Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 31 December 2019

    Tuesday 21st December

    Didn't think I was going to find them today due to the thick fog across the site. However, they came and found me when they heard the vehicle. Usefully, all 16 were together up on the Lookout.

    All on fine form.

    Sunday 29 December 2019

    Almost all - late afternoon, 29 December

    Found all bar 35 late this afternoon near the shallow pond and on the tracks around there towards the top of Caesar's - all seemed calm and well.  Lots of dogs and walkers around, and a beautiful sunset. Hope 35 was hiding in the gorse nearby.

    Friday 27 December 2019

    up on the top near the sandyhill houses 1pm Friday

    Counted 14, so assume the others where in the bush. Had a good look around them all and all looking happy and in great condition

    Friday 27th

    The cows must be still sleeping of there Christmas Lunch, no sign of them today.

    Friday 20 December 2019

    All found in three groups

    Found all in three groups on Friday afternoon:

    - H27 -  72 and 940
    - O21 - 165, 159, 176
    - F25 - 155, 181, 21, 20, 35, 177, 33, 168, 23, 147, 30

    All seemed well if very damp and bedraggled - mainly grazing on heather.

    The three at O21 were a bit jumpy and very excitable - may be just Christmas spirit!!

    Wednesday and Thursday

    So I was back on site again yesterday and this morning.

    Both times I found the same 13 not far from where they had been. Today they were just skirting the side of Caesars Camp. I drove into a short bit of heath on the camp and called them out. I was hoping to have them all but no. Same 13.

    Eventually after much roaming I caught a glimpse of white in amongst the gorse and called them out with a bucket of nuts.

    The one I saw came straight out but it took a while to get the rest. But I waited patiently.

    Anyway that’s all seen this week. All looked good. A couple of younger ones had a bit of blood round back end. Guess they are coming into season for first time.

    Ian .

    Wednesday 18 December 2019


    On site yesterday for quite a while.  I could only find 13 of the 16.  Ill be back on today.


    Friday 13 December 2019

    Friday pm

    Found a good number well spread out on the tracks leading up to the entrance onto Beacon Hill - 149, 155, 159, 23, 165, 168, 30, 940, 72, 177, 33 and the Gelvert one.  The other few might have been around in the undergrowth but were hiding well and it was getting dark.
    All seemed fine and most were far too busy grazing to bother about me.

    Monday 9 December 2019

    All found and looking well

    Wednesday 4 December 2019

    All present and correct in 2 spread out herds. A lot of military vehicles plus our contractor.

    All looking well and in good condition, no licks requiered yet.
    Dodgy horn was with one herd deep in some gorse, the horn and blood has now dried up. Couldn't get close enough for a more detailed look but initially, looks better.

    Just because..

    Saturday 30 November 2019

    just 2 today

    We walked for about an hour and a half. Lots of distant gunfire and miles of red and white plastic tape set out for the cycling event tomorrow. We only found two cows, up on the path beside Sandy Hill. I black and white one and the white one with pale grey markings. Both seemed fine.
    Much earlier today (about noon) came across ten or maybe eleven just to south of the Horse pond at ease in the heather.

    Wednesday 27 November 2019

    Busy day at CC! 300 orienteerers and 2 different contractors working.

    Found them in 2 herds, 13 in one herd behind the lookout point including a very sorry looking 030 who looks to have lost his horn sheath somehow? Grazing team aware and may spray later, but should be ok. Looks worse than it is. She is a little defensive and is avoiding the others currently which is fair enough.

    The remaining 3 wern't too far away but heading downhill past wood. All looking well. No need for licks yet but have been asked to keep an eye on the lil'uns, as soon as they start getting a little thinner we'll start dishing them out.

    Friday 22 November 2019


    I found the cattle in two herds of 8.

    One was coning off the nice bit of heath that borders GCA to the left of the last cattle grid between the two.

    The second lot were in the horse on top of caesars camp.  Again all looking good.  Some got very giddy when putting out nuts.

    All good.

    Thursday 21 November 2019

    At leas five evident among the thick gorse behind the Jubilee clump at Caesar's Camp at noon.

    Saturday 16 November 2019


    Spent some of this morning looking for the beasties, but they were all in hiding - the  Spider Hill Brutal race might have been a bit much for them!

    Tuesday 12 November 2019

    Tuesday 12th November.

    Found the cattle split into two groups today. One group was at the far western end of the Long Bottom track, just up the slope while the other group were further west in 13R.

    The second herd were slowly making their way towards where the contractors are doing some scrub clearance so I suspect those guys some company not long after I spotted the cattle!

    All cattle looking fit and well.

    Friday 8 November 2019

    Tricky to find!

    After 3 separate visits to Caesars this week got them all in the end. All fine.

