Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Friday 31 January 2020

    Friday afternoon

    Found eight, the Gelvert jumper, two of the adult Shetlands and five of the youngish black and whites, amongst trees close to the car park on Bourley Road - they were slightly jumpy and moving quickly away from the car park - perhaps spooked by a dog?  They looked okay.

    Wednesday 29 January 2020

    Tuesday afternoon

    I found four down in long bottom just north of the pond, the rest were up by the kissing gate opposite alexander drive.

    All fine.

    Put a lick down long bottom.

    Monday 27 January 2020

    I came across 7 this morning.  They were well spread out in the lower end of Long Bottom.

    Saturday 25 January 2020

    Late afternoon

    A late afternoon walk, from the Fleet road entrance. We found only four cows. Two brown and white cows quite close to the road, grazing happily in spite of the attentions of an over friendly dog. A little further on towards the 'sunken tree pond' the white cow with the pail grey markings was behaving in quite an agitated way. Moving back and forth along the path and bank, bellowing repeatedly.
    A little later on we found the white cow with the black feet, near the same spot.

    Tuesday 21 January 2020

    Tuesday 21st January.

    Found the cattle in two groups of eight this morning. The first group was up on the Lookout, mostly in one of the dense gorse stands.

    The second group were over on the open sandy area (around 30H on the looker map). A few of them were drinking from the water flowing through one of the channels in the sand while the others were all soaking up the sun's rays.

    All looking fine.

    Saturday 18 January 2020

    late Friday afternoon

    Fading light late afternoon, found 8 between the Lookout and the shallow pond - including 940, 72 (?) and two of the adult Shetlands, the rest were the youngsters - they seemed okay (but not as good condition as the older ones) - busy grazing  heather.  Will drop an email to Guy re fencing - a trampoline has appeared on top of the fence at one spot - not sure whether the cows will take advantage of it!!

    Friday 17 January 2020

    Only 8 found

    Very busy today as well and only found 8, asume assume the others are tucked out of our way somewhere quiet. The younger ones I did see seemed ok condition wise. Worth keeping an eye on especially the British white as it will be more prone to loading condition quicker. Cows found 155, 23, 176, 177, 21, 33, 20 and 181.

    Thursday 16 January 2020

    Between Dave yesterday and me today we have a full house.

    The younguns are a lot thinnthinner than the adults (survival of the 'biggest') and will punt on to the grazing team for a double check. Other than that they were in 2 herds and all well. 

    Busy with the military today. And double checked fencing hot spots, np.

    Here comes the rain!

    Sunday 12 January 2020

    Just a handful....

    Though the visibility from the Lookout this afternoon was quite amazing, it was less good for cows......  Found just one small group (72, 147, 168, 165 and 159) cudding and relaxing in a clearing in the gorse at about O11 - none others to be seen there or alongside the main tracks on the site.

    Saturday 11 January 2020

    Windy walk

    We walked from the west today through a cold blustery wind. We found at least 14 cows beside the lake with the sunken trees at about O16. There may easily have been all 16 as they were grazing amongst the long gorse. They seemed happy and relaxed.
    Its a long time since I saw so much water in the lake and was delighted to see swans landing on the water.

    Thursday 9 January 2020

    All in 1 herd in N and K17 in that triangular bit of Heather and bracken.

    Dropped off both licks there which is far enough way from the main track.

    Thanks to Jo and Dave with their tag numbers, I got lucky! All look very well.

    Checked out the Area around the enterprize rent-a-car building and so far so good. Helped due in no small part to it bucketing down I suspect. A tree has come down over the fence and was a lil too big for my bill hook! Not going anywhere and will need a saw/axe. 

    Wednesday 8 January 2020

    Blog from SPA Jo!

    Morning and happy New Year! On Caesar's and had to ask someone to put their dogs on a lead as they were chasing the cows. Still not able to log into blog (hangs head in shame, sorry) but cows now okay. Numbers 155, 165, 168, 159, 177, 21, 81. Found at the Bourley rd end.

    Sunday 5 January 2020

    Sunday afternoon

    Found most of the group at the western end of the shallow pond on the top of Caesar's mid afternoon. All well.  Didn't see 20, 21 or 35, but some were quite deep in gorse and perhaps they were hiding rather too well.  All were fine though 155 really doesn't like me - gets very uppity when I get anywhere near.

    Late Post

    Took a wander round Caesars yesterday; lovely view, but no cows.

    Wednesday 1 January 2020

    Half measures

    No vehicle to attract the cows -😊- but found half the group (at least). They were still on the Lookout  - 940, 72, 23, 30, 20, 159, 181 and 155.   All were well.
    It was a very busy afternoon with lots of people, dogs and bikes - a few of the motor variety 😞

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...