Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 29 February 2020

    Late post for Friday afternoon

    Found 13 grazing around the track below the slopes behind the Sandy Hills housing.  Very wet and bedraggled and very well spread out.  Loosing light so couldn't see tag numbers and there could have been a few more hiding in the gorse.  Those I saw were fine.

    Tuesday 25 February 2020

    Another cracking looker refresher, found the cattle near Covered reservoir/ Bourley Rd.

    All very well behaved once again and very nice to catch up with Hillary and Martin Andrews and Ivan! Bit rainy. 

    Monday 24 February 2020

    Monday 4pm

    155, 033, 072, 035, 168, 940, 159, 177 and others in the bush that we couldnt get to. On the south track of the hill top

    Great refresher session with Jane and Carole this morning.

    Wasn't meant to be on Caeser's of course but Velmead were playing hard to get! We found the whole herd spread among the woods around K24 Off that track with the gorse hill leading up to the lookout on its left. So i left a couple licks there.

    All were looking very well and behaved wonderfully 😉 Mostly.

    Late morning - came across six up near the Jubilee Clump on the 'Camp'.

    Saturday 22 February 2020

    Saturday 12.30

    All 16 happily grazing and moving at the top of Caesar's Camp just before the look out and didn't think about the 3 word location (thanks for the reminder Jill).  will do next time : )

    Friday 21 February 2020

    Friday 21 afternoon

    Spied 12 from the look out - they were grazing on the heather and gorse slopes near the Bourley Road.  Couldn't see the remaining four but was too far away.  And Guy, sorry but I couldn't get a three word location !!

    Wednesday 19 February 2020

    Late morning - came across 11 at northern end of Sandy Hill.

    Tuesday 18 February 2020

    Tuesday 18th February.

    Found all the cattle on the open heath around 21O this afternoon. All on fine form and looking well. Two fresh licks put out for them which they nibbled at briefly before moving on to some grazing.

    Saturday 15 February 2020

    Stormy Saturday

    Found very nearly all the herd - one too few but he could have been well hidden in the gorse - all moving from around N21 towards the horse pond.  Looked a bit bedraggled but fine.  Glad they don't know what the weather forecast is for the next 24 hours!

    Friday 14 February 2020

    Bright and sunny this morning

    Bright and sunny this morning. We saw 5 cows in amongst the thick gorse at about N14. They were munching away happily and there may well have been others in the dense undergrowth. The sandy ground is a relief after all our muddy walks lately!

    Tuesday 11 February 2020

    All spotted in 1 herd coming off Sandy Hill heading towards James Bond Pond

    I have them 2 licks in the newly cleared area among some short gorse and bracken.

    Herd looking really well. One of the larger steers fancied the BW heifer.. She was having none of it!

    Another lovely day for a spot of fencing. Looker Ian reported a car that has been driven through the exterior fence off Sandy Hill. Reported to Opps room  who at this point were unaware of it. Let's hope they get somewhere with the Police and removing it, the exterior fence is a massive breech should the cattle get by ours that end. I've done the best i can.

    What3Words: tennis.deeds.polishing.

    Then there was the Bourley Rd Car Park shinanegans.

    Propped up the strainer with 2 posts each. Will need strainer here at some point. 

    Saturday 8 February 2020

    Later on Friday 7

    What a beautiful photo of the morning, and yes, the cows were around.  All the group was on the Lookout side of the Horse Pond late afternoon - all seemed fine.

    Friday 7 February 2020

    Friday am

    The cows must have found somewhere to keep warm, no sightings this morning

    Thursday 6 February 2020

    Another corner of a day! And helped by a nice MOD chap who spottspotted the herd.

    All moving along Sandy Hill from James Bond pond end. A whole herd! So I dished out 2 licks a good 20m apart on the fire break. All looking very well with no concerns.

    Had a nice chat to passing dog walkers, all very positive feedback on the cattle.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...