Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Friday 30 June 2017

    Friday am

    Two groups found, 8 hiding at the corner of the Horse Pond and 5 grazing below the lookout.

    Wednesday 28 June 2017

    All found

    All spotted in three herds this lunchtime.

    Monday 26 June 2017

    All Found.

    Took a bit of searching but eventually found all the cattle today. They were split up into three herds and all looking well.

    Some of them had taken refuge in the Pegasus hut through the hottest part of the afternoon, the flies weren't letting them rest easy though!

    All looking fit and well (including the interloper!).

    Dog incidents

    Quick one to all following on from Hillary's nasty experience with 2 black labs. If and when you are involved in an incident, make sure you get the following details down:

    • Date
    • Time
    • Rough location
    • Description of said dog/s and owner
    • Description of what happened
    Carry a small note book and pencil if you can.

    Ring 101 straight away. Please note that the police will not do anything unless you are at the scene as it happens.

    Blog it! If no one answers, email one of the team. We must make sure these incidents get logged. Remember, the more detail you can give, the better the chances of removing said dog walker from the site! You may have just saved someone from future dog attacks..

    Thanks for your time all,


    Sunday 25 June 2017

    Elusive today

    We walked for about an hour, to the east, starting from the entrance opposite Rowhills. No cows seen though there was lots of evidence that they had recently been there.
    Lots of cyclists today, enjoying the sunshine and a very rude lady who made no attempt to apologise when her large black Labrador suddenly ran at me snarling and baring its teeth.

    Tuesday 20 June 2017

    Tuesday am

    The A325 fence, where it meets the Pavilion fence, has been damaged yet again.

    Monday 19 June 2017

    22 spotted

    22 spotted today - relaxed and happy, munching and resting!

    Sunday 18 June 2017

    12 plus imposter near Beacon Hill exit early this afternoon

    13 were heading purposefully towards the Beacon Hill exit alongside the Gelvert boundary fence.  They looked well and to be coping with the heat and a fair number of insects etc.

    Sunday 8:30

    5 grazing on the newly cleared area on Long Bottom. Couldn't get close, but all looked OK, from a distance.

    Saturday 17 June 2017

    Sat 6:45

    Six hunkered down in the bracken on Sandy Hill by Bricksvury. One grazing off to the side. All looking well. No sign of the others here.

    Tuesday 13 June 2017

    Tuesday morning

    Most of the herd (21) were in long bottom about half way between the pond and the open any area at the bottom.  They were spread out over a wide area but came to my call and i put a lick down.  All looked fine.

    The other 3 plus the imposter were all grazing along the Sandy Hill track, i put a lick down for these also.

    All fine.

    Just got back from Caesar's Camp - spotted 19 cattle, first time I've seen them since I did my Looker training! Yayy! think they were hiding from me just as a joke......  Today relaxed and happy, munching at the greenery along the way.

    Monday 12 June 2017

    10 seen

    We found 4 cows walking along the path beside the fence beside Sandy Hill and a further 6 in the valley below the Lookout, near the exclusion fence.There may have been more in the trees near them but we only saw them from a distance.
    Unusually we came upon a doe beside the Horse Pond and she allowed us to get to within about 10 yards of her before she gently slid off into the undergrowth.

    12 cows around Deadwood Pond

    Herd of 12 around the pond of dead trees this afternoon

    Sunday 11 June 2017

    Sunday am

    Nearly a full house, 11 grazing around I28 and 12 sun bathing around H30. All looked OK.

    Wednesday 7 June 2017

    Wednesday am

    No cattle sightings, but you might like to tell Landmarc/MOD that they have got some campers, in a blue tent, hidden amongst the bushes around G33. Their open fires are a wildfire risk.

    Tuesday 6 June 2017

    Tuesday Morning

    After driving round the whole site looking for the cows I found them all together near to the bottom of long bottom track.  Spread out over a wide area some were grazing and others lied up or stating chewing the cud.

    They all looked good and content.  The imposter was with them as well.

    Left them a lick just off the track amongst some bracken.

    I have also dealt with both of the fencing issues at the enterprise entrance and down by the pavilion.


    Monday 5 June 2017

    Mid morning - 9 on Bricksbury Hill moving north and another 16 in the Camp itself.

    Saturday 3 June 2017

    101, 107, 80, 63, 940, 72, 111, 87 plus 2 on Sandy Hill by Bricksbury. All grazing happily. At least 10 visible in the valley and across the other side.

    Friday 2 June 2017

    Friday am

    The A325 fence has been damaged and is looking very weak at the point it meets the Royal Pavilion fence and at the gate opposite Alexander Road.

    Belated post for yesterday (Thursday 1st) Found 20.

    Quite the challenge of finding any let alone a full house today! The 20 were split into 3 herds Horse pond, barn and sandy area. Very sunny day so I suspect they were all seeking shelter in the trees and scrub. Challenging..

    Thursday 1 June 2017

    Thursday am

    5 quietly grazing around I28. All looked well.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...