    Thursday 7 November 2019

    At noon - 4 brown/white at northern end of Sandy Hill, 3 black/white & 1 white on Bricksbury Hill.

    Thursday am

    Cows scattered amongst the trees along the Aldershot end of the A325. The few I got near were OK.

    Friday 1 November 2019

    All found on 2 opposite heaths on top of each hill. Opposite hitse pond

    Obviously enjoying the views and mostly laying down, very relaxed. Noted that they didn't all get up as soon as they saw me/truck so its perhaps not Lick O'clock time yet.

    Looking good with no concerns.

    Bit itchy

    Brit White as thick as thieves with the rest. 

    Monday 28 October 2019

    Late post for Friday

    I eventually found all the cattle on Caesars on Friday.  In the morning I could only find 12 these were in the woods on the Hungry Hill area.

    Later on that day about 5.30 i found them scattered through the woods and gorse between the large pond and long bottom.  All fine.

    Wednesday 23 October 2019


    Had a look around late Monday afternoon  but it was getting dark and didn't find them.  Will be out again Thursday.

    Sunday 20 October 2019

    Late Sunday afternoon

    All 16 were together, ambling up the track below Sandy Hills, just up from the horse pond.  All seemed well. 940 was clearly in the lead.

    Tuesday 15 October 2019

    All found

    All 16 found round Sandy hill and looking good.

    Sunday 13 October 2019


    Spent two hours searching and not a cow to be seen, despite there being a break in the weather for a while.  I was not amused!
    At least the fungi were far more populous - a few of the very many different varieties that clearly like the damp conditions more than some of us.

    Wednesday 9 October 2019

    Wednesday 9th October.

    Found all the cattle split into 3 groups today. There was a group of six youngsters (including the BW from Gelvert) grazing on one of the slopes off Long Bottom, a group of six adults were all laying in the sun higher up the same slope. The final four were all the over by the covered reservoir.

    One of the young Shetland heifers (#177) is in season - there was a small amount of blood at the top of her tail.

    All 16 looking fit and well.

    Tuesday 8 October 2019

    Tuesday am

    I haven’t seen this one myself, my neighbour rang me to say she had come across a cow mooing loudly. She thought it’s belly looked distended and took this photo:-

    You can’t really tell from this photo, so it may be nothing. The herd is located amongst the trees in the NE corner, by the A325.

    Saturday 5 October 2019

    14+ on Friday evening

    14 were around the track below the slope to Sandy Hills - all the youngsters plus the jumper, who has sensibly joined others of his own size, five of the brown Shetlands and 72. All were busy grazing and seemed fine. The others might well have been around too but it was getting rather too dark to see .....

    Tuesday 1 October 2019

    All spotted in 2 herds along Sandy Hill.

    Including... The 'jumping' British White who looked so out of place with the big boys it was hillarious. 181.. Tsk.

    All looking well with no concerns. Other than 181!

    Monday 30 September 2019

    Post from SPA JO. saw 15 from the lookout.

    Saw 15 from the lookout. 155, 159, 181, 177, 165, 20, 35, 147, 23, 72, 40, 21, 30, 168, 176.

    Friday 27th

    Saw the whole heard together friday morning.  They were all spread out on the slope between Caesars Camp and the lead enclosure.  Called them up to the track with some nuts.

    Thursday 26 September 2019


    Despite much driving around i only found 7 today.


    All looked good will get back on site in the morning to mop up the rest!

    Saturday 21 September 2019

    15 seen early Saturday eve

    Found the 7 youngsters (or not quite so young anymore!) on the top of Caesar's and 8 more below Caesar's around the track heading down from the horse pond.  The missing one could well have been in the bracken.  All seemed fine.

    Wednesday 11 September 2019

    Wednesday all found ok

    Came across them eventually all together 16 total looking well.

    Monday 9 September 2019

    Early this afternoon I came across 7 (black & white) up on Sandy Hill.  There may have been more in the bottom of the valley below but could not make them out clearly.

    Sunday 8 September 2019

    Sunday afternoon - all found

    On a day with amazing visibility from the look out on Caesar's, all 16 were around the now very shallow "pond" on the top.  All seemed fine.  940 was firmly in charge.

    Thursday 5 September 2019


    t took a while to fine them all.  Found eight lying near to the dead tree pond.  All seemed fine and were chewing the cud.

    I eventually the other eight along the fence line with GCA on the patch of nice short heath to the right of the GCA CC gate at the top of the main drag from Bourley Road.

    The other side of the fence was one of the GCA lot who I had been unable to find.  No 75.  Who was alone.  I moved the CC herd off and then moved the GCA off hoping he would find the rest of his bunch rather than jump into CC

    Monday 2 September 2019

    Late morning there were at least six around the Horse Pond.

