Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 30 August 2018

    Update re blue green algae

    We are expecting a return visit from the EA to re- sample Horse Pond week commencing 3 September. If it gets the all clear they will re-test a week later to be definite. Once we have it confirmed it's gone we will return cattle to Caesars. Thanks

    Thursday 16 August 2018

    Belated report from yesterday, twas quite the busy one!! All cattle now moved from CC to GCA.

    Hello all.

    So following on from the Blue-green algae testing in Horse Pond on Monday I got the call yesterday morning to confirm, Horse Pond definitely has one of the forms/strains of Blue-green algae. Can't tell at this stage how toxic or indeed if it is one of the toxic forms, but until further sampling happens, the advice is, STAY OUT! Not worth the risk!

    The EA lady that came to do the samples has got onto the guys assessing the results about the longevity of this. essentially its weather dependant. What we need is a good deal of rain (looking good toay!), and a lack of sun. Further samples will be taken to monitor any changes. The moment we get the all clear, cattle will be back on.

    Landmark are now on it to erect proper signs.

    So! After my looker session with new lookers Tracy, Carole and Jane (days tbc), I spent the rest of the afternoon with Rosie (grazing) rounding up the CC herd (most of which were down at the Nissan Hut!!) and herding them through the GCA gate nearer Beacon Hill rd! We then filled up the feeder with hay in Camp 45 and tied open a field gate and pedestrian gate to give the herd access. They now have plenty of food and water, but more hay will need to be carted in as and when required.
    So that's ZERO animals on Caesar's Camp now, and 24 on the Gelvert Catchment Area.
    A favour:
    I know its a big ask, but if anyone is able to extend their CC lookering to GCA, it would be most appreciated. I will send out emails after this for any confirmed volunteers for us. For those new to Gelvert, here is a lovely map! https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=c8c4bcab-72f9-4773-9c0d-8913b799d703&cp=51.249666~-0.818195&lvl=15&style=h&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027
    Thanks for your time all.

     The slow march to Gelvert

    Downed section temp patched up. Permenant fix later.

    Man, todays a bit of a change in weather isn't it!

    Tuesday 14 August 2018

    Tuesday 14th August

    The cattle were in two herds today - the first lot were in the Pegasus hut enjoying the shade. The second group were lurking in the scrub behind the horse pond.

    I have treated them all with a spray that will help to keep the flies and ticks away.

    Note: the last two from Gelvert (40 & 45) have now crossed over the fence and are with their mates on Caesar's!

    All cattle looking fit and well.

    Monday 13 August 2018

    FYI: Got a message left on answerphone from weekend about possible Blue-green algae .

    EA have come straight out, taken samples  from both ponds (call was made about Horse Pond but thought we may as well cover both), and off she went. Results back in 2-3 days. Initial thoughts, couldnt see much but she couldnt gurentee it. Hot weather has created a lot of the stuff by all accts.  Crossing our fingers .  

    Only had time to erect paper posters on posts, will laminate some. No posters on larger lake yet as i had little time to think about it before needing to come out.

    Watch this space.


    Saturday 11 August 2018

    Friday Aug 10th pm

    Checked the herd a couple of times this week - Wednesday (briefly) and Friday afternoon and they were elusive, but I did see the 2 in Gelvert as well. These are the ones I saw that were fine and well:

    020, 021, 023, 039, 093, 042, 043, 075, 096, 035, 038 and the Welsh Black with no plastic ear tag.

    033 had 2 very small patches of bare skin on one flank where perhaps had just caught on some barbed wire; but nothing to be too concerned about as it appeared to be healing well.

    Friday 3 August 2018

    The map is back!

    The looker map is now available again. Apologies for the delay in getting this resolved but thanks for your patience.


    Friday 8:00 am

    At least 8, grazing amongst the tall bracken, on the side of Hungry Hill. I couldn’t get near them on two legs.

    Thursday 2 August 2018

    Definitely better luck in finding them in the morning! Full house.

    2 herds on CC, and the 2 i found on Gelvert yesterday (didn't feel the need to re check them again). So thats 22 animals on CC and 2 on CC. Fence between CC and Gelvert remains down, will give the 2 a chance to move with the rest, matthew due to fix in a week or two.

    All found off main track between lookout and sandy area (old pavilion). 

    Fixed up fence with Matthew and added a 'crossing point'  in the  hopes that whom ever feels the need to cut and trample mesh might not do it perhaps?! Worth a punt..


    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...