Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 29 November 2021

    Mon 29th Nov Only 228 and 235 not seen

     We saw 940 alone on Sandy Hill, then saw him off down the path by the pill box so followed but he disappeared. There was rustling in the gorse and holly so we made our way in and found 9 more. When we crawled out again we saw 072 was with them but no 940. Further along Sandy Hill we saw the grey again with 4 youngsters as if he had gone to round them up. The group gathered where we first saw 940 /// spun.shook.task. So 228 & 235 not seen. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 28 November 2021

    Sunday 28th November - 14 seen

    Despite it being rather chilly, there were many more people around on Caesar's Camp today compared with yesterday.

    Youngsters 228 and 235 were seen grazing at ///finishers.trams.slimy at 11:20.

    A group of four older cows plus eight youngsters were seen grazing in the area around ///importers.overheard.remarks at 12:40.

    There was no sign of older cows 21, 30, or 35.

    All the cows were good.

    Saturday 27 November 2021

    Saturday 27th November - All 17 seen

    Eventually found all seventeen cattle in the area around ///retrieves.popular.soak at 15:40 this afternoon.  They were all happily grazing despite the rather blowy conditions.  They were all good.

    Before discovering them, I'd wandered around most of the site and there was no fence damage or any trees down that were causing any issues.

    Friday 26 November 2021

    Friday 26th.

    10 am found the whole heard at the top end of long bottom. all good!

    Fri 26th Nov. 15 seen

     We found 15 cows in and around ///snuck.rising.minority. All looked well although 940 still has a snotty nose. They appeared to be heading down Long Bottom to Horse Pond. The 2 not seen are 020 and 222. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 25 November 2021

    Thursday 25th November. None found.

     I think they must have been on the west side of the lookout because I looked everywhere else!


    Wednesday 24 November 2021

    Wednesday 24th November - All 17 seen

    35, 217, 220 and 230 were all seen grazing on the slope of Sandy Hill in the area around ///shield.clashes.gentlemen at 15:30 this afternoon.

    72, 222, 226 and 228 were all seen grazing around ///decays.butchers.providing at 15:50.

    20, 21, 30, 33, 213, 219, 221, 235 and 940 were all seen grazing in the area around ///elbowed.shorthand.should at 16:15.

    They were all looking well.

    Monday 22 November 2021

    Mon 22nd Nov All 17 seen

     They were dotted about the James Bond pond / Ceasers Camp area in small groups. All seemed happy either grazing or chewing the cud. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 21 November 2021

    Sunday 21st November - All 17 seen

    The cattle were still in the same two groups as yesterday.  Although the locations they were spotted in are close to each other, they were not in those locations at the same time.

    The group of seven were seen in the area around ///fermented.sometimes.really at 11:40.   The four youngsters were sat down chewing their cud.  72 and 940 were standing beside them eating grass.  20 was grazing close by.  They were all good.

    The group of ten were seen in the area around ///laces.crossings.constants at 13:10.  Cows 30, 33, 220, 221, 226, and 230 were all lying down resting.  30 and 220 were looking very snug in the bracken.  The other four were all munching grass close by.  They were all good too.

    Saturday 20 November 2021

    Saturday 20th November - All 17 seen

    The cattle were split into two mixed groups today.   Like last Saturday, they were at different ends of the site.

    Older cows 21, 30, 33, and 35 plus youngsters 217, 220, 221, 226, 228, and 230 were seen in the area around ///sensibly.stop.maybe on Sandy Hill at 12:15.  They were all happily munching away on grass and gorse.  They were all fine.

    Older cows 20, 72, and 940 plus youngsters 213, 219, 222, and 235 were seen in the area around ///distilled.baked.sandbags close to Bourley Road at 13:35. They were all busy eating grass. They were all fine too.

    Friday 19 November 2021

    0900 Fri 19th Nov All seen

     We saw all the 17 cows in 2 groups on Sandy Hill, one at looker map S18 the others at R22. 940 was with the second group but looking out for the others as 072 was with them. They were heading towards each other and the 2 "elusive twosome" were accounted for. Stay Safe, Marina & Des.

    Thursday 18 November 2021

    Thursday 18th November

    The elusive twosome (for me anyway) were seen happily grazing with the rest of the herd at 15:30 this afternoon.

    Thursday 18th November. All seen.

     All 17 were grazing happily along the path on Sandy Hill, looking well.


    Wednesday 17 November 2021

    Wednesday 17th November - 15 seen

    The seven older cows plus eight youngsters were seen in the area around ///credit.deals.conforms at 09:40 this morning.   They were all wandering around munching grass.   They were all happy.

    Wasn't able to find youngsters 213 and 235 again despite a good look around the site, including the area where they were seen on Saturday and Monday.

    Went out and had another look for the stealthy 213 and 235 mid-afternoon and still had no luck!

    Tuesday 16 November 2021

    Tuesday 16th November

    All found laying down in the heather just south of the lookout. All happy and healthy, with one or two sporting a magpie hat, all the rage nowadays I hear. Plenty of water on site.

    Monday 15 November 2021

    0900 Mon 15th Nov All seen

     235 and 213 were seen at ///runners.nicknames.pods. All the others were waiting for us on Sandy Hill when we got back there. 940 has what looks like a snotty nose, see photo. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 14 November 2021

    Sunday 14th November - 15 seen

    The seven older cows plus eight youngsters were seen in the area around ///strapped.pirate.obstinate on Sandy Hill at 14:50 this afternoon.   They were all happy and were busy munching grass.  They were all good.

    There was no sight nor sound of 213 and 235 today despite a good look.

    Saturday 13 November 2021

    Saturday 13th November - All 17 seen

    The seventeen cattle are now back on Caesar's Camp following an extended break on Gelvert.

    The seven older cows plus eight of the youngsters were seen around ///cosmic.craters.promises at 11:20.  They were all sat down, relaxing.   Most were chewing their cud, but a couple were having a snooze.  They were all good.

    I eventually found the other two youngsters around ///justifies.follow.paddocks at 13:25.  They were a long way from the main group.   235 was sat down chewing her cud.  213 was grazing in the tall grass alongside.   They were both ok as well.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...