Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 30 April 2019

    We have taken off 5 of the cows to be  moved elsewhere. I will also be going today to spray them for flys and ticks.

    Monday 29 April 2019


    I noticed, whilst driving past, that somebody has destroyed the fence at the Pavillion end of the A325 fence line, yet again. There is one strand of barbed wire remaing.

    Sunday 28 April 2019

    No show Sunday afternoon

    Hunted the central section without any luck this afternoon.  Perhaps they are all still at the Cranmore Lane end, which I didn't have time to search.

    Thursday 25 April 2019

    Midday  16 at the gate off Cranmore Lane - an unusual place to find so many there being little to graze on.  All look fine except one black/white which appears tp be less robust than the rest.

    Tuesday 23 April 2019

    All spotted in 3 herds.

    First lot at James Bond pond eating trees and Heather. Next lot were the lil'uns on the track leading to Horse pond. And final herd found lazing on the Heathers behind the lookout point. All were inundated with flies and a good share of ticks. Nothing of concern to report though.


    Monday 22 April 2019

    Monday eve

    The same 13 as Stella caught up with yesterday were in a similar area early this evening - very well spread out and grazing quietly.  Seemed fine. It looked as if there had been an area of recent fire near the horse pond, hopefully the plants will recover quickly.  The other four were on the edge of the shallow pond at the top of Caesar's. Again seemed fine.
    Couldn't find the three on Gelvert but found a large amount of litter around the fishing reservoir. Collected what I could and had to leave it by the car park - unfortunately couldn't carry it home as on a bike.

    Sunday 21 April 2019

    1.15pm, three litte ones at the fishermans carpark on the lower reservoir. All happy grazing. 
    12.15, moving from horse pond towards the bottom of the lookout. 135,021,125,020,033,118,120,023,072,940,035,021,030. Was with them around 30 minutes, some of them broke away from the others and started walking down the main track.
    Almost midday 11 or perhaps it was 12 near Horse Pond.

    Happy Easter

    Saturday 20 April 2019

    Saturday morning

    15 of the 17 were grazing alongside the track behind Sandy Hills this morning.  The other two might have been deeper in the undergrowth.  They seemed fine.  The Gelvert three were on the boundary with Caesar's (just like last weekend) and were rather troubled by flies who were on their coats in quite large numbers.

    Sat am

    4 youngsters by the corner of the Horse Pond. All looked well.

    Friday 19 April 2019

    Friday am

    No cattle sightings, but a cutness overload at the Horse Pond.

    Thursday 18 April 2019

    Just found the 3 lil'uns in the Gelvert fisherman's car park/green area.

    Hardly any ticks on them having a good life of grub and no big bovines to bully them haha.

    I must reinstate some Gelvert lookers! If anyone fancys an extended CC walk into the Gelvert, we would appreciate it! Thus far they appear to be territorial.

    Some of the herd while running a looker sesh.

    All seen and well

    Checked Caesars Camp yesterday and while they were tricky to find got a full house in the end. 2 herds were in the Sandy Hill and Long Bottom area and another near the Shell garage. All looked well.

    Sunday 14 April 2019

    Only the three on Gelvert

    Glad to see someone saw some of the 17 as I spent a fruitless hour on Sunday afternoon searching and found none (clearly looking in all the wrong places).  I did find the 3 on Gelvert - at P14 - all fine. They were looking rather longingly onto Caesar's!

    9 cows seen

    Walking this afternoon from the Fleet road entrance. From the lookout we saw 5 cows in the distance beside the big white dome and a further 4 climbing the northern slope of the lookout. Everyone looked happy.

    Saturday 13 April 2019

    Saturday am

    At least 7 amongst the trees and bushes around H29. All were quietly grazing, except 30 who was standing in the middle of a narrow track, contemplating the world, and not moving for anyone.

    Thursday 11 April 2019

    About midday I came across 3 black/black & white cows at lower (Northern) end of Long Bottom.  They were being persistently molested by a dog whose owner was finally 'persuaded' to take control of, and remove' it.

    Wednesday 10 April 2019

    3 from Caesars now in Gelvert

    After the third occasion this week of these 3 naughty youngsters going into Gelvert it seems easiest all round to leave them in there.

    I have updated the Gelvert blog as well to reflect this.

    Main herd of 17 sunning themseves between the 2main tracks in F5.

    Three if them however have devided they that Caesar's sucks and The Gelvert's where its at! So Rich and I  have had fun and games with them today..

    Other than that, all well with more ticks on some than others. A few teary eyes but its a sunny day, no signs of NFE.

    Sunday 7 April 2019

    Slightly better....

    Found three on Caesar's near the top of the main track running down from Caesar's to the Bourley Road - 147, 155 and 159 and another 10 on the slope running up from the horse pond to the Sandy Hills track - 20, 23, 940, 135, 125, 120, 33, 30, 118 and 72.  All were well and very relaxed.

    Saturday 6 April 2019

    Friday eve - just the youngsters

    Belated post for Friday when the seven youngsters were on the slope from the track near Sandy Hills, grazing on heather and scrub and seeming very relaxed.  Couldn't find their elders; will try again on Sunday.

    Thursday 4 April 2019

    Thursday 4th April - All Seen.

    Found all 20 together in Long Bottom this morning, investigating the recently cleared area. All looking well despite the freezing rain that they were having to endure.

    I put two fresh licks out in this area too.

    Thursday am

    No cattle sightings. A fellow walker informed me of a number of sightings of a couple of youths firing ball bearings from catapults. Believed to have been targeting animals.

    Tuesday 2 April 2019


    No cattle sightings, but the fence where the A325 fenceline meets the Pavillion is looking like someone has had a go at it.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...