Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 29 December 2018

    Almost all, Saturday afternoon

    Not quite such a beautiful day as in Arthur's photos but still lovely out on Caesar's. Very busy too.  Found three groups mid afternoon - the youngsters at S11/12, heading west, six at L17 (including 940 and 118) and three (23, 30 and 33) at N26.  All seemed well. all busy grazing, and hope the four missing ones are fine too.

    Thursday 27 December 2018

    Thursday first thing

    Couldn’t find the cattle first thing, but it was hardly surprising

    All seen today, herd of 15 was found by James Bond pond and another 2 came running down the track to see what the commotion was all about after I rolled out a lick.
    The other 3 jumped out at me from behind the gorse a little further away so led them to the others and  issued another lick.
    The sun broke through the fog and all was well.
    No problems with the herd.

    Monday 24 December 2018

    Half measures

    Found the kids near the horse pond with four of the grown ups, very late afternoon.  I had looked  hard for a couple of hours, so no idea where the others were hiding.  The 11 were very well and really friendly.

    Friday 21 December 2018

    Late afternoon Friday

    The 7 youngsters were on the top of Caesar's Camp late afternoon and looked very calm and well.  Too late in the day to hunt all the site - will go back over the weekend.

    Thursday 20 December 2018

    20th Dec at 08.45

    Cows quite vocal this morning, could hear them before saw them.  Larger cows (10) near reservoir (think was called the horse pond back in the day) and 6 smaller cows further onto Caesar's camp.  All happily grazing.  Note to self bring kids binoculars as my eyesight isn't what it used to be!

    Monday 17 December 2018

    All seen in 3 herds

    Main herd just off main track from James Bond pond. And as they started to gather so did a load more. 16 in total, gave 2 licks near to pond (sandy hill side). The other 4 were in the middle of the heath close to where our controlled burns are. They had to settle for some nuts.

    All go, no issues.

    Saturday 15 December 2018

    Chilly Saturday

    Two groups up on the main Camp - the 7 littl'uns in one group and 20, 21, 23, 30, 33, 35, 118, 940 and 72 in another - not sure where the rest were hiding ...... These groups looked fine - no limps!

    Friday 14 December 2018


    Mopped up all the Casears lot today.

    No limp present probably a stone in Hoof!

    All looking good.

    Thursday 13 December 2018

    Caesar’s Camp in earlier times

    Thursday am

    6 of the youngsters grazing on the chilled grass, just off the track, around  J29. All looked well.

    Cow sighting Thursday

    Sighted 1 large black cow, 2 large brown and white cows and 4 small black and white cows at 09.45 to the area to the left of the Shell Garage ( facing out from the Shell Garage).  All seemed healthy and grazing happily up into the wooded area.  One of the small cows as it walked away in the distance appeared to have a slight limp on its hind left leg (it has white back legs).  It was moving at a good pace and was not distressed, but thought I should point out.

    Wednesday 12 December 2018

    Monday Afternoon

    Despite a good trawl around the site I only found 11 of them yesterday.

    11 of the youngsters.

    I shall be out again tomorrow morning.

    The ones I found were



    Two licks put out with these groups. One near the dead end to the flooded forest pond. 

    The other on the far back side of Ceasars Camp Proper

    Sunday 9 December 2018

    Just the littl'uns on Sunday afternoon

    Spent quite a long time up on CC this afternoon, but only found the littl'uns who were up by the Beacon Hill entrance at one point and then moved along to the shallow pond on the top of the Camp.  They were curious, friendly and calm. There was incredible visibility from the vantage point - with the tallest buildings in West London looking really clear and lots of people out enjoying the views. 
    I tried hard to find the rest of the cattle but had to give up when the light faded. 

    Tuesday 4 December 2018

    Full house! Eventually.. a lot of troop activity today. Loads of off roading practice.

    The 7 lil'uns were hiding in the centre area again, where we had our controlled burns and near to where I saw them on the last time. All looking well, they wont get to see the lick by the way 940 and co are wolfing it down! Gave them some nuts instead.

    As i was with them, they all got spooked by a terrier cross like dog off lead, thankfully  i managed to catch up with the owner to encourage best practice. No sooner had i spoke to him, a couple came round the corner with A very well controlled pooch and 2 on leads ;)

    Said 940 plus friends off main track  closest to Sandy Hill. They got the lick. All good, no concerns.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...