Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 30 April 2022

    Saturday 30th April - All 17 seen

    Thirteen cattle were lying down and enjoying the sunshine in the area around ///bets.offer.dices at 10:50 this morning.  They were mostly relaxing and chewing their cud, but some were having a little snooze.  Cows 30, 35, 217 and 228 were grazing close by.  Unfortunately, the warm weather has brought the flies back.
    All the cattle were good today.

    Friday 29 April 2022

    Friday 29th April All seen

    When we first arrived they were strung out along Sandy Hill, 219 came to check me out, but by the time we finished walking they had all gathered in the triangle grassy area ///culminate.bets.holds. They looked well most lying down chewing the cud enjoying the sunshine. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 28 April 2022

    Thursday 28th April. All seen.

    All the cows were lying down in the clearing between the top lake and Sandy Hill Road . Most were snoozing and all looked well.



    Wednesday 27 April 2022

    Wednesday 27th April - All 17 seen

    Eight youngsters were found in the area around ///cricket.roosters.clubbing at 17:15 this evening.  They were either grazing or stood chewing their cud. 

    Older cow 21 and the other two youngsters, 213 and 235, were found grazing together in some trees at ///activism.doll.dignify about 20 minutes later.  At 18:45 the ten youngsters were all grazing around ///adjusting.gladiator.hidden.  Cow 21 was a bit behind them further along the path.

    I eventually found the other six stealthy older cows grazing in the area around ///deduced.silks.dispensed at 19:05.  Cow 30 was munching on some tree leaves, while the other five were eating grass close by.

    All the cows were happy and healthy.

    Tuesday 26 April 2022

    Tuesday 26th April - All 17 seen

    Fourteen were busy grazing in the sunshine in the area around ///bossy.area.earphones at 15:05 this afternoon, very close to where Marina and Des found them yesterday.  It's quite boggy in that area and a number of them had wet, muddy lower legs and feet but that wasn't putting them off their munching.

    Cows 20, 30 and 940 were grazing nearer the covered reservoir.   After a while, they climbed up the side of the hill at that end of the site before wandering along towards the Lookout.  They then feasted on leaves from the trees at ///surveyed.crossing.fills.

    All the cows were good today.

    Monday 25 April 2022

    Monday 25th April All seen

     Three youngsters burst round the corner as we walked from Sandy Hill to the ponds. They were bleating and definitely on a mission so we followed. Then a walker tipped us off that most, if not all, of the rest were the other side of look out. So that's were the five of us went and yes, the rest were there in the charred gorse enjoying the new grass ///liability.victor.goofy. They all seemed happy, if a little grubby, and playful. Having climbed back up to look out we were treated to a display by a couple of red kites and watched the cows slowly moving around Ceasers in a clockwise direction.  Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 24 April 2022

    Sunday 24th April - All 17 seen

    A mixed group of fourteen were grazing in the area around ///pythons.cheat.teaspoons at 16:10 this afternoon.  Leaves from trees seemed to be a particular delicacy today.

    Older cow 21 and youngster 235 were found happily grazing in the area around ///closed.cares.sculpting at the Shell Garage end of the site an hour later.  Older cow 33 was grazing close by.

    As I was wandering back in the direction of the James Bond pond, the fourteen were grazing in the trees and were heading in the general direction of the three.

    All the cows were good today.

    Saturday 23 April 2022

    Saturday 23rd April - All 17 seen

    A mixed group of twelve were munching while wandering towards the Royal Pavilion end of the site at 11:45 this morning.  They were seen in the area around ///ground.builds.handy.

    Youngsters 220 and 222 were grazing in the area around ///prospered.fries.repeat at 12:25.  Older cattle 20, 21 and 35 were lying down, chewing their cud in some heather near the Lookout at ///jungle.decimals.cooks.   The youngsters wandered along and lay down beside them about 20 minutes later.

    The original twelve were all seen again in the area around ///aware.riches.traded at 13:15.  They were all lying down relaxing except for 72 and 940 who were still grazing.

    All the cattle were good.

    Friday 22 April 2022

    Friday 22nd April All found

    They were all on the triangle at the end of Sandy Hill /// automatic.racing.personal. All looked well, some grazing, some lying down and one grooming a friend. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 21 April 2022

    Cattle added back to site - 21st April 2022

    Hi all,

    All 17 cattle have had there TB test and all results came back fine! 

    Therefore we've put all 17 cattle back onto ceasers.

    Grazing Team 

    Thursday 21st April . Cattle moved?

     Arrived to find cattle being corralled by staff, so I left again! 


    Wednesday 20 April 2022

    Wednesday 20th April - All 17 seen

    Cow 33 was lying down relaxing, chewing his cud in the evening sunshine in the area around ///parties.oldest.professed at 18:15.  The other sixteen cattle were all busy grazing close by.  Some wandered off to have a drink, but soon returned and got back to munching on the lovely green grass.  There were considerably fewer flies around this evening, so they were getting to eat in peace without having to swish them away.   

    All the cattle were good.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...