Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 31 October 2020

    Just 3- belated post for Wednesday

     The 3 from Gelvert were at the corral near the entrance to Beacon Hill - perhaps this is near their escape tunnel?   All well 

    Wednesday 28 October 2020

    Monday 26th

    Found them all in Long Bottom. All seemed fine. The Gelvert 3 were found in Gelvert!

    Thursday 22 October 2020

    Thursday 22nd October

    Found the 15 shetlands at ///movies.bland.towns. all looking good. gelvert 3 must be off wandering but have seen them tuesday.

    Tuesday 20 October 2020

    Tuesday 20th October

    Found 15 (including gelvert lot) below the pill box on sandy hill, hoovering acorns. Could not find the other 4 despite numerous rounds!

    Monday 19 October 2020

    Monday 19th October

    found 13 near the corral, all looking okay. gelvert 3 had joined the herd again! will be back tomorrow to find the final few.

    Friday 16 October 2020

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Please watch out for symptoms of acorn poisoning

    Please note that we have had an incidence of acorn poisoning of cattle at Caesars Camp. 

    There is a very high abundance of acorns this year, which cattle can sometimes get a taste for and start to consume in high quantities. 

    The acorns contain a chemical which can cause the poisoning, with symptoms including:

    • Constipation initially, followed by black watery diarrhoea
    • Depression and loss of appetite
    • They may be lethargic and slow to react with droopy ears and sunken eyes, and may be separated from the rest of the herd 
    • Straining to pass faeces or to urinate - this is a very common symptom
    • Weakening, collapse and death, usually within seven days of the onset of symptoms
    Animals can survive this condition as long as symptoms are picked up early. Please be extra observant and let us know as soon as possible by contacting the staff member on call if you notice any unusual symptoms or behaviour. 


    Susanne, HIWWT

    Thursday 15 October 2020

    Three on Gelvert

    Rather belated - apologies - but yesterday evening three were grazing happily on the grassy area alongside the metalled track between the fishing reservoir and the Bourley Road.  It was too dark to see numbers but they were all similar - small, white with black splodgy markings.   At least 12 others were alongside the metalled track from the brick shelter near the Bourley Rod car parking area and Long Bottom. Again, too dark to take numbers.  


    One of the smaller cows on site was reported as being I'll to us yesterday. Since then we have taken it off site and had the vet out who believes the issue to be acorn poisoning. There is a very high abundance this year and once cattle start eating them it  becomes a bit of an addiction. It can cause very serious issues and needs to be treated as soon as possible. We are asking that people please be extra observant when checking and look for any unusual activity in the cattle. They will tend to be very lethargic(droopy ears, slow to react sunken eyes) possibly separated and as it gets worse some form of diarrhoea. Thank you for your continued vigelence and hopefully we can prevent any more issues.

    Tuesday 13 October 2020

    195 taken off

    Saw 16 today numbers 20,21, 23, 33, 35, 147, 155, 165, 168, 176, 177, 194, 195, 198 and the one with no ear tags. The other three could not be found. 195 was on its own and looking very lethargic and showed little interest in the nuts we tried to feed it. Had a call later reporting it lying down and bleeding, so went back to Caesar's tp where we last saw it and it was still there and we witnesses a bloody discharge from the back end. Ned turned up and we could not get it off the ground so called the vet. He thought it was either acorn poisoning or a tick born disease so we managed to get it into trailor and Ned took it back to farm. We had had reports of it being attacked by dogs, but could not substantiate this as their were no wounds. So only 18 on site now.

    Monday 12 October 2020

    0945 Mon 12th Oct

     We didn't see any cows this morning. Walked from Sandy Hill around the tree drowned pond, passed James Bond and over to Ceasers Camp. We had a good look round from there then walked down through the woods to Horse pond, around that then up the slope back to Sandy Hill. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 9 October 2020

    0850 Fri 9th Oct damaged fence

     We found 2 places where the fence is damaged, reported to Richard, see photos. Loose post at approx ///upgrading.woodstove.darts. Further round clockwise the fence is very low, I was able to step over. No cows seen but we did see a deer. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Tuesday 6 October 2020

    Tuesday 6th October.

     Found all 19 together this afternoon, they were all laying in 13R cudding. All of them are looking well and there are no issues with #72's (no tag) eyes so all good.

    Monday 5 October 2020

    0900 Mon 5th Oct. No tags eyes might need attention

     We saw 940, 021, no tag, and 030 by winter pond were the summer trees and shrubs get drowned. We think no tag's eye need looking at, see photos. Three of the youngsters were by James Bond pond 196, 198 and 194. Oddly 195 was no where to be seen. By the time we had reached Sandy Hill we think that we could see the same cows passing the steep side of Ceasers Camp. None of the others seen. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 2 October 2020

    0850 Fri 2nd Oct 030 has damaged ear

     We saw 10 this morning around the track leading straight from the Bourley road car park. All seemed ok except 030 who has had an ear tag pulled out see photo, no blood and Brian didn't seem to be bothered. 168, 155, 159, 020, 023, 177, 035, 147, 165 more interested in the acorns than anything else and one was eating mushrooms.

    Yes Ian we will phone in with fence damage info.

    Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...