    Friday 30 August 2019


    I found 9 tucked into the woods down near the sandy area by the Queens Pavilion.  The other 7 eventually showed themselves towards the other end of  the Long Bottom valley, all mooching in the bracken grazing the open areas. 

    All seemed fine with both groups.

    Saturday 24 August 2019

    At least 6 in thick scrub at northern end of Long Bottom and another 8 on more open ground a few hundred yards further south.

    Tuesday 20 August 2019

    Tuesday 20th August.

    Thanks to a tip-off from Jo, I found the cattle nice and quickly this morning - all up on the Lookout.

    There are now 16 though as one of the British Whites (200181) from Gelvert has made its way onto Caesar's Camp.

    All looking good.

    Post from SPA Warden Jo: All spotted up at the Lookout.

    Tuesday 13 August 2019

    Fifteen, a far as I could determine, at lower end of Long Bottom and making their way southwards.

    Monday 12th August (Late Post)

    I had a call out reporting that the fence opposite Pavilion Road had been cut by a biker. This is the same stretch of fence that bikers have been attacking for the last few weeks so it's looking tatty in places but is stock proof again.

    I anticipate there being more vandalism over the next few weeks until the end of the holiday period so for now it's best just to patch it up each time. Once things have calmed down we can do a proper repair job.

    In the meantime I will speak to MOD personnel about the possibility of putting some cameras out there.

    I found the cattle as I was leaving site - they'd been down in the Pegasus hut and were making their way up to the sandy area. All ok and #72 barely limping.

    NOTE: the Pegasus hut now has a load of barrier tape around it as there are safety concerns about the roof, please don't try using it for shelter! Landmarc are looking into the repair.

    Sunday 11 August 2019

    Sunday am

    One group of eight, lying on the grass behind the Pavillion, and a group of seven, grazing in the thick bracken by the Horse Pond. All looked OK.

    Thursday 8 August 2019

    Visited with Ned and sprayed mentioned hoof of 72. Keep an eye on it hopefully improve.

    Wednesday 7 August 2019

    Got a tip from SPA Jo that some were down Long Bottom track and sure enough!

    A lot of flies about!

    Steer calf 147 has a cut on his left eye which is attracting the flies, nothing concerning there at this time.

    And the mostly black cow 072 was licking between her claws on her front right leg. Turns out she has a bit of a limp and some kind of small wound there. Although she's clearing agitated by the flies on it she's keeping up with rest of gerd and feeding etc.

    Have mentioned both to Grazing team. Other than that all ok.

    Monday 5 August 2019

    15 counted near horse pond - 12.30pm Monday

    Managed to ID some of the fifteen: 020, 023, 030, 033, 159,168,176,177

    Thursday 1 August 2019

    3 stragglers on middle track near Horses pond, the rest around James Bond pond.

    And after a little follow my leader helped by SPA warden Henry shaking a bucket of nuts out the window, we got them down to the small pond down the track from Shell Garage entrance. And in more than enough time for my Meet the Cattle event 😊 All looking well

    Sunday 28 July 2019

    Sunday late morning

    72, 940 and two of the adult Shetland were grazing near the horse pond whilst the other adult Shetlands were lazing in the bracken below the Lookout.  Those I could get near looked well.  No sight of the youngsters.  Hope you have better luck rounding them up for the session on Thursday!

    Friday 26 July 2019

    Earlyish on Friday

    First thing on Friday and 11 were lazing near the Look Out - the youngsters plus 20, 21, 23 and 30.  They seemed fine though it was still warm and muggy and they were slightly bothered by flies, especially on their faces.

    Tuesday 23 July 2019

    Tuesday 23rd July.

    Found all the cattle in and around the James Bond pond today.

    A couple of them had decided to lay down on the Sandy shore in full sun while a few of the youngsters had the  much more sensible notion of standing in the pond to cool off!

    All looking fit and we'll.

    Friday 19 July 2019

    8 down by the Horse Pond

    6 of the youngsters and 2 of the brown and white Shetlands were in the newer bunt area early Friday evening and all seemed well.  Couldn't see the rest but it was a miserable evening so I didn't hang around too long.  Will try again tomorrow.

    Thursday 18 July 2019

    All seen

    They were all spread out today but saw them all in the end. 3 were hiding in the thick gorse near Beacon Hill Road!

    Only point of note is that 021 has a small cut on the left flank in front of the front leg. Looks like it has caught it on a bit of barbed wire - just one to keep an eye on.

    Tuesday 16 July 2019

    Tursday am

    The herd were setting out up Long Bottom, from the Pavillion end. All looked OK.

    Friday 12 July 2019

    Early on Friday

    Belated post for early on Friday - the group was spread out near the Horse Pond, very busy grazing, and looking fine.

    Thursday 11 July 2019

    All 15 found

    All 15 were at the base of Sandy hill roughly in the middle of both ends. I have sprayed the final 5 so all have now been done.

