Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 31 October 2017

    Full house. Herd of 10 and 5.

    First herd of 10 stretched along Sandy Hill. All looking well. Second herd was trickier but after a lap around the site they turned out not too far from first lot, just closer to lake and on banks.

    Dodgy horn dried up and looks ok. No apparent discomfort.

    Tuesday am

    What do you mean, you want to use our path!

    Monday 30 October 2017

    9 on Sandy Hill

    Nine grazing together on Sandy Hill today (30th) around 4pm.  All looked well.  Didn't have time to get IDs.

    Thursday 26 October 2017

    At last

    Well Wednesday didn’t turn up re allusive Welsh Blacks but tonight I have just managed to find them when about to give up and head for home. Typical.

    All seen this week!

    Wednesday 25 October 2017

    Monday, Tuesday and soon to be Wednesday

    I have been onto site Monday and Tuesday this week. Monday I found 11 scatted around 29D in the woods.  Yesterday I found the same group of 11 just towards the pavilion from the horse pond and a pair up on sandy hill giving 13.

    Im going to have another scout about shortly, fingers crossed!!!

    Friday 20 October 2017

    Found 13 of the 15

    1 group of 6 at the Sandy area. The other mid way in the centre stub.

    Black steer no ear tag (Think this has been mentioned before). 063 snapped top off one horn. Not bleeding, no bother to steer apparently.

    Thursday 19 October 2017

    fit and well, 9 at the Horse Pond

    Cattle looking healthy, well and relaxed at the Horse Pond.

    Sunday 15 October 2017

    7 Found

    7 cows found this afternoon on the path beside Sandy Hill. There were a couple of families taking photos of them and explaining to their children why the cows are there. All looked well.

    Friday 13 October 2017

    12 Oct - 11 cattle together on Sandy Hill

    A group of 11 animals grazing and chewing cud on Sandy Hill 12 Oct mid afternoon.  They looked blissfully happy and very well.

    Tuesday 10 October 2017

    Monday 9th October

    Despite spending a few hours driving around I only found 10 yesterday - the five originals and 5 of the Shetlands. They were all fine.

    There was a lot of military activity across the site though which prevented me from accessing some areas and I gave up at the end of the day when they started landing Chinooks onsite!

    Hopefully I get another opportunity later in the week to get the full house.

    Friday 6 October 2017

    12 of 15 spotted mid afternoon

    I finally managed my first lookering session on Caesar's Camp, a couple of months late (sorry Guy). I had a good walk around but saw no cows until just as I was turning back at the far end, south east of the contaminated area, and there they were. I saw three of the 5 'cattle' (not 63 or 67) and 9 of the 10 Shetland steers. I didn't see ear tags 89 or 96 but I did see one black and white steer without a plastic ear tag. I guess he was one or the other. He still had the silver tag but I couldn't quite read the number on it (he kept moving his head!)

    All 12 looked fine to me. I didn't look for the missing 3, I confess I had forgotten how many there were meant to be! They were probably not far away.

    5 on Sandy Hill - 5 Oct

    These five spent an hour or more on Sandy Hill 15:45-16:45 5 Oct chewing the cud and grazing.  All looked well.

    Wednesday 4 October 2017

    bovine politics

    Bovine politics seem to have come into play and scattered them - one is high on the ridge, lost and bellowing to find the others - 7 are on the sandy area, mostly in pairs and one sitting down alone, looking sulky.

    Tuesday 3 October 2017

    Lovely afternoon for a walk

    Walking for about an hour this afternoon. We came across 6 cows, 1 deer and no iguanas! We found the 6 cows wandering along the path beside Sandy Hill. Their ears are quite hairy so we found it difficult to see the tag numbers but there was one black one, three black and white ones and two brown and white.They all looked big and fat and glossy. They seems relaxed, even though there were several dogs about.

    Full house of 15 all herding nicely together on the sandy area near Old Pavilion.

    All looking well and ignoring soldiers ;)

    Had a good look at 21, encouraged her to move and there didn't appear to be an issue. She was with the herd and feeding, no limping. Looks like what ever had made her limp previously has sorted itself out now : )
    All good in the Caesar's Camp hood. Got a full house in Gelvert too.

    possibly lame

    Sorry for the long silence, first foray since my op! Spotted 12 cattle, and one, eartag ending 21 and pictured full face, appears to be walking somewhat stiff and awkward in hindquarters (I know how the poor beast feels!) , and could have a problem with right back leg.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...