Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 30 November 2020

    0900 Mon 30th Nov

     Almost at the end of our walk we saw 032, 033, 196, 194, and 198 along Sandy Hill. No sign of the others across the middle area. How is 195, Fagan will he be returning? Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 27 November 2020

    Fri 27th Nov

     We found 13 beasts this morning at approx ///medium.marble.runner. They were eating acorns, gorse and a little grass and all looked well. 198, 196, 194, 168, 147, 165, 155, 021, 159, 176, 177, 940 and no tag. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Tuesday 24 November 2020

    Tuesday avo

    All found. Five were down by the horse pond sunathing The rest were all up in the gorse between the sunken forestpond and the lookout All looked fine!

    Monday 23 November 2020

    all found 0900 Mon 23rd Nov

     We found 5 cows at around ///inform.skewing.ambushed. 198, 194, 196, 147 and 159. happily eating.  Then later we saw 13 at about ///pampered.product.pave. Mostly settling down to chew the cud. No tag, 021, 020, 177, 023, 168, 155, 176, 035, 033, 030, 940 and 165 who had gone into the gorse. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 22 November 2020

    Blank Sunday

     Couldn't find any cattle around either the Aldershot or the Beacon Hill ends of the site earlier today though plenty of signs they had been around.  Pretty packed with walkers, dogs, bikers and joggers, enjoyed lovely colours. 

    Friday 20 November 2020

    1000 Fri 20th Nov

     We found 13 cows around  /// leap.arena.most where we have seen them before munching acorns. They were well spread out so the count might be slightly off. The Gelvert 3 were not with them. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 19 November 2020

     Nine (and one pied wagtail) seen in vicinity of the large flooded gravel pit this morning.

    Wednesday 18 November 2020

    Tuesday 17th November

     Found all 18 but split between two herds. 12 (including gelvert 3) were by the south east corner of james bond pond. The other 6 were found north of hungry hill. All looked well. 

    Tuesday 17 November 2020


    Noticed whist driving past, a number of the strands of barbed wire, where the A325 fence meets the Pavillion fence, have been cut and the remaining two have been tied together, leaving a large gap underneath.

    Monday 16 November 2020

    Scrub clearance

     Just to reply to the question about the work happening near Sandy Hill:  The Trust is managing various contractors who are clearing scrub from the heathland areas - the aim is to reduce the dominance of gorse and scrub to restore more open heathland, which supports a whole range of rare wildlife. Where we can we are also using the opportunity to increase the width of some of the fire breaks and have opened up one old over grown fire break as well, with the recent summer wildfires in mind. 

    We have now finished the work in the Sandy Hill area but will be working on many other parts of the site over the next month.


    0930 Mon 16th Nov

     We found 12 making their way up through the gorse along the side of Ceasers Camp from the main path. ///salmon.mountains.earplugs. then round to the look out point. Then a little later we saw the 3 youngsters along the Sandy Hill path ///feed.enveloped.modules. very focused on munching the grass. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 13 November 2020

    17 found....

     16 were lazing on the north side of the site, just above the Bourley Road and near the enclosed reservoir at lunchtime today.  Looked fine and very sleepy in the sunshine.  

    A lone 198 was grazing near the corral close to Beacon Hill.  

    No sight of the final one......

    none 0920 Fri 13th Nov

     We didn't see any of the beasts this morning. We  walked from the Bourley Road car park around to Horse Pond via the main track to Ceasers Camp, back along Long Bottom to the large sandy area, then through the woods to the car.

    Does anyone know what is being done to the Sandy Hill hill side, there is a lot of activity there?

    Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 12 November 2020

    18th cow found

    I have found the lone cow in Gelvert and brought him over to Ceasars. Couldn't find any of the others after a quick scout around but am sure he will make his way too them eventually. 

    Tuesday 10 November 2020

    17 seen today on the look out at Caesars Camp, no sign of number 198 on Caesars or Gelvert

    Monday 9 November 2020

    0900 Mon 9th Nov

     We found approx 16 cows including the 2 youngsters at /// leap.arena.most troughing as many acorns as they could. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 6 November 2020

    0930 Fri 6th Nov

     None seen today. We walked from the Bourley Road car park across to Pavillion Road, then roughly followed the fence back in and out of the trees. No cows. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Wednesday 4 November 2020

    cow 23 back on site.

    The one taken back to the farm have been brought back to site. 11 others seen down by the sand bar.

    Monday 2 November 2020

    Monday 02 November

    All 14 found near sunny hill. All look in good health and very inquisitive around the truck trying to get at food

    09.30 2nd Nov

    Enjoyed a sadly cow free walk this morning. We walked across the top of Sandy Hill, down to Horse Pond, around that and up through the woods to the side of Ceasers Camp. Had a good look round from the look out point then walked to James Bond Pond, rounded that and back to Sandy Hill. No cow seen.   Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    #23 Removed- TB test clear

    We have taken #23, a red Shetland steer back to the farm. He was very tender on his feet during the TB tests and not happy.  He's going to get some treatment and be kept I  a barn to minimise walking around.  As soon as he is improved we'll bring him back to site.
    The three Hereford crosses were on Gelvert as of Friday. 

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...