Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Sunday 30 June 2019

    And the 15th

    Was further east, standing in a puddle to cool his hooves, all on his lonesome!! (Sunday later afternoon)

    14 cows found

    14 cows found on the south perimeter path close to Sandy housing. All calm and in good condition. No army activity seen.

    Wednesday 26 June 2019

    Wednesday 26th June.

    Lots of military activity today preventing access to much of the site. However, managed to find all the cattle in two herds. The seven youngsters were up on Sandy Hill behind the houses while the other 8 were along the ridge from the lookout.

    All looking fit and we'll.

    Sunday 23 June 2019

    Early Sunday eve - all good

    The 8 grown ups were wandering along the track heading west from the horse pond whilst the 7 youngsters were busy grazing the new growth in the burnt area on the northern edge of the horse pond.  All were fine though some bothered by flies a bit on a very warm, humid evening.

    Saturday 22 June 2019

    Saturday 8:30am

    The entire herd grazing along the middle of Long Bottom, avoiding the Gurkha Doko Challenge.

    Friday evening - zilch

    None to see across the site though had a good hunt.  Lots of army activity - perhaps an event this weekend?  May be the cattle were keeping a safe distance. Will try again on Sunday.

    Tuesday 18 June 2019

    14 inactive on a grey and wet day up by the Water Tower.

    Monday 17th

    Four hours wardening with no sign of the cattle - stop for my lunch at the Horse Pond and they all find me!! All looking well and enjoying the fresh green grass. I love an easy lookering session! Or so I thought...once I checked the tags and had a count up, I seem to have one extra -155

    (Sorry for the delay in posting this)

    Sunday 16 June 2019

    Sunday afternoon - two groups and all well

    One group - the six brown Shetlands, 72 and 940 were dozing on one of the tracks running from the lookout down to Bourley Road.  They were so sleepy they barely looked up as I wandered amongst them.  All were fine and the strong breeze was keeping the flies at bay.   All the youngsters were grazing in the burnt patch further down the track, near the Caesar's/Gelvert junction.  All well with them too.

    Friday 14 June 2019

    Friday 14th June

    All clear on the TB test and in Caesars Camp. WE will be going round in the next few weeks to spray the cattle for flies and ticks.

    Tuesday 11 June 2019

    All 15 in Caesars Camp after TB Test

    We caught up all of the Shetland cows today for the first part of their TB test. All the Shetlands are now together on Caesars with just the seven British Whites on Gelvert. We also made some crude repairs on a gap in the fence to try and keep the two herds separate. We will see if it has any effect! The herd will be caught again on Friday for the TB test results. Thanks, Jack

    Tuesday am

    The entire herd next to the track along ZLong Bottom towards the Pavillion end

    Monday 10 June 2019

    All 14 seen

    All 14 seen and looking well. We will be TB testing tomorrow and will hopefully be able to add the Shetland back from Gelverts.

    Friday 7 June 2019

    Mid afternoon 14 at ease in a break in the weather at a point mid way between the Horse Pond and the northern end of Long Bottom.

    Wednesday 5 June 2019


    Took a little while to find them all but eventually found them as one heard grazing the sandy hill side of the long bottom valley.  Called them out with some nuts onto the top of the hill.  All were fine.

    Sunday 2 June 2019

    Later on Sunday

    Still two groups mid afternoon, with 72, 940 and three of the btown Shetlands still at Long Valley and all the others spread up near the burned area close to the horse pond.

    All seemed well- lots of snoozing and gentle grazing going on.

    Sunday am

    The entire herd were in two groups down the Pavillion end of Long Bottom

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...