Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 29 November 2018

    Thursday am

    The 13 grazing amongst the trees around H32. All looked OK, if a bit damp.

    Wednesday 28 November 2018

    Full house hozaaah!

    Rich and Kurt found the 13 all grazing the covered reservoir end, and I got lucky with the 7 lil'uns in the gorse blocks behind the James Bond pond. A big relief considering Ian's observations of the 4x4 joy riding a over the place, damaging fences etc.

    Sunday 25 November 2018

    No show

    Had a good hunt around Gelvert and Caesar's late on Sunday afternoon but couldn't find a single beast - no idea where they were but hopefully all are okay.

    Friday 23 November 2018

    Only 15 of 20 found. Then I found a very large hole in the fence..

    CC and Gelvert divide, just before turning down the coveted reservoir track. Tyre tracks leading into/away from Gelvert.. Fixed up as best i could, by this time it was 4.00 and light was fading. Had a good 2 hour search for the remaining 5, will assume they are on Gelvert but i may have missed them on CC.

    One of the team will revisit the temporary fence line and try to get a full count early next week.

    Thursday 22 November 2018

    Thursday 22nd

    No sighting this morning between 08.30-09.30. I did not get up on to Caesar's Camp, and was nearer the Shell Garage entrance and the reservoir.  Very cold and icy, so hope they were huddled up together in a more sheltered location.  Bernie, the whippet, had his jumper and coat on for the first time this season, so he was snug.

    Tuesday 20 November 2018

    Tuesday am

    Spotted 7 scattered amongst the trees around H32, all looked well. They were so scattered, the rest of the herd could have been nearby amongst the trees and the slopes.

    Sunday 18 November 2018

    All sighted again later on Sunday afternoon

    The youngsters were near where Kurt found them - at Q35, looking very cute, and all the others were around R6.  All well, though lots of dogs around - some better behaved than others.   The views from the camp were fantastic and it was great to hear several people commenting on them.

    Sunday 18th

    All 20 accounted for and looking well. Between 11:30-2:30pm
    They were split into 3 groups 35 23 118 125 135 21 127 120
    Around Q14 chilling.

    The youngsters were all together and called them up for inspection
    177 165 168 147 155 176 159
    They were located around Q20 and seemed fine.

    Last 5 were spotted just before I gave up, also looking good.
    20 30 33 72 940 hanging around Q4

    Thursday 15 November 2018

    Saw 7 cows - Thursday 15th November

    Saw, I believe, the 7 new cows (400176 and friends) this morning at 08.35 at the foot of Caesar's Camp escarpment on the Sandy Lane side.  They all looked healthy and well.  Not phased by a playful black Lab bouncing up to them.

    Tuesday 13 November 2018


    All 20 were grazing the heathery area near to  Beacon Hill.

    All fine. Very cute little ones!

    Tuesday 13 November

    Found all of the oldies along Sandy Hill track and found 6 of the 7 newbies (missing no. 159) by the  Shell garage entrance. All looking well.


    Saturday 10 November 2018

    Good to have the cows back!

    Lovely walk this morning, the autumn colours are a joy. We found 11 cows grazing happily beside the path along beside Sandy Hill. We noticed one of them, a brown and white one, did not appear to have an ear tag.
    They all looked well fed and glossy and were very relaxed, even though there were a couple of small dogs running around them. We didn't see the remaining 9, though we walked for a couple of hours.

    Friday 9 November 2018

    Friday 9th November - Found the Youngsters!

    Did another visit this afternoon to try and find the seven newbies.

    While we were checking the original 13 a jogger kindly tipped us off as to where he had seen some others. 5 minutes later we had found the seven youngsters! They were all looking good although a little nervy, they should settle down over the next few weeks though.

    Half measures

    So they DO exist!!  Found a chirpy and curious group of 13 up at the eastern end of Sandy Hills this morning- 140. 30, 20, 33, 35, 120, 127, 135, 21, 3000xxx, 118, 125 and 2. 
    All seemed well but no sight of the others.
    Fantastic colours up there today.

    Thursday 8 November 2018

    Thursday 8th November

    Walked Bernie the Whippet for an hour this morning (08.20-09.20) and no sighting of the cows.  We saw a rabbit (or rather Bernie saw it and drew my attention to it leaping away).  The contractors are doing well with closing the gates.  I did think with all the noise they are making, the cows are likely to stay away from the Odiham Road entrance during the day.  Will be over again on the weekend.

    Wednesday 7 November 2018

    Wednesday 7th November.

    Spent a couple of hours touring the site with our new team member, Kurt, today. Despite searching all the usual haunts we only found the original 13 cattle. There were a couple of areas that we couldn't access due to military training though.

    I will endeavour to do another check on Friday to see if I can find the seven youngsters.

    Sunday 4 November 2018

    No sightings yet

    Have been up on Caesar's a couple of times over the weekend, admittedly late in the afternoon so it's been pretty murky, but have yet to spy the beasties.  They haven't been in the obvious more open areas .....  Will get up there again at the end of the week when working from home. 

    Thursday 1 November 2018

    Now 20 cattle

    We have just added 7 Shetland calves to Caesars camp , making 20 in total.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...