Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 30 March 2021

    Tuesday 30th March. 13 seen

    Thirteen found scattered around the quarry pond but although I then followed them for an hour or more the other five were nowhere to be seen. I don’t think they were within a quarter to half mile radius. Eventually reluctantly gave up! 

    Missing ones -

    21, 30, 72, 147, 1940


    Monday 29 March 2021

    0900 Mon 29th March 12 seen

    We saw the 3 youngsters as we came through one of the Sandy Hill gates. Then 9 on or about the steep stoney path off Ceasers Camp, they all looked well if a little itchy. No sign of the others (023,030,033,072,176,177). Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Saturday 27 March 2021

    Two groups seen on Saturday afternoon

    One group, of 8, was relaxing on the slopes below Sandy Hill, early afternoon and another, of 5, was close to the James Bond pond. Couldn't find the others, but those I saw were looking well. 

    Friday 26 March 2021

    0830 Fri 26th March None

     We walked from Sandy Hill over to James Bond pond then around and through the gorse across from the fishing lake boundary. Then criss crossed through the trees back to Sandy Hill. Plenty of signs but no actual cows. Shorter walk than usual as Des has pulled a calf muscle. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 25 March 2021


    Everyone hanging out by the big pond and looking good! Chased the truck for a little while. 

    Wednesday 24 March 2021

    Late Wednesday afternoon

     At least 15 were on the open slopes just west of the Horse Pond, all grazing eagerly and looking well.

    Tuesday 23 March 2021

    Tuesday 23rd March. All found.

     All 18 seen together by the water tower, dozy and well.


    Monday 22 March 2021

    0900 Mon 22nd March 10 found

     We found 165 Elaine just over the edge of look out point, lookers map (LM) J20  approx ///overjoyed.crest.potions. (see photo) eating gorse tips. Nine, 020, 035, 147, 155, 159, 168, 176, 177, and 196, more were around the corner LM K19, ///intrigued.vocab.race. Some tick activity evident apart from that looking well and the magpie seemed content.  No sign of the others. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 19 March 2021

    0900 Fri 19th March. 16 found

     Directly across from the Shell garage we found 16 cows looking well, missing were 194 & 198, had a good look around for them but no sign. We thought we were going to get drenched the sky was so dark and dressed accordingly. HaHa the sun came out and we were over dressed!!! Such is life. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Tuesday 16 March 2021

    Tuesday 16th March. All seen, no problems.

     All 18 looking happy and well as far away as possible from the Bourley road where I started! They were very spread out today.


    Monday 15 March 2021

    Monday - found all up by the housing estate

    Looking very well and enjoyed tucking into some cattle nuts.

    Mon 15th March None

     Turned right from a Sandy Hill gate through the woods, down a steep slope to the gorse area where we have encounter the cows in the past. Through that to the large sandy area, into the trees (midden) to the tin and brick shed. Back to the main path, passing Ceasers Camp and James Bond pond, around the 'depends on the weather' pond back to Sandy Hill. None or Diddly-squat as Jill puts it. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Saturday 13 March 2021


     Walked over the area between Beacon Hill and the Horse Pond late this afternoon and not a cow in site.  The chilly hail showers gave way to amazing views of London from the Lookout. 

    Not a brilliant photo but you get the idea!

    Friday 12 March 2021

    0900 Fri 12th March. Gelvert 3 found

     We found the Gelvert 3 near the brick & tin hut close to the Bourley Road car park and they were still there, foraging for acorns, when we returned. They looked well, and 198 washed and sucked my hand

    . Had a good look around, as far as Horse Pond, for the others but didn't see them. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Wednesday 10 March 2021

    Hunting high and low

    After lots of searching, found most of the cows near the entrance point I used, hidden in the gorse. Two were by themselves near the pond. 55 and 147 were nowhere to be seen, but I suspect they were nearby. 

    Everyone is looking good! Dropped off two licks.

    The boss was making sure she got the best nuts.

    Tuesday 9 March 2021

    Tuesday 9th March

     All seen up to the west of the high point, near the lake. 


    Monday 8 March 2021

    14+ seen late on Monday

    A big group was walking purposefully towards the exit onto Beacon Hill late this afternoon.  All looked well and 940 was in charge!!

    0900 Mon 8th March 5 found

     We found 033, 072, 147, 159, and 165 at approx ///described.guest.took, lookers map ref. R15. All looked well. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 5 March 2021

    0900 Fri 5th March All found

     All found at approx ///ranked.them.theme. lookers map very approx E28. One of the youngsters was making free with a lick while the rest had moved further up the hill. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Tuesday 2 March 2021

    Tues 2nd March. All found.

     After looking for them for over two hours they were all by the Bourley Road car park where I had parked!

    All happy and well.


    Monday 1 March 2021

    Monday 1st March all found

     Found all of them at F20 ish, all laying up near the tree line at Bourley road. Everyone very sleepy and cudding or fully asleep. 

    No issues with any of them. All well. 

    0900 Mon 1st March None

     What can I say, none! We walked all around the pavilion end up to and around horse pond and saw none! Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...