    Tuesday 9 July 2019

    Fence fixed

    The fence has been repaired this morning where it had been cut. Thanks for letting us know Arthur.

    10 found on the hill

    Found 10 on top of the hill. Have sprayed these ten for fly and ticks and will try to find the rest later in the week.

    Thursday 4 July 2019


    The fence has been cut about 10yds from the Alexander Road gate.

    Wednesday 3 July 2019


    The whole herd were up by the shallow pond with the sunken trees.  Some were just standing in the water others were browsing the willow, all were enjoying the breeze coming across the river.  All seemed fine.

    Tuesday 2 July 2019

    7 at the old pavillion - 11.30 am Tuesday

    023,030,021,020,147 plus 2 that I couldnt ID.

    One has a possible small wound, I thought I had saved the specific ID, but sadly I cant find it on my phone. The picture with the 3 white & red cows, its the one on the left. it is near the rear right leg, but on the belly. It is very small but the flies where very interested in it. I tried to waft the flies away, but they would budge and he wasnt happy with me wafting, so I took a pic, see below.

    2nd July

    7 found up by the pill box on Sandy Hill track. All looking good. 159/165/177/176/168/155/035

    Sunday 30 June 2019

    And the 15th

    Was further east, standing in a puddle to cool his hooves, all on his lonesome!! (Sunday later afternoon)

    14 cows found

    14 cows found on the south perimeter path close to Sandy housing. All calm and in good condition. No army activity seen.

    Wednesday 26 June 2019

    Wednesday 26th June.

    Lots of military activity today preventing access to much of the site. However, managed to find all the cattle in two herds. The seven youngsters were up on Sandy Hill behind the houses while the other 8 were along the ridge from the lookout.

    All looking fit and we'll.

    Sunday 23 June 2019

    Early Sunday eve - all good

    The 8 grown ups were wandering along the track heading west from the horse pond whilst the 7 youngsters were busy grazing the new growth in the burnt area on the northern edge of the horse pond.  All were fine though some bothered by flies a bit on a very warm, humid evening.

    Saturday 22 June 2019

    Saturday 8:30am

    The entire herd grazing along the middle of Long Bottom, avoiding the Gurkha Doko Challenge.

    Friday evening - zilch

    None to see across the site though had a good hunt.  Lots of army activity - perhaps an event this weekend?  May be the cattle were keeping a safe distance. Will try again on Sunday.

    Tuesday 18 June 2019

    14 inactive on a grey and wet day up by the Water Tower.

    Monday 17th

    Four hours wardening with no sign of the cattle - stop for my lunch at the Horse Pond and they all find me!! All looking well and enjoying the fresh green grass. I love an easy lookering session! Or so I thought...once I checked the tags and had a count up, I seem to have one extra -155

    (Sorry for the delay in posting this)

    Sunday 16 June 2019

    Sunday afternoon - two groups and all well

    One group - the six brown Shetlands, 72 and 940 were dozing on one of the tracks running from the lookout down to Bourley Road.  They were so sleepy they barely looked up as I wandered amongst them.  All were fine and the strong breeze was keeping the flies at bay.   All the youngsters were grazing in the burnt patch further down the track, near the Caesar's/Gelvert junction.  All well with them too.

    Friday 14 June 2019

    Friday 14th June

    All clear on the TB test and in Caesars Camp. WE will be going round in the next few weeks to spray the cattle for flies and ticks.

    Tuesday 11 June 2019

    All 15 in Caesars Camp after TB Test

    We caught up all of the Shetland cows today for the first part of their TB test. All the Shetlands are now together on Caesars with just the seven British Whites on Gelvert. We also made some crude repairs on a gap in the fence to try and keep the two herds separate. We will see if it has any effect! The herd will be caught again on Friday for the TB test results. Thanks, Jack

    Tuesday am

    The entire herd next to the track along ZLong Bottom towards the Pavillion end

    Monday 10 June 2019

    All 14 seen

    All 14 seen and looking well. We will be TB testing tomorrow and will hopefully be able to add the Shetland back from Gelverts.

    Friday 7 June 2019

    Mid afternoon 14 at ease in a break in the weather at a point mid way between the Horse Pond and the northern end of Long Bottom.

    Wednesday 5 June 2019


    Took a little while to find them all but eventually found them as one heard grazing the sandy hill side of the long bottom valley.  Called them out with some nuts onto the top of the hill.  All were fine.

    Sunday 2 June 2019

    Later on Sunday

    Still two groups mid afternoon, with 72, 940 and three of the btown Shetlands still at Long Valley and all the others spread up near the burned area close to the horse pond.

    All seemed well- lots of snoozing and gentle grazing going on.

    Sunday am

    The entire herd were in two groups down the Pavillion end of Long Bottom

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...