Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 31 March 2020


    Took me a while but found them all. They were the grocery side of the lead exclosure again. But hiding well in the valley. Drove round there once and didn’t see them. Then later saw em from the other side of the exclosure and went round.

    Also found the two in GCA and lead them back through to CC.

    All looked good. A few little blood splats but obviously ticks. also a few thinning bit of hair.  Hard to tell iff moulting or mites at the moment though.

    Monday 30 March 2020

    11am Mon 30th March 2020 Wound just behind the left front leg of 072 black and white see photo. Found 11 near Sandy Hill Lane, not including the British White.

    Monday 30th March - 11 seen

    09.15 Monday 30th March, 11 cows seen happily grazing @ These Darts Critic (3 words location) towards Shell Garage entrance (when will that be finished now?!) and water pond directly opposite the entrance.

    Sunday 29 March 2020

    Two jumpers on Gelvert

    Spotted 159 and 155 sunning and grazing on the banks of the fishing reservoir on Gelvert, and looking very pleased with themselves.  I couldn't see any others around or an obvious break in the fence in the parts I had a look at.  The hand gate to the little building near the covered reservoir was loose but closed and the fence further up that track near the entrance to the reservoir area looks a bit weak.

    Sunday 29 March 12:00

    13 cows on Sandy Hill grazing and chewing the cud.  All seem content despite the freezing cold wind and the odd flurry of snow.

    Friday 27 March 2020

    2pm Friday


    Went out for out daily lockdown stroll and spotted a number of animals, I would say 5 or 6, up around Hungry Hill. I couldn't get close or really look at them as I was with my two little ones, but number 500030 did come near us while he was grazing new grass in the woods, and I spotted a smear of blood in his right front armpit (not sure if cows have armpits but you know what I mean). He was also licking around the area a little. Could just be a burst tick.

    Have let the rest of the team know so that someone can  check it out when they are next on site.


    11am 27th March 2020, circled round from Bourley Road car park to the left then up to Caesars Camp. Continued down the other side and back round to the car. No sign of the cows. Marina & Des

    Wednesday 25 March 2020

    15 cattle on Sandy Hill at 10am on 25 March.  All grazing happily in the sunshine.  All look well.

    Tuesday 24 March 2020

    Tuesday 24th March.

    All 16 found late morning up on the lookout. The grazing team sprayed them all to take care of the ticks and they have also taken the British White back to the farm as it's a bit on the thin side. It'll spend the next few weeks with its friends in a barn filling up on hay!

    All looking well.

    Tuesday 14.30

    Went for my daily exercise quote over Caesars Camp. Found 13 cows on the camp itself. They all seamed fine. Grazing and browsing or in the lick.


    Monday 23 March 2020

    Mon 23rd March 10.30 All 16 found in heather on Caesars Camp. Mostly lying down basking in the sunshine. Des and I had a good look round them and took this photo of 023(we think). We need advice as to how bad this is considered to be. We do know atleast one had diarrhoea Friday 20th we saw the drippy poo but not the cow(s).  Marina

    Monday am @ 09.20

    Saw 5 cows near Caesar's Camp in the gorse.  3 words location: Kilowatt holiday vaccine.  This 3 word code generated resonated with me - no holidays for the foreseeable future and vaccine - yes please!

    Monday am

    No cattle sightings. I don’t know if this has been reported, there is a large tree branch across the fence at https://w3w.co/joined.debit.tens. The fence is slightly flattened, but still intact.

    Sunday 22 March 2020

    Bright and sunny

    Great to get  out of the house this cold and sunny afternoon. We found 10 cows grazing happily on the Folly Hill side of the pond with the sunken trees. Unfortunately we also found 4 lads (no helmets!) riding three scramble bikes loudly around. They were quite intimidating so we didn't challenge them. Last seen heading over the cattle grid toward Gelvert.

    Friday 20 March 2020

    Friday 20th March Hi, Des and I found 10 almost on top of the Cranmore Lane gate, went up to Caeser's Camp then round to the Bourley Road car park in search of the other 6 but no sign. We were followed by the British White on Wednesday, I say we, probably following the blue rubbish bag we had filled. Marina

    Wednesday 18 March 2020

    Wednesday 18th March.

    Got out for some site checks today. Found the seven youngsters up on the firebreak on Sandy Hill behind the houses. They're losing condition a bit but not too bad currently. I put a lick out for them there.

    The other nine were all over near the Bourley Road not far from the covered reservoir. I put another lick out there for this lot to go at.

    Quite a few of these older cattle have got some bare patches coming through on their necks. It might be that they are beginning to moult but we'll keep an eye on the situation in case there's a bout of mites coming through.

    I also noticed a few of the larger Shetlands have got some ticks already too.

    Other than that they're good and were really nice and relaxed as usual today.

    Wednesday early evening

    And the seven younger black and white ones plus 177 were grazing near the James Bond pond.  All seemed very well.  A bit of army activity up there and quite a lot of people about for the time of day - possibly now working from home and getting cabin fever.

    Monday 16 March 2020

    Monday 16th March

    Hello, found 15 near Upper Hale Road end of Sandy Hill Road.

    Saturday 14 March 2020

    Saturday am

    Spotted at least six bedraggled cows amongst the bushes around https://w3w.co/tribe.worry.mount ,they all looked OK. 
    They seemed to be practicing hid and seek.

    Thursday 12 March 2020

    All 16 at top, southern, end of Long Bottom.  The small white looks very emaciated but otherwise ok.

    Tuesday 10 March 2020

    Tuesday 10th

    All16 spotted from the lookout near the covered reservoir, drove round and got as close as I could, called and they came running as I put the lick out.

    Monday 9 March 2020

    Eight clearly visible at northern end of Sandy Hill at midday.

    Saturday 7 March 2020

    All together Saturday afternoon

    All the group was moving steadily along the main track away from the Beacon Hill Road entrance (variously hidden geologist) early Saturday afternoon - all seemed well.  Three swans on the horse pond, being slightly worried by a dog, (hope they survive better than the one a couple of weeks ago near the James Bond pond and a couple of noisy trail bikes).

    Friday 6 March 2020

    All 16 @09.00 this morning on Caesar's Camp

    Enjoying the sunshine and happily grazing, 3 words location:sum trip nurse

    Thursday 5 March 2020

    Belated post from Jill (Wed 4th March)

    Found all the heard late afternoon on Wednesday, spread out to the west of the horse pond.  Looking very bedraggled and wet, but moving and grazing well.  Couldn't see tag numbers etc as it was very murky and there wasn't enough light late in the day.


    Thanks very much



    Wednesday 4 March 2020

    All found in 2 herds.

    One on the central hill/high ground near our controlled burn sites so 1x lick with them. A couple of the adults started tucking in straight away.

    And the other lot were up on Sandy Hill on the fire break opposite where the car had driven through the fence.  Lick dropped off. Adults and couple young'uns getting stuck in.
    Good news, car gone, so I got on to Pierro (Landmarc) to see what the eta was on replacing chainlink fence. Said it may take a little while yet due to their system and getting a contractor on it, but it is 'on the system' 😉 Stock fence reasonable there thankfully, less so up the hardened track.

    Also of note, I see the posters are up then!

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...