Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 28 February 2018

    Baltic cold!

    We walked from the Fleet road entrance along to the lookout and back. Lots of army activity including a very low flying Chinook quartering the ground all round the area the entire time.We found no cows again, but considering the Chinook and the blistering cold, they were no doubt hunkered down somewhere out of the wind amongst the cover of gorse bushes. Everything very beautiful in a sort of severe, bleak way!

    Wed am

    No cows and the Horse Pond frozen solid

    Tuesday 27 February 2018

    Tuesday 27th February - So close...

    Almost a full house within 20 minutes of being on site! Drove up to the lookout and saw the cattle down by the covered reservoir so headed round there straight away.

    Unfortunately there were only 12 there and despite searching for the next few hours (including on Gelvert in case it has jumped!) I couldn't find the last one. The one I couldn't find is one of the Welsh Blacks - #67.

    All of the others are looking good, I put a fresh lick out near the covered reservoir.

    I'll be back tomorrow afternoon to see if I can find the missing one.

    Monday 26 February 2018

    Early afternoon came across 9 on Sandy Hill/Hungry Hill all looking pretty fine.

    Friday 23 February 2018

    Full house hooray! First 4 sandy hill shell garage end. Next herd of 8 on middle track heading to horse pond.

    Nice eh.. Someone fly tipped a shed roof! Fence sorted, no sign of cows investigating. Re-attached 3rd of 4 barb fence line at fence i repaired next to Pavillion fence also. Cheers for heads up Arthur.

    Cattle all well. Sun bathing woukd you believe!

    Alot of troop activity today, Sandhurst youngsters.

    Bourley rd closed for another 3-4 weeks while the MOD sort fences out.

    Thursday 22 February 2018

    Thursday afternoon, only 4 found

    I found the two ladies and a couple of the steers around S7, eating tasty gorse - numbers 40, 75, 89 (no tag) and 98. The others didn't seem to be anywhere nearby, or anywhere visible from up on the top. So I did better than Hilary but not as well as Guy. I don't suppose your missing 2 were in my 4, were they Guy?

    Possible damaged fence

    Only got a quick glance, whilst in traffic on the A325. The A325 fenceline, where it meets the Pavillion fence, seems to have been damaged, needs checking.

    Tuesday 20 February 2018

    Short walk

    Short walk today, recovering from flu, cold and blustery.We walked along the top by Sandy hill and down around the Horse Pond. Lots of fresh cow pats but sadly no cows.Sorry!

    Monday 19 February 2018

    10 of 12 annoyingly. Gave them a lick. They're not far from main track opposite Lead area

    All looked well enough, youngsters a little thinner but nothing concerning.

    Now I just need to find the other 2! Later in week it is.

    Tuesday 13 February 2018

    Tuesday Morning

    I found all he caesars camp lot in the pine wood near to the roundabout at the top of Beacon Hill.

    I put a lick down and gave them some nuts.

    All look ok the black shetlands especially look in good condition the tan ones less so.

    Friday 9 February 2018

    Friday 9th 18.45

    All seen this afternoon but they took a fair amount of finding, but got there in the end.

    Thursday 8 February 2018

    18.15 8th Feb

    Thanks for the info re the damaged section of fence - Rich repaired it yesterday, thankfully before the cattle noticed it.

    Wednesday 7 February 2018

    Wednesday morning

    Fence down next to Alexander Road, Aldershot, gate. Richard informed.

    Sunday 4 February 2018

    Stranger Blog

    Bumped into some of the CC crew on my way in to Gelvert Area, 33/40/75/93/?. All looked very fit and healthy but ? is missing her ear tag, see attached picture. Sorry lousey picture but it should give and idea of the offending beast.
    I spoke to a few walkers, who told me they had been chased by some of the cattle on CC, they did say they didn't think they were being aggresive but thought they might be after food, made me wonder if someone is feeding them.

    Thursday 1 February 2018

    Thursday Morning

    All 12, scattered and grazing on the lower slopes of Hungry Hill, around N24

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...