Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Sunday 30 April 2017

    Late Sunday afternoon

    Lovely photo!!
    Came across a large group around G20/21 late this afternoon - 16  including 91, 112, 940, 106, 57, 81, 72, 63, 82, 87, 111, 98 and 107.   Well spread out, grazing quietly and all looked fine.

    Sunday am

    No cattle sightings, but the family of ducks still thriving on the Horse Pond.

    Thursday 27 April 2017

    5 hour search covering gelvert and Caesars 24 of 25

    24 of 25 at Caesars. Then at last found 10 on Gelvert (only meant to be 9)! Big girl 056 has decided Gelvert Is where its at it would seem.
    All good, no issues other than being invisible today. Split into 4 herds across the reserve.
    So! 24 on Caesars NOT 25. Cant amend current status on phone.

    Wednesday 26 April 2017

    Earlier this afternoon I passed some 20 head in Long Bottom about halfway between Horse Pond and the head of the valley.

    Monday 24 April 2017

    Most of 'em found!

    All bar 4 seen at western end of Sandy hill track / Long Bottom track.  Phoned Guy to check 301940 was okay.  She had a small cut on her neck near her right leg which was attracting flies - this sounded like a injury caused by scratching as the winter coat comes off and should heal quickly. Noticed what looks like ticks on her (and others) too. That time of year again!!

    Friday 21 April 2017

    one last one - 82 - on Sandy Hill

    5 more

    84 56 112 95 87 by lick on Sandy Hill
    11:30 April 21

    Biggest group I have seen yet

    14 cattle on Bricksbury Hill. All at the licks or chewing cud.  Very content
    21 April 11:15.
    111 107 98 80 106 92 105 72 940 91 90 81 63 57

    Thursday 20 April 2017

    10 found by covered reservoir

    Only saw the one herd of 10 next to the "space dome" reservoir and an unattended lick by Sandy Hill.
    Small  group (3) lying in hollow just below Horse Pond an hour ago.

    I note that the notice warning about nesting birds at access opposite Shell filling station is not visible because the top fastening has torn away.  I also do not see the logic of posting one such notice when neither of the gates I have been through this morning, Cranmore Lane and The Crescent, do not have them.

    Wednesday 19 April 2017

    Wednesday Morning

    I found 24 individuals today though one does not seem to match with the numbers on the blog.  One ended in 51.  I did not find both Blacks from the GCA so suspect one is back in here.  The cows were in one tight small group of 7 near Beacon Hill and another loose group spread out from Sandy Hill track down to long bottom many in amongst the gorse.  They were not very interested in coming to my calls and I suspect I missed the other two here.  They would be 100105 and 30072.

    Wednesday am

    No cattle sightings, but we saw our first adder of the year. It was in the undergrowth, on the bank, at the side of the track, around J27.

    Tuesday 18 April 2017

    Another small group of which I saw 4 about 200 yards north of Water Tower about 1 hour ago.

    Small group on Bricksbury Hill

    91 57 87 at licks on Bricksbury Hill 9:50am on 18 Apr. No sign of others.

    Monday 17 April 2017

    Easter Monday 17 April 9:30am

    92, 63, 57, 104, 95, 107, 93, 112, 111, 82 & 87

    Spread out grazing and on the licks at Bricksbury Hill. All healthy and content.

    Thursday 13 April 2017

    4 missing for full count

    I found the 15 up at sandy hill and 6 over by Beacon Hill the same as Thomas did but I could not manage the others so well done Thomas.

    I fed the 6 at Beacon Hill some Hay and gate the Sandy Hill ones a couple of feed blocks to keep them occupied.

    I also systematically went round the entire perimeter checking all of the gates and fixing the repairs which had been reported as needing attention.  I made sure all signs warning people that livestock were present were still there and tightened the wire in many many places.

    All in all it was quite nice to give the fence a good once over.


    All found in 3 herds

    6 by Beacon Hill entrance
    15 by SANDY Hill estate
    3 just below the 15
    All healthy looking

    Tuesday 11 April 2017

    Happy cows!

    All seen sitting by the path near Sandy Hill (P25) chewing the cud and looking happy!

    Monday 10 April 2017

    12 on Bricksbury hill late afternoon 10 Apr

    104, 111, 106, 81, 63, 84, 87, 91, 95, 75, 940 & 67 all well, at around 16:30 on Bricksbury Hill.
    Early PM: at least 9 at southern end Sandy Hill making way northwards, second group half way between Water Tower and western extremity going west and too far off to count, third lot (4+) just to north of large gravel pit.

    Sunday 9 April 2017

    Fence/gate damage

    The gate that leads onto the motorbike field has been forced so that bikes can get through on to Caesar's (and cattle can get out...).  Also, the fence next to the locked gate - the one onto Odiham Road - has been cut.  It's the top barbed wire, presumably so that people can climb over. 

    Saturday 8 April 2017

    Two removed

    Two have been removed from site and relocated on Gelvert catchment area.

    This was because number 56 learnt it could jump the fence by Sandy Hill and go eating grass on people's front garden.  Clearly this could no the continue.  If he stays put on Gelvert he will be fine, if he jumps out from Gelvert he will not be fine and will leave sites for good.  Number 114 went with to keep him company.

    Some licks were put out on site to keep the condition of the animals as high as possible.


    Friday 7 April 2017

    Late morning - one small group on slope below Sandy Hill; another (at least 8) on open ground to west of large gravel pit; another (at least 3) among birch to north of same pit.

    Incidentally I learnt that the cow which escaped yesterday was reported to Police as a bull (presumably on the basis that it has horns) loose on the streets of Sandy Hill.

    Thursday 6 April 2017

    Warm sunshine

    Lovely afternoon. As we stood on the lookout we saw 8 cows below us, all looking relaxed in the warm sunshine.

    Thursday am

    At least 8 scattered amongst the trees, near where the fence was strength, opposite the Enterprise garage. They were moving around, but the were ignoring the laurel and keeping away from the fence.

    Wednesday 5 April 2017

    14 WBX back through from Gelvert

    Today we pushed back into Caesars 14 Welsh black crosses. All are looking a little thin so blocks will be put out again where the cattle are grazing most frequently.
    Thanks, Jack

    Tuesday 4 April 2017

    Belated post from Ian last weekend (new looker - days to be confirmed, poss Fridays or Mondays).

    1 April 11:55

    56, 82, 91, 92 and 105 - all looking good and situated just outside my garden where we originally met.

    2 April 13:30

    56, 82, 91, 92 and 105 - Mostly sat in the sun chewing the cud.  No issues - all looking healthy.

    No sign of any of the rest of the herd on either day.

    Many thanks


    Just a quick one to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH BLOGGERS!

    There are some cracking blogs on this page and one of the best for consistency so a big THANK YOU to all those that have been blogging over the last month and a half. GOOD JOB PEOPLE! And please KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

    That is all. 

    Monday 3 April 2017

    At noon 7 or perhaps 8 amongst scrub and trees on Bricksbury Hill grazing on bilberry and heading towards the Pavilion.

    Saturday 1 April 2017

    broken fence

    No cattle as we passed through from Gelvert but broken fence still at T12 - the top wire has been cut and the rest of the fence pushed down.

    Elliott - thanks for this Jill.  We will head out today to repair it.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...