Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 30 March 2017

    Thursday evening

    11 cows spotted, 3 in a herd by the "dead tree lake" and 8 by the Sandy Hill estate fence. All looked well.

    Wednesday 29 March 2017

    Wednesday am

    2 grazing amongst the trees in Long Bottom. Both looked OK.

    Tuesday 28 March 2017

    Tusday AM

    After much searching I eventually found them all in three groups of four stretching from one end of sandy hill all the way to near the entrance by the Texaco garage.  Hidden in the woods they were playing hide and seek I am sure.

    All good and looking well.

    Sunday 26 March 2017

    This afternoon at Caesars Camp - no cattle visible, but there was a ground fire near the pond which was being attended by the Fire Brigade.

    Friday 24 March 2017

    Gpt 2 herds either end of Sandy Hill.

    Smaller herd of 3- 091, 056 and 082 very relaxed, 2 of which laying up. Not a hint of investigation as I parked up.

    Same went for herd of 9, they're certainly not desperate for grub which is great. And dare I say it, the grass appears to be growing! Thus the 'am I bovered' reactions I've been getting perhaps?
    No issues or concerns.

    Friday am

    One lone cow (105) checking out the grass next to the Horse Pond. Later, saw him striding across Long Bottom, in the direction of Hungry Hill.

    Thursday 23 March 2017

    At 4.30 PM at least 8 on Bricksbury Hill all looking well.

    Tuesday 21 March 2017

    Almost all seen!

    All seen (except 500081) in two groups: the first 2 were at the west end of Long Bottom and the other 9 were along the Sandy Hill track (R20) - all were happily grazing and looked okay.  No woodlark seen today but did see a few Dartford warbler.

    Monday 20 March 2017

    10 found this evening

    Found 6 by Burley road and another 4 in the woods behind the view point.

    Sunday 19 March 2017

    walked from A325 at Pavilion Road to top of Caesars Camp - no cattle spotted

    Saturday 18 March 2017

    8 spotted in two herds...gate by Beacon Hill Road and along the side of Sandy Hill estate.
    Ran out of time finding the others.
    Looker training completed yesterday at Velmead with Guy Mason, and two other volunteers. Very much enjoyed! Highland cattle much fun to work with, especially the black "bad boy" of the bunch! Caesar's Camp will be my usual route.

    Wednesday 15 March 2017


    Annoyingly they were easy to find this time unlike the afternoon when I promised my daughter cows.

    All found and hay fed out

    I found all 12 spread out in the Brooke area near Sandy Hill.  I checked them all, in particular their eyes and could not see any problems so suspect the weep you eye reported may have been prodded by a thorn or gorse.

    I tried to get them to follow me to the hay feed out area but they're were very slow and reluctant.  In the end I gave up so went and delivered the hay knowing the cattle will find in their own time.

    I hope to bring the other cattle back to site next week, either Thursday or Friday.


    The most beautiful afternoon!

    The most beautiful afternoon for a walk. We entered the ranges though the gate on Sandy hill (Q22) and immediately came across all 12 cows grazing on the triangle of fresh grass beside the fence at R23. They were all together and were all relaxed and happy, their glossy coats shining in the afternoon sun. The cream coloured cow looked a little slimmer than the others but she always does!
    Lots of people enjoying the sunshine, walking, running, cycling but no motor bikes, thankfully. Lots of wonderful birdsong but we didn't hear any skylarks I'm afraid.

    Tuesday 14 March 2017

    All found!

    Found a group of 5 at the western end of the Sandy Hill track grazing on grass (S17) then found 4 more in the heather and happily munching (Q12).  One of these (600075) seemed to have a little discharge from both eyes, but looked fine otherwise.  After a lovely long walk round I found the first group of 5 with 3 more now just down the slope from Sandy Hill track.

    Saw a woodlark singing from a tree (had previously seen one in this area) SU 83192 49887.

    Some found....

    After a long search first thing eventually found 8 just as I ended my attempts.  They were around S17 (along with JoW and several soldiers in full combat gear) and seemed fine.   In hunting I noticed some cut wire - the top wire next to the locked gate onto the Odiham Road and more seriously around U6 (the bit that has been patched many times and goes onto the motorbike field).

    Sunday 12 March 2017

    3 hours searching and none found

    None sighted...walked most of the perimeter too. Spoke to a training soldier who said he saw them yesterday near Bourley road.

    Saturday 11 March 2017

    No sightings at all

    Biked over much of the site but didn't see any of the cattle at all near the main tracks......

    Friday 10 March 2017

    More hay delivered

    I delivered another bale of hay to pavilion hill this afternoon and there was not a cow in site.  I was surprised but pleased at the same time as there was still some left over from Wednesday which suggests they are still grazing elsewhere.

    Wednesday 8 March 2017

    Woodlarks and adders

    Hello all,

    Now spring is definately underway I would be really keen to receive any sightings of adders and locations of woodlarks singing.  Grind references would be ideal but a looker map grid reference would also still help us pin point there whereabouts.

    JoW - are you able to give me any further info on your woodlarks locations from the other day?


    All seen

    i visited today with a bale of hay as Jack is a bit concerned that some of them may lose a bit too much weight than we would like if left to their ow devices.  I delivered the hay to D29 which is known as Pavillion Hill.  I chose here as it I see away from most people so the hay will not be interfered with and also it is not actually part of the protected land.  In fact it is an area of capping which was spread over an area of landfill down there, so some hay seeds and nutrients are the least of its worries.

    I found the 11 up near Sandy Hill and got them to follow me all the way down to the hay.  After 40 minutes of calling and shaking my bucket of cattle nuts we arrived for me to see that I now only had 10 with me.  I am sure the single one will find the others and therefore the hay soon.

    I will deliver another bale on Friday and we will likely do the same next week.  It will be looked at on a week by week basis thereafter depending on the weather.

    The fence the cattle were jumping over has nearly been repaired so next week I aim to bring the other animals back to site and we can start all over once more!


    Beautiful clear morning (after the rain)

    9 spotted on the Caesars/Gelvert border this morning
    4000087 (Looking a bit ragged and fly bothered, licking multiple areas)

    Tuesday 7 March 2017

    11 (maybe!) found...

    Found 3 (100091, 200092, 600095) along Sandy Hill track (S16) grazing happily and enjoying the salt-lick then found 8 more just down scarp slope from Ceasar's Camp fort (K21) but wasn't able to get tag numbers so no idea if I've counted any twice!  All seemed happy in the sunshine.  Also heard 3 lovely woodlark singing!

    Monday 6 March 2017

    Long walk today

    We had a long walk today around Caesars and Gelvert. A little to our surprise we found 9 grazing happily just off the path beside Sandy Hill. We didn't get the numbers but it was the cream coloured cow, the brown and white cow and 7 all black with no visible white markings.

    Sunday 5 March 2017

    Country File

    Conservation grazing got a mention on Country File tonight. Errant cows get a warning beep followed by a small shock to keep them away from boundaries thanks to an electronic necklace.

    Saturday 4 March 2017

    Saturday afternoon

    Came past the crime scene and all was very quiet - not a cow in sight and the fence intact ....... Only saw a small group of three near the horse pond.  

    Laurel update

    i have managed to line up some contractors to come in on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week to beef up (pun intended) the fence near to where the cherrywood laurel etc. Is growing.  Once this is completed we will bring back the cattle and carry on business as usual.  We will likely also just give the cattle a bit of extra hay to help them through .March which is the leanest and toughest month of the year.  I will keep you posted on locations etc of this.


    Friday 3 March 2017

    A wet walk this morning

    A wet walk this morning. We walked around the central part of Caesars for over 2 hours and didn't see any cows. Not surprising, considering the recent posts. There was however, a very large army presence this morning. A huge group of soldiers on exercise with lots of cars , noise and shouting.
    Thank you for responding to my friend, Guy, when she told me about the cow she had seen on the Farnborough road, I will let her know how things are resolved.

    Thursday 2 March 2017

    Thursday am

    All quiet, this morning. The fence was still upright and there was no sight of the remaining cattle.

    A laurel laurel laughs!

    Firstly I would like to say thanks you to everyone that has tried to ring me or has blogged over the last couple of days about the escaped cattle, I can't phone you all personally to say thanks so i will do it here.

    Thanks you.

    So starting on Tuesday night i went out at about 18.30 to four cows out and a lot of fencing damaged or down, Guy was the kind enough to come and meet me with enough supplies whilst I waited and kept guard on them and kept them in the laurel and not on the road.  We patched up the fence with he help of a local who was kind enough to hold a torch which helped.

    Yesterday we had another call out and went back to the same location, by Enterprise, to find more fence down and another load of cattle out.  We moved them into the site and shored up the fence with a  load of posts.  There is only so much any fence can take when a load of cattle are leaning on it to get to forage they want so we decided to move the offenders into the Gelvert Catchment area until there is more forage on Caesars (hopefully not ling now).

    Anyway on our way we accumulated another group and moved them through to GCA with the original offenders, there was no splitting them at this point.

    Though it was a bit mad and i think we have all the numbers of cattle that moved and will take these off this blog and add them to the GCA blog.

    If you find that this does not correlate with what you find at all please advise.

    Many thanks again


    Wednesday 1 March 2017

    Cherry laurel and ivy issues

    helo all,

    As you will have no doubt seen and heard the cattle have managed to escape on both Tuesday night and Wednesday mornring.  It would appear as though they have developed a taste for the cherry laurel and ivy which is on the other side of the fence I need the woods opposite Enterpirse car hire garage.

    They are pushing against the fence as they reach for the leaves and in doing so the posts are systematically snapping, so meaning the fence collapses in long stretches.

    As the cattle have learned there is a new type of food on the other side of th fence we are concerned that they will continue to push on the fixed fence until all of the food is gone.  As a result we have had to lead the cattle out of Cesars and move them to the neighbouring site, Gelvert Catchment Area. This will hopefully buy us some time to properly repair and upgrade the fence, distract the cattle with a new site so hopefully they will forget about the cherry laurel hear and also buy us some more time for the grass to start to grow.  March is our toughest time of the year for grazing the heaths as it is right at the end of winter and we are desperate for some warm weather to get the grass growing.

    I believe it was 17 cattle which were removed from site leaving 11 still on Caesars.

    We will keep you posted as to progress on coming up with a longer term solution to this problem,

    22 on site in 4 herds
    6 on other side of fence by enterprise...fence down near gate...cows not going the right way but further from road now

    Escaped cows

    At least 3 on the wrong side of the fence, amongst the trees opposite the enterprise garsge on the A325. Broken post near the entrance gate. Unable to contact anyone bu phone. 9:15 sm Wed.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...