Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 31 May 2021

    A few more!

     Early evening and five were grazing around the dragonfly ponds in the pit area near the entrance to Beacon Hill.  They included 198 and two of the older brown and white Shetlands.  They all seemed fine.  I biked over the rest of the site but couldn’t find others.  The rubbish around the fishing lakes at Gelvert was awful.  Unfortunately I didn’t have a bag with me. 

    Mon 31st May 6 seen

     At some point from our last sighting they have gotten together and split up again 'cause the British white 940 is now with 5 of the long horns. Grazing by James Bond pond were 020 and 030, 940 was on the ridge on the other side of the path and 021, 033, 035 were feeding on the boggy area on the other side of that. All looked well. When will they be rounded up for the TB results? Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 28 May 2021

    0900 Fri 28th May 10 found

     Ten including the Gelvert 3 found, 020, 021, 030, 033, 035, 072, 194, 196, 198, and 940, at look out point, mostly chewing the cud. All looked well. No sign of the others. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Wednesday 26 May 2021

    Wed 26th May

     Had to go back today for something and happened to see the same eight as yesterday up by the Farnham end of Sandy Hill. Got a good look under 35’s tail and all looked good!


    Wednesday 26th may

     Found 8 on caesars round the back of James Bond pond, 196 included. All fine.

    The other 2 youngens are on gelvert still and also fine.

    Better weather for them (and me) today too. Saw a dartford warbler and a wheatear too. First dartford for me so pretty exciting 

    Tuesday 25 May 2021

    Tuesday 25th May. Eight found.

     Eight found between the open area and Bourley Road - 1940, 72, 33, 35, 20, 196,  21, 30

    Happy as can be.


    Monday 24 May 2021

    Monday 24th May

    Could only find 6 down by horse pond, all good. 

    One of the gelvert 3 (196) was wondering on its own looking a bit lost but no other issues. Found the other 2 actually in gelvert grazing by the fishing pond. 

    Will be back later in the week to try and find the rest.

     9 found in total 

    0900 Mon 24th May, 7 found

    Walk started with a rain/hail down pour, lovely!! We found 7 cows, 020, 021, 030, 033, 035, 072, and 940, at approx lookers map L23.  They looked well, a bit frisky. We also saw a heron at Horse pond. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 21 May 2021

    0900 Fri 21st May 15 seen

    We found 15 around the reservoir moving passed the gate, which now has a padlock, and up towards James Bond pond. No sign of the Gelvert 3. All looked well if a little dirty (023) from paddling in the mud. Two of the fence posts working up the hill from the reservoir gate need looking at. Photo of the one at ///other.inherits.spell and there is one further up in the same condition. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Wednesday 19 May 2021


     Litter picked around the bunker on Sandy Hill this morning, we scored four black bags, a garden chair and cushion, a football, Christmas tree lights and 12 cows. Most were settling down to rest in the sunshine the others still eating. All looked well. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Monday 17 May 2021

    0900 Mon 17th May All seen

     We think we saw all of the cows spread out along Sandy Hill and the area between that and James Bond pond. Just missed 035 swishing her tail as I was taking a photo at the time, of cause she wouldn't do it again. The Gelvert 3 were together and no tag was trying to get at a bush on the other side of the fence. She was there for at least an hour pushing very hard. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 16 May 2021

    Sunday 16 - first thing

     Not a cow to be seen on the parts of Caesar's that I was on, but 194 and 198 happily back on Gelvert, near the fisherman's reservoir. 

    Friday 14 May 2021

    0900 Fri 14th May 6 found

     Six, 023, 033, 147, 168, 176, and 177, found on Sandy Hill. At 08:48 we saw 033 who had found a piece of lick and was not sharing for love nor money, at 10am she was still chewing on it. None of the others seen. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Tuesday 11 May 2021

    Tuesday 11th May. All found

    They were in two groups - nine and nine. One lot straggling up towards Sandy Hill, the others near the top pond. All well. Got right behind no 35 but she wouldn’t lift her tail! Looked very clean though. 



    A bit of fun yesterday tracking down two who had taken a busmans holiday into the GCA to graze that for a bit. Got them back to Caesars. A gate near the water works facility had been left open. Ive reported ito the Landmark. All back together lookiing well!

    Monday 10 May 2021

    0900 Mon 10th May All found

     We saw 16 on the Ceasers Camp side of the gate to the reservoir. The other two, 914 and 198, had escaped through the gate because it had been left open, lock and chain missing. Ian has made sure they are back with the herd. All looked well, 035 has her tail clamped tightly to her bum so nothing can be seen. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Friday 7 May 2021

    0900 Fri 7th May None

     Sandy Hill to Shell garage, through gorse to main path, passed James Bond pond, across to look out point, down through woods to Horse pond back along long bottom to Sandy Hill. No sign of a single cow. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Tuesday 4 May 2021

    One cow to monitor #35

     #35 had a report of potentially a little prolapse, I have checked him and there is a little something there but it's hard to tell. 

    If anyone finds him and can safely be behind him at a distance, can you give it a check? Don't put yourself in a dangerous position though as they are wary of people behind them. 

    Many thanks


    Tuesday 4th May

     Found 5 on the high grass ground near long bottom, just uphill from the covered shed. Found another 11 at the top of sandy hill near the pillbox.

    Eventually found the other 2 from gelvert inside gelvert near the badger way entrance area. Pulled them back across into caesars.  

    Tuesday 4th May. Sixteen seen.

     Two groups - one near the pavilion/Bourley Road (20, 21, 23, 30, 72) and the rest all lying down by Sandy Hill estate with the exception of  194 and 198. 

    Bum of 35 looked a bit unhealthy. Blood, and something slightly protruding?


    Monday 3 May 2021

    0900 Mon 3rd May 13 seen

     Some we met on Sandy Hill just at the corner with long bottom, these were at the other end of the hill when we returned. Some by James Bond pond and one further down the main track towards the pavilion end trailing behind. The ones not seen were 030, 155, 165, 194, and 198. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...