looked well. Individuals seen were:


    Saturday 4 February 2017

    Saturday am

    1 lone cow (no. 95) at I 26. Looked OK, but was noisily calling for his mates